Репост из: Life lesson🤕😮💨
“The price of greatness is responsibility.”
–Winston Churchill
It’s useless to blame something else for all your problems.The good thing that blaming others does is that it makes us feel good from the inside by convincing our
minds that we can’t do anything in this situation, but that’s wrong. There’s
always something that you can do. Even if you can’t change the situation, you
can always do the best possible thing.
Blaming others does nothing. It doesn’t solve your problem.
Let’s say you
blame your friends, family, job, or anything else for not having enough time to
exercise. You can condemn the whole world. All the blame in the world will
not help you find time to exercise. If you want to find a solution, you will find
it; it’s not that a solution doesn’t exist. It exists, and you know it deep inside
of your heart. Only action can help you achieve your goals, nothing else. No
one can help you achieve your goals.
Nobody cares if you’re lazy or not.
Nobody cares if you procrastinate or not.
Nobody cares if you exercise or not.
Why would they care? Nobody cares. It would be best for you if you do
things for yourself. You must act. You must find time.
Our mind always goes towards the easy option. You need to change it to
choose the best choice for yourself, not the easy one.
Every action that you take or not take
impacts your life. So, the next time you blame someone else for your
problem, consider the consequences. Your future is in the hands of your
present actions.
Don’t even think about the past. It’s already gone. There are only two
things that the past can give you: lessons and regrets.
If a mistake happens, learn from it and move on. Don’t waste your time. If
you’re not moving forward, you’re making a second mistake.
Complaining achieves nothing,take resposibility
If you’re lazy, it’s your fault.
If you’re unhappy, it’s your fault.
If you’re a procrastinator, it’s your fault.
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is
–Winston Churchill
It’s useless to blame something else for all your problems.The good thing that blaming others does is that it makes us feel good from the inside by convincing our
minds that we can’t do anything in this situation, but that’s wrong. There’s
always something that you can do. Even if you can’t change the situation, you
can always do the best possible thing.
Blaming others does nothing. It doesn’t solve your problem.
Let’s say you
blame your friends, family, job, or anything else for not having enough time to
exercise. You can condemn the whole world. All the blame in the world will
not help you find time to exercise. If you want to find a solution, you will find
it; it’s not that a solution doesn’t exist. It exists, and you know it deep inside
of your heart. Only action can help you achieve your goals, nothing else. No
one can help you achieve your goals.
Nobody cares if you’re lazy or not.
Nobody cares if you procrastinate or not.
Nobody cares if you exercise or not.
Why would they care? Nobody cares. It would be best for you if you do
things for yourself. You must act. You must find time.
Our mind always goes towards the easy option. You need to change it to
choose the best choice for yourself, not the easy one.
Every action that you take or not take
impacts your life. So, the next time you blame someone else for your
problem, consider the consequences. Your future is in the hands of your
present actions.
Don’t even think about the past. It’s already gone. There are only two
things that the past can give you: lessons and regrets.
If a mistake happens, learn from it and move on. Don’t waste your time. If
you’re not moving forward, you’re making a second mistake.
Complaining achieves nothing,take resposibility
If you’re lazy, it’s your fault.
If you’re unhappy, it’s your fault.
If you’re a procrastinator, it’s your fault.
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is