Urgent Call to Action: Save the Future of Axum Muslim Female Students‼
✍ The Educational Assessment and Examinations Service - EAES announced yesterday that the deadline for exam registration and form filling is TOMORROW, January 14, 2025, at 5 PM. Any student who fails to register
will never take the exam.Yet,
Axum Muslim female students are still being deprived of their basic rights by the undue ban on wearing hijab. Because of this unjustified policy, these students can't fill up the essential forms, and therefore, they are forbidden to take the national exam.
This is a clear
violation of human rights and freedom of religion, nationally and internationally. It is utterly
unacceptable to bar a student from attending school simply because of his or her faith, thus direct opposition to Ethiopia's constitutional guarantees for equal education and freedom of religion.
We urgently call upon:
The Ministry of Education and
EAES to immediately intervene in the situation at hand.
②. The
Tigray Regional Government should take immediate action and ensure that the ban is lifted before the deadline.
③. The
Federal Government must uphold constitutional rights and protect freedom of religion.
Human rights organizations, community leaders, and concerned citizens to raise their voices against this oppression.
The time has run out, and unless drastic immediate actions are taken, these students are standing on the verge of permanent exclusion from their academic future. This is not a local issue; this is a national crisis and a dent in the commitment of Ethiopia towards justice and equality.
Act before it's too late. Let us make sure that no student gets left behind because of their faith.#HumanRights #ReligiousFreedom #EducationForAll #Ethiopia
Tigray Communication Affairs Bureau
Tigray People's Liberation Front/TPLF/
Tigrai Mass Media Agency
Getachew K Reda
Debretsion Gebremichael
Office of the Prime Minister-Ethiopia
የሴቶችና ማህበራዊ ጉዳይ ሚኒስቴር Ministry of Women and Social Affairs
FDRE Ministry of Justice/ የኢ.ፌ.ዲ.ሪ. ፍትሕ ሚኒስቴር
Ministry of Peace የሰላም ሚኒስቴር
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Amnesty International
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Human Rights Watch
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