Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Амхарский
Категория: Другое

የመላ የሮታራክት ክለብ ከጥቅምት 1996 ዓ.ም ጀምሮ "አገልግሎት በኅብረት" በሚል መሪ ቃል በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ህብረተሰቡን እያገለገሉ ካሉ ፈር ቀዳጅ ሮታራክት ክለቦች (የበጎ ፍቃደኞች ስብስብ) አንዱ ነው።
የማሕበራዊ ትስስር ገፆቻችንን ይቀላቀሉ።

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Гео и язык канала
Эфиопия, Амхарский
Фильтр публикаций

Due to Unforeseen circumstances ou zumba fellowship has postponed for some weeks. The decided date will be announced soon.

Book Your Spot till date!

+251923306989 Betlehem - Membership Extension and Retention Director

🎂☕️ It’s Cake Time/Coffee Time! Join us for a cozy gathering with delicious treats, warm coffee, and even warmer company.

Bring your friends along and let's make it a memorable gathering! See you there!"

📅 Thursday, November 21 ,2024
🕣 5:30 pm
📌Kaldis coffee, DH geda tower

Contact: Betty (0938944087)

#CoffeeTime #mella #Rotaract #MeetAndMingle #NewFriends #CommunityGathering #SocialHour #CoffeeLovers #Networking #GoodVibes #ChatAndChill #LocalEvents

Репост из: RYLA Ethiopia

This year, RYLA Ethiopia introduces a transformative journey: RYLA Mirror. In this space of hope and community, we aim to cultivate leaders through a unique, five-day program. Participants will enter a Reflective environment, designed to show them their potential and challenge them to adapt, ultimately leading with vision and purpose.

Join us in creating leaders not just for Rotaract and Rotary, but for our communities and nation. Embrace the reflection, and let it guide you to lead.

Apply now for RYLA Mirror. APPLY HERE

#RYLA #District9212 #Rotary #Rotaract #Interact #RYLAEthiopia #Leadership #Inspiration #Community #RYLA #YouthLeadership #RotaryInspires

Instagram | Telegram | LinkedIn

🌟 Attention Volunteers! 🌟

Just a quick reminder that the Children's Race is on Saturday, November 16, 2024, and the Great Ethiopian Run International 10K follows on Sunday, November 17, 2024!

🗓 Orientation for the Children's Race is tomorrow, Friday, at Imperial Sport Academy, starting at 10:00 LT. Don’t forget to come by and pick up your pass!

Location: https://maps.google.com?q=2Q3W+347%20Ethiopian%20Sport%20Academy,%20Addis%20Ababa&ftid=0x164b8519e3c5ccb7:0x45a00d23127e60c4&entry=gps&lucs=,94244542,94242544,94224825,94227247,94227248,47071704,47069508,94218641,94233073,94203019,47084304,94208458,94208447&g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy

Thank you for your support!

📞 For more info, contact:
- Etsehiwot: 0954938572
- Gifti: 0915699451
- Biruk: 0924302765
- Fitsum: 0953429737

#greatrun #volunteer #rotaract #youth #participate #ethiopiangreatrun #impactcatalyst

Репост из: AWAQI | አዋቂ ኢትዮጵያ
🔊🔊The AWAQI Experience (AWAQI X) Contestant Registration - is accepting now applications ❗️❗️

Join us for an epic 3-day entrepreneurship & employability expo! Co-hosted by AWAQI Ethiopia & Chewata Awaqi, this event is your chance to grow, connect, and compete.

𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦 - 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬👇
#TheAWAQITournament: as part of the AWAQI Experience Event, it is going to be an exciting opportunity for the youth to come together for a fun, engaging, upskilling, memorable and competitive event featuring several team games and tournaments like Football and several Soft skill & hard skill-based tournaments. We encourage you to join us in a day dedicated to sportsmanship, community building, & collaboration.

📲 Register now to secure your spot!

👉 CLICK HERE to Apply


#Upcoming_Events from Mella

November 16 and 17

Great Ethiopian Run Volunteers

November 23

Zumba Dance Signature Fellowship

Saturday Nov 23, Indian Embassy 9:00 LT

=251953429737 Fitsum - Fundraising Director
+251923306989 Betlehem - Membership Extension and Retention Director

November 30

No Shave November November Cancer Awareness workshop

Reservation: +251920244429
Alemayehu - Project Officer
Betlehem - Membership Extension and Retention Director

#RacMella #UpcomingEvents #NoShaveNovember #GreatEthiopianRun #Workshop #EightYearsTogether


Liver Cancer

Fact: Liver cancer is often linked to hepatitis infections and excessive alcohol use.

Awareness: Vaccination for hepatitis B and moderation in alcohol use protect your liver.

Let's Donate together for Ethiopian Cancer Association family Today!

Bank of Abyssnia
Etsehiwot and Beza

#NoShaveNovember #LiverCancer #CancerAwareness #RotaractClubofMella #LetItGrow #ISDIntiative #RACMella #Rotaract #Rotary #Interact

November is Rotary Foundation Month

The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into projects that change lives both close to home and around the world.

As the charitable arm of Rotary International, we tap into a global network of Rotarians who invest their time, money, and expertise into our priorities, such as eradicating polio and promoting peace.

Foundation grants empower Rotarians to approach challenges such as poverty, illiteracy, and malnutrition with sustainable solutions that leave a lasting impact.

#RotaractClubofMella #ThemeofTheMonth #TheRotaryFoundation
#NoShaveNovember #Rotary #RotaractClubofMella #LetItGrow #ISDIntiative #RACMella #Rotaract #Rotary #Interact

Репост из: RAC MELLA
"💙 It's #NoShaveNovember!

This month, we’re skipping the razor to raise awareness for cancer and inspire change. Every penny we save on grooming is being donated to support cancer patients and fund life-saving research. Whether you’re growing out your beard, letting your hair flow, or embracing a natural look, let’s make each strand count! Join the Rotaract Club of Mella – together, we can make a difference for those affected by cancer. 🌱

Let's Donate to the Ethiopian Cancer Association family Today!

Bank of Abyssnia
Etsehiwot and Beza

#NoShaveNovember #CancerAwareness #RotaractClubofMella #LetItGrow #ISDIntiative #RACMella #Rotaract #Rotary #Interact

Репост из: Rotaract@work Ethiopia
We’re excited to share the success of The Entrepreneur Spotlight: Inspiring Journeys, held on November 2 at the Urban Center! bringing together entrepreneurs, professionals, and an engaged audience for an unforgettable experience.

A special shout-out to our incredible panelists Rotarian Henok, and Rotaractor Amir, and those who attended the inspiring discussions, filled with insightful stories, impactful lessons, and motivating journeys that sparked meaningful conversations and new ideas.

A big thank you to Rotaract Mella for generously providing the venue, Sin'q Malt for their sponsorship, and Chewata Awaqi for being part of this amazing event. Your support made all of this possible.

Here’s to continuing the spirit of entrepreneurship and fostering lasting connections. Stay tuned for more events ahead!

#RotaractAtWork #RACMella #Entrepreneurship #CareerAndFairEventTeam #SinQ #Rotaract #RotaractEthiopia #District9212 #TheMagicOfRotary #100YearsofService #LegacyofLeaders

Telegram | LinkedIn


Colorectal Cancer

Fact: Diets high in processed meats and low in fiber increase colorectal cancer risk.

Awareness : Eating more fiber-rich foods and regular screenings can help prevent colorectal cancer.

Let's Donate together for Ethiopian Cancer Association family Today!

Bank of Abyssnia
Etsehiwot and Beza

Join us for Coffee Time! ☕️ Come mingle, meet new people, and enjoy great conversations.
See you there!

Bring your friends along and let's make it a memorable gathering!

📅 Thursday, November 07 ,2024
🕣 5:30 pm
📌Kaldis coffee, DH geda tower

Contact: Betty (0938944087)

#CoffeeTime #mella #Rotaract #MeetAndMingle #NewFriends #CommunityGathering #SocialHour #CoffeeLovers #Networking #GoodVibes #ChatAndChill #LocalEvents #NoShaveNovember


Colorectal Cancer

Fact: Diets high in processed meats and low in fiber increase colorectal cancer risk.

Awareness: Eating more fiber-rich foods and regular screenings can help prevent colorectal cancer.

Let's Donate together for Ethiopian Cancer Association family Today!

Bank of Abyssnia
Etsehiwot and Beza


Colorectal Cancer

Fact: Diets high
in processed meats and low in fiber increase colorectal cancer risk.

Awareness: Eating more fiber-rich foods and regular screenings can help prevent colorectal cancer.

Let's Donate to the Ethiopian Cancer Association family Today!

Bank of Abyssnia
Etsehiwot and Beza

#NoShaveNovember #LungCancer #CancerAwareness #RotaractClubofMella #LetItGrow #ISDIntiative #RACMella #Rotaract #Rotary #Interact

Репост из: Rotaract Ethiopia
ለጥበብና ለሰላም አፍቃሪዎች !

ኑ ተጋበዙልን !

"ከራስ ጋር ሊኖር የሚገባንን ሰላም በተግባር ለመተርጎም ስነ-ጥበብ ትልቅ አቅም አለው !"
በመጪው ጥቅምት 29 " ስለ ሠላም " በሚል መሪ ቃል በምናካሂደው የካርቱን ወይም የስዕላዊ ስላቅ ስራዎች እና የውይይት ምሽት ላይ እንድትታደሙልን ስንጋብዛችሁ በታላቅ ደስታ ነው!

ቦታ፡ 5ኪሎ አለ የሥነ ጥበብ እና ዲዛይን ት/ቤት
ቀን፡ ጥቅምት 29፣ 2017
ሰዓት፡ 12፡00

በአትሮኖስ ስቱድዯ:

ሰዓሊያን ፤ ላይኩን ግርማ
ሲራክ ይልማ
ብስራት ቱሉ

ከወዳጆቻቸዉ ጋር

ጥምረት ለሕይወት ኢትዮዺያ
ጀርመን መንግስት
አለ የስነ ጥበብ አና ዲዛይን ት/ቤት
ሮተራክት ኢትዮዺያ ለስላም
ሰላማዊ ፕሮግራም

ቦታ እዚህ ያዙ👇👇👇


▎RAK Challenge!

Rac Debo and Rac Mella invite you to participate in the Random Act of Kindness (RAK) Challenge!

Choose your own unique act of kindness, share it using #YourChallenge and #RAKChallenge, and spread positivity throughout the world.

Let's see your beautiful acts of kindness!

We look forward to seeing your participation in the challenge.

#RotaractDebo #racdebo #racmella #Interact #Rotaract  #Rotary #RotaractEthiopia #District9212 #believeinthemagicofrotary #100yearsofservice #Legacyofleaders #RAKChallenge

Stay Connected👇
Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Threads | Telegram | Linkedin | TikTok


Lung Cancer

Fact: Smoking is responsible for nearly 85% of lung cancer cases.

Awareness: Avoid tobacco products and reduce exposure to secondhand smoke to lower your risk.

Let's Donate to the Ethiopian Cancer Association family Today!

Bank of Abyssnia
Etsehiwot and Beza

#NoShaveNovember #LungCancer #CancerAwareness #RotaractClubofMella #LetItGrow #ISDIntiative #RACMella #Rotaract #Rotary #Interact

Показано 18 последних публикаций.