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Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Английский
Категория: Психология

Self Development | Health | Wealth | Habits. Helping to make better version of yourself.⚡️

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Гео и язык канала
Эфиопия, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Drop a ❤️ for yourself!

A wise man once said:

Three things never come back: time, word, opportunity.
Three things should not be lost: calmness, hope, honor.
Three things in life are most valuable: love, conviction, trust.
Three things in life are unreliable: power, luck, fortune.
Three things define a person: hard work, honesty, achievement.
Three things destroy a person: wine, pride, anger.
Three things are the hardest to say: I love you, I'm sorry, help me.

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“Your beliefs become your thoughts.
Your thoughts become your words.
Your words become your actions.
Your actions become your habits.
Your habits become your values.
Your values become your destiny.
The future depends on what you do today.”

- Mahatma Gandhi

Speak positive words into your life every single morning.

Think Big. Think Healing. Think Success. Think Happiness. Think Growth Mindset.

Always start the day with positive energy.

You deserve it.

You often revisit old lessons in life,each time with a deeper understanding

5 Secrets of Success

I found the answers in my room.

1. Roof said: Aim high
2.  Fan said: Be cool
3. Clock said: Every min. is precious
4. Mirror said: Reflect before you act
5. Window said: See the world
6. Calendar said: Be up-to-date
7. Door said: Push hard to achieve your goals.

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You get what you work for

It's not how much we have but how much we enjoy that makes happiness


*Save money every week! It doesn't matter how much. Just save!

*Live within your means. It's one of the most difficult things to master.

*Choose your friends wisely as you are the product of your environment.

*Learn to be alone and independent, without being lonely. It's a skill few master.

*Educate yourself - read, read, read.

*Be healthy & look after your body. Cook & eat your own food, and exercise your body.

*Don't wait for someone to love you; learn to love YOURSELF first.

You'll be OK. 👍

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You know it comes down to this - We can't change our circumstances but we can choose our attitude, we can't control others but we can control ourselves!When you are faced with a problem, adopt the attitude that you can and will solve it.

• Anything that annoys you is for teaching you patience.

• Anything that angers you is for teaching you forgiveness and compassion.

• Anything that has power over you is for teaching you to take your power back.

• Anything you hate is for teaching you unconditional love

• Anything you fear is for teaching you courage to overcome your fear.

• Anything you can't control is for teaching you how to let go.

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Things you can't control in life:

• What other people think of you
• What happens around you
• What other people do
• The passage of time

Things You Can Control In Life:

- Your attitude.
- Your thoughts.
- What you consume.
- The effort you put in.
- How you interpret situations.
- How you treat others.
- How many risks you take.
- Who your friends are.
- How honest you are.
- How many times you smile in a day.

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Growth requires vulnerability.

Growth requires accountability.

Growth requires willingness.

Growth requires exploration.

Growth requires release.

Growth requires space.

Growth requires discipline.

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Healthy relationships in March.

Healthy Mindset in March.

Healthy body in March.

Healthy routines in March.

Healthy communication in March.

Healthy sleep habits in March.

Healthy financial habits in March.

Healthy coping skills in March.

Healthy boundaries in March.

Healthy choices in March.

Healthy lifestyle in March.

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Where are you from?
  •   Ethiopia
  •   South africa
  •   Togo
  •   Ghana
  •   Nigeria
  •   India
89 голосов

Good thoughts for life.

Success is achieving peace.

Success is maintaining balance.

Success is living an authentic life.

Success is using my power to empower others.

Success is about consistency.

Success is self-acceptance.

Success is making a positive difference.

Success is healing the collective.

Success is in the journey, not the destination.

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The Difference between Motivation vs Discipline

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3 lessons to learn from a pencil:

1. Pain always sharpens you.

2. Everything you do leaves a mark.

3. What's inside you is

useful, not what's outside. 

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You real competition is not out there,

but is inside you:

> Inaction
> Stagnation
> Impatience
> Self-Doubts
> Distractions
> Overthinking
> Fear of failure
> Comfort-zone
> Procrastination
> Settling for less

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