‼️Attention Juniors and Sophomores‼️
🔺 Essay writing is one of the most diffuclt things to tackle as an international student. So afronet suggests that you🫵🏼 should start writing essays to improve your skills.
Challenge for all of you.
🔺 Write an essay on any topic that interests you. This allows you to broaden your vocabulary use and concepts about different topics as you will need to research more.
🔺Journal about your whole day experience. This will allow you to use vivid words usually used for setting the stage of your personal statement.
🔺Write a summary of a book you read recently.
🔺Read plently of articles online.
🔺 Essay writing is one of the most diffuclt things to tackle as an international student. So afronet suggests that you🫵🏼 should start writing essays to improve your skills.
Challenge for all of you.
🔺 Write an essay on any topic that interests you. This allows you to broaden your vocabulary use and concepts about different topics as you will need to research more.
🔺Journal about your whole day experience. This will allow you to use vivid words usually used for setting the stage of your personal statement.
🔺Write a summary of a book you read recently.
🔺Read plently of articles online.