EthioAksion Stock Market 🇪🇹

Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Английский
Over-the-counter Company Shares Marketplace
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Гео и язык канала
Эфиопия, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: EthioAksion Stock Market 🇪🇹
⚠️አክሲዮኖች ላይ ኢንቨስት በማድረግ የአትራፊ ባንኮች ባለቤት ይሁኑ

🛍 ዘመን ባንክ: 30%
🛍 አቢሲኒያ ባንክ: 25%
🛍 ሕብረት ባንክ: 15%
🛍 ዓባይ ባንክ: 15%
🛍 ኦሮሚያ ሕብረት-ስራ ባንክ: 15%
🛍 ንብ ባንክ: 15%

🚀💰 አክሲዮኖችን በመግዛት በአማካይ 30% እስከ 60% (Dividend + Capital Gain) አትራፊ መሆን ይቻላል።

⚡️📲ለበለጠ መረጃ: 0946626485


Репост из: EthioAksion Stock Market 🇪🇹
🏙🏗 The future of Addis Ababa's skyline is being shaped by these iconic new headquarters of Ethiopia's leading banks.

From towering 65-storey giants to modern skyscrapers, these upcoming landmarks show the progress and growth of the financial sector.

As these banks grow, so does the opportunity to own a piece of their future. Invest smart invest now!

✉️ Contact: +251946626485

Репост из: EthioAksion Stock Market 🇪🇹
Visualizing Bank Investments: Highlighting the Major Companies they invested in🚀

📊Chart showcasing the Major investment of five leading banks, with each bar representing the investment amount(ETB Millions) and annotated with the specific company in which the bank has invested.

Abyssinia Bank:
Abay Industry Development S.C (52.5 Million ETB)
Awash Bank
Awash Insurance S.C (161.4 Million ETB)
Coop Bank of Oromia:
Oromia Insurance S.C (80.3 Million ETB)
Dashen Bank:
Nyala Insurance S.C (41.4 Million ETB)
Hibret Bank:
United Insurance S.C (37.5 Million ETB)


Репост из: EthioAksion Stock Market 🇪🇹
⚠️Zemen Insurance Shares for Sale

📈Zemen Insurance is one of Ethiopia's fastest-growing insurance companies. It achieved a record 55% net dividend per share, making it a top investment choice.
Read more

⚡️Contact Information
Call: +251946626485


Репост из: EthioAksion Stock Market 🇪🇹
⚠️አክሲዮኖች ላይ ኢንቨስት በማድረግ የአትራፊ ባንኮች ባለቤት ይሁኑ

🛍 ዘመን ባንክ: 30%
🛍 አቢሲኒያ ባንክ: 25%
🛍 ሕብረት ባንክ: 15%
🛍 ዓባይ ባንክ: 15%
🛍 ኦሮሚያ ሕብረት-ስራ ባንክ: 15%
🛍 ንብ ባንክ: 15%

🚀💰 አክሲዮኖችን በመግዛት በአማካይ 30% እስከ 60% (Dividend + Capital Gain) አትራፊ መሆን ይቻላል።

⚡️📲ለበለጠ መረጃ: 0946626485


📈Wegagen Bank Becomes the Pioneer

Wegagen Bank has made history as the first company to be listed on the Ethiopian Securities Exchange (ESX). This marks a significant milestone for both the bank and the Ethiopian financial market.


🔔The bell has rung, marking the official launch of the Ethiopian Securities Exchange (ESX). Historic day for Ethiopian financial market.


🟡 Bank of Abyssinia Shares

Amount: 154,000 ETB
Selling Price: 195,000 ETB

Contact: +251946626485

Показано 14 последних публикаций.