Habesha crypto 💰

Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Амхарский
Категория: Криптовалюты

Creator @Abi_pavlo
💠ሰላም የሀበሻ Crypto Fam🙌
🔔በዚህ ቻናል Crypto & Airdrop News በፍጥነት ታገኛላችው ✌️✌️
ማንኛውም አይነት promotion ከፈለጋቸው ማናገር ትችላላቸው ለማግኘት👉 @Abi_pavlo
Buy Ads: https://telega.io/c/Habesha_Cryptoo

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Эфиопия, Амхарский
Фильтр публикаций

Lelam endezi ayenet b etask becha arif yemikefel zare endeleqelachu

Biyans 1 game ke play store aweredachu setecawetu mulu survey ena task yekefetal kezan eyandandu lay point meserat new video leqelachualew aserarun✌️

X influencers nowadays 😂😂

$ZORA Launching In Q2


🛑Teneo Update: Create your Teneo Protocol smart Account

●➤ Go to : dashboard.teneo.pro/dashboard < Click on "Smart account" < Click "Machine ID creation" < Done.

●➤Switch to Peaq RPC: https://chainlist.org/chain/3338

◎➤For New user's (Airdrop still live)

what do you think 🤔

Mulu endikefetelachu mejemeriya play now belachu 1 game task meserat alebachu


Are you ready? 10 mb ስለሆነ በ data ማውረድ ትችላላችሁ✌️
  •   Yes
  •   Wait
40 голосов

🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦 hulachum letexeqemubet yemetechelubet application new guys🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

Daily $ARI Chain Quiz answer : D

ሮናልዲኒሆ የራሱን Meme Coin launch አድርጓል

⓹➤Click  https://quest.somnia.network and complete all available tasks:



⓸➤Click Send Tokens and send some STT to any address (send for friends like Arichain)


⓶➤ Open your profile and fill in all the information. You can also click on GM daily here and find your referral link:


🛑SOMINA | $822 Million FR

◎Step by step guide

⓵➤Join the the link:   https://quest.somnia.network/referrals/76F37F47  connect your wallet and add Somnia Testnet.

▶ Use mises browser for mobile users.


#Update Layeredge that has already minted NFT Pledge Pass, claim role OG


Go to #Collab-land
Claim Role

◆SOMINA◆  |  $822Million Fundraise
◎Greatest project of the year!!

Today,They are announcing the fundraise on their X official  page.

◆Better than Onefootball,Monad,Zenchain ........


ዝግጁ አትመስሉም የታላችሁ ቤተሰብ። 
እንደዚህ ብዩ አላውቅም ዛሬ ግን  የሁላችሁንም Reaction እፈልጋለሁ።

$822 Million Fundraise

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