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WebSockets are ideal, even when using a pub/sub model scaling web socket is a headache ( might be skill issue ). However, using HTTP polling can sometimes be a better alternative. In fact, many WebSocket use cases can be replaced by HTTP polling, which is quite interesting. Personally, I hate seeing my VPS server's CPU working at 100% 🤦‍♂️.


I've built a simple anonymous secret-sharing app using Better Call and Next.js. I have to attend work now, but I'll share the project tomorrow. This was just for testing Better Call, it's incredibly easy to write, offers amazing type safety, and includes a fully typed RPC client also 🔥


just to make my mind off of burnout let me build a simple web server with better call .. 🔥 .. let me make the state of my life better


I’ve never hated macOS, Apple, and mobile dev as much as I have these past few days.


If I had to prove someone's existence, my first approach would be to find the person themselves. Then, I would turn to other sources. I would do the same for God. It might sound crazy, but it could turn out to be the opposite—or maybe not. Just give it a try. In case it works, how does that sound?


how screwed will you be if the internet goes down.


I started the software update and it now says i should wait for another 3 hours 🥵😤


GOD ... its now saying i should have downloaded version 14 or plus 🙆‍♂️🤦‍♂️


after 8 freaking hours it's now done installing 🤦‍♂ Jo was right


Part one of the challenge is complete, we have macOS running on our Linux machine. Now, it's time to install Xcode and run the iOS simulator.


halfway there ⚡️


Fine I'll download xcode on Linux.. and build the app for iOS


Репост из: Frectonz
We have finished recording a great first episode. It will be released soon.


It's almost 5 AM (Tewat 11 Seat LT). Just finished work, took an insanely cold shower… exhausted and drained. Time to sleep.


Don't fool yourself—your product is not just one feature away. That one 'nice' feature that comes to mind is just a thread among millions, and chasing it will eventually lead you to abandon your project.


Показано 20 последних публикаций.