Фильтр публикаций

የስራ ቅጥር ማስታወቂያ | አገው ምድር ጠቅላላ ሆስፒታል

@tikvah_tena | @tikvah_vacancy
@tikvah2024 | @tesphamusic
@e_pharma1 @pharma_sales

ለጥያቄ ወይም አስተያየት

Junior Planning Engineer ( Hahu Planning 001/2025)
Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering or related field of study
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Assist in preparing baseline program, schedules, milestones, deliverables and timelines as per project management plan
- Prepare daily, weekly and monthly reports
- Coordinate with all project parties to collate project status reports
- Identify schedule variances of project status against schedule baseline
- Prepare forecasts resulting from significant deviations from scheduled baselines
- Coordinate with Senior Planner for resolution of project control issues on site
- Conduct regular project site inspections
- Prepare project progress reports
- Prepare other reports as advised by the Planning Engineer
Skills Required:
- Strong Analytical skill                           
- Critical and Logical thinking                   
- Basic MS- Office (MS Word, MS-Excel) & Autcad Softwares                                    
- Strong Analytical skills
Quanitity Required: 2
Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years
Deadline: February 2, 2025
How To Apply: Apply using the link provided below

@hahujobs | @hahujobs_bot

IT and Networking Trainer
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or in related field of study with relevant work experience in teaching or training focusing on IT and networking systems
Required Gender: Male
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Conduct engaging training sessions with practical demonstrations
- Collaborate on curriculum development to align with industry standards
Quanitity Required: 1
Minimum Years Of Experience: #1_years
Maximum Years Of Experience: #3_years
Deadline: January 28, 2025
How To Apply: Submit your application and CV with supporting documents via email: contactefoyict@gmail.com

@hahujobs | @hahujobs_bot

Customer Service Trainee
Completion of 12th Grade (2015–2016 E.C. batch) with excellent English communication skills and a strong interest in the logistics industry.
Duties & Responsibilites:
- Assist customers by providing accurate information and resolving inquiries related to logistics services.
- Support the team in managing client accounts and ensuring customer satisfaction.
- Maintain records of customer interactions and transactions.
- Learn and apply logistics processes, including freight forwarding, supply chain coordination, and compliance procedures.
- Collaborate with other departments to address customer needs efficiently.
- Competitive salary
- Health coverage for employees and dependents
- Inclusive and collaborative
Quanitity Required: 10
Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years
Deadline: January 29, 2025
How To Apply: Apply using the provided link below or submit your updated CV and a cover letter detailing your qualifications and experience via email: pavehr@pave-logistics.com
Note: Please write the position as “Customer Service Trainee” in the subject line of your email

@hahujobs | @hahujobs_bot

Heavy Vehicle Mechanic
Diploma in Auto Mechanics or in a related field of study with relevant work experience in heavy vehicle maintenance and repair.
Duties & Responsibilities:
- Diagnose and repair heavy vehicles and equipment.
- Perform routine maintenance, including inspections and servicing of trucks and other logistics vehicles.
- Troubleshoot and resolve mechanical issues efficiently.
- Ensure compliance with safety standards and regulations during repairs.
Required Skills:
- Strong knowledge of mechanical systems and troubleshooting techniques.
- Competitive salary
- Health coverage for employees and dependents
- Inclusive and collaborative environment
Quanitity Required: 5
Minimum Years Of Experience: #2_years
Deadline: January 29, 2025
How To Apply: Apply using the provided link below or submit your updated CV and a cover letter detailing your qualifications and experience via email: pavehr@pave-logistics.com
Note: Please write the position as “Heavy Vehicle Mechanic” in the subject line of your email

@hahujobs | @hahujobs_bot

ከባድ መኪና ሹፌር
10ኛ ክፍል ያጠናቀቀ አግባብ ከሆነ የስራ ልምድ እና በአዲሱ ደረቅ 3 ወይም በድሮ ደረጃ 5 መንጃ ፈቃድ ያለው
- የተሽከርካሪ ቴክኒካል እውቀት ያለው
- ከድርጅት ደብዳቤ ዋስ ማቅረብ የሚችል
- ታማኝ ንቁ አስተዋይ እና ጥሩ የስራ ተነሳሽነት ያለው
- የትራፊክ ህጎችን እና መርሃ ግብሮችን በሚያከብርበት ጊዜ አሽከርካሪ ተሳፋሪዎችን፣ ዕቃዎችን ወይም ቁሳቁሶችን በደህና ወደ መድረሻቸው የማጓጓዝ ኃላፊነት አለበት
Quanitity Required: 10
Minimum Years Of Experience: #3_years
Deadline: January 30, 2025
How To Apply: ከታች ያለውን ሊንክ በመጠቀም ወይም አመልካች የትምህርት ማስረጃ፣ እንዲሁም ሌሎች ተያያዥ ሰነዶችን በኢሜል: pavehr@pave-logistics.com በመላክ ወይም አ/አ ጥቁር አንበሳ ት/ቤት ፊት ለፊት ትራኮን ታወር 2ኛ ፎቅ በሚኘው ቢሮ በአካል በመቅረብ ማመልከት ይችላሉ።
ማሳሰቢያ፡ በኢሜልዎ ርዕሰ ጉዳይ ላይ “ከባድ መኪና ሹፌር ” ብለው ያስቀምጡ።

@hahujobs | @hahujobs_bot

10ኛ፣ 11ኛ ወይም 12ኛ ክፍል ያጠናቀቀ አግባብ ከሆነ የስራ ልምድ ጋር እና የሞተር መንጃ ፍቃድ ያለዉ
- የሚሰጠውን የሞተር ሳይክል በአግባቡ እና በጥነቃቄ መያዝ የሚችል
- የአዲስ አበባን መንገዶች፣ መንደሮች እና አካባቢዋን የሚያውቅ
- በቂ ተያዥ ማቅረብ የሚችል
Quanitity Required: 5
Minimum Years Of Experience: #2_years
Deadline: January 28, 2025
How To Apply: ከታች ያለውን ሊንክ በመጠቀም ወይም አመልካች የትምህርት ማስረጃ፣ እንዲሁም ሌሎች ተያያዥ ሰነዶችን በኢሜል: pavehr@pave-logistics.com በመላክ ወይም አ/አ ጥቁር አንበሳ ት/ቤት ፊት ለፊት ትራኮን ታወር 2ኛ ፎቅ በሚኘው ቢሮ በአካል በመቅረብ ማመልከት ይችላሉ።
ማሳሰቢያ፡ በኢሜልዎ ርዕሰ ጉዳይ ላይ “ሞተረኛ ” ብለው ያስቀምጡ።

@hahujobs | @hahujobs_bot

Junior Accountant
Bachelor's Degree in Accounting or in a related field of study with relevant work experience
Duties & Responsibilites:
- Supports the accounting team by assisting with daily financial operations, including preparing financial reports, reconciling accounts, processing invoices, and maintaining accurate records
- Ensure compliance with financial regulations, assist in budget preparation, and help with audits or tax filings
Required Skills:
- Strong attention to detail
- Proficiency in accounting software and good organizational skills are essential for success in this role
Quanitity Required: 1
Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years
Salary: 4000.00
Deadline: February 8, 2025
How To Apply: Submit your CV and Credentials via email: enormtengineering@gmail.com

@tikvah_tena | @tikvah_vacancy
@tikvah2024 | @tesphamusic
@e_pharma1 @pharma_sales

ለጥያቄ ወይም አስተያየት

HR Officer
Bachelor's Degree in Human Resource Management or in a related field of study with relevant work experience
Duties & Responsibilites:
- Enhance employee morale through engagement strategies, team-building activities, and recognition programs.
- Conduct employee surveys and collaborate with management to address feedback.
- Promote HR initiatives and company culture through internal communications like newsletters and campaigns.
- Partner with department leaders to address retention challenges and foster a positive workplace culture.
- Assist in HR functions such as recruitment, onboarding, and training.
- Competitive salary and additional benefits.
- Limited health coverage for employees and dependents.
- Inclusive and collaborative work environment.
Quanitity Required: 1
Minimum Years Of Experience: #2_years
Maximum Years Of Experience: #3_years
Deadline: January 27, 2025
How To Apply: Apply using the provided link below or Submit your updated CV and a cover letter detailing your qualifications and experience via email: pavehr@pave-logistics.com

@tikvah_tena | @tikvah_vacancy
@tikvah2024 | @tesphamusic
@e_pharma1 @pharma_sales

ለጥያቄ ወይም አስተያየት

Junior Customer Service Officer
Bachelor's Degree in a related field of study with relevant work experience in Customer service /Dispatcher
Residency close to Hayahulet
Duties & Responsibilites:
- Handle all incoming and outgoing calls to and from customers
- Take customer orders through phone,and another medium accurately and  politely
- Giving detailed explanations of services and/or products of partners
- Relay detailed orders to merchants
Required Skills:
- Ability to work with the team.
- Good interaction with the Delivery drivers
- Good communication and interpersonal skills
- Fluent in English and Amharic Written and verbal communication
Quanitity Required: 1
Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years
Maximum Years Of Experience: #1_years
Salary: 7000.00
Deadline: February 1, 2025
How To Apply: Apply using the provided link below

@tikvah_tena | @tikvah_vacancy
@tikvah2024 | @tesphamusic
@e_pharma1 @pharma_sales

ለጥያቄ ወይም አስተያየት

የስትራቴጂክ እቅድ እና የግምገማ ባለሙያ
የመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ በቨሎፕመንታል፣ ፐብሊክ ማኔጅመንት፣ የትምህርት ዕቅድና ስራ አመራር፣ ስታስቲክስ፣ ፕሮጀክት ፕላንግና ዴቭሎፕመንት፣ ሪጂናል ፕላኒግ፣ ፕብሊክ ፖሊስና ዘላቂ ልማት ወይም በተመሳሳይ የትምህርት መስክ የተመረቀ/ች አግባብ ከሆነ የስራ ልምድ ጋር
ዋና ሃላፊነቶች፡
- በገበያ ውስጥ ያሉ አዝማሚያዎችን እና የእድገት እድሎችን መለየት
- ድርጅቱ ግቡን እንዲመታ የሚረዱ ስልቶችን መፍጠር
- የንግድ አላማዎች የተስተካከሉ መሆናቸውን እና ስልቶች ውጤታማ መሆናቸውን ማረጋገጥ
Quanitity Required: 1
Minimum Years Of Experience: #2_years
Deadline: January 25, 2025
How To Apply: አመልካቾች ዋናውን የትምህርት እና የስራ ልምድ ማስረጃ ከማይመለስ ፎቶ ኮፒ ጋር በመያዝ ላየን ሴኩሪቲ ሰርቪስ ኃ/የተ/የግ/ማህበር ዋና መስሪያ ቤት መገናኛ ቦሌ ክ/ከተማ በስተጀርባ ወደ እግዚአብሄርአብ ቤተክርስቲያ መሄጃ 600 ሜትር ገባ ብሎ በአካል በመገኘት መመዝገብ ይችላሉ። ለበለጠ መረጃ +251922464043 /+251976121212 መደወል ይችላሉ።

@tikvah_tena | @tikvah_vacancy
@tikvah2024 | @tesphamusic
@e_pharma1 @pharma_sales

ለጥያቄ ወይም አስተያየት

ምልመላ እና ስልጠና ስፔሻሊስት
ዲፕሎማ በሰው ኃይል አስተዳደር ወይም በተመሳሳይ የትምህርት መስክ የተመረቀ/ች አግባብ ከሆነ የስራ ልምድ ጋር
ዋና ሃላፊነቶች፡
- የማጣራት ስራ ከቆመበት ይቀጥላል፣ የስልክ ስክሪን ማካሄድ እና እጩዎችን ቃለ መጠይቅ ማድረግ
- በእጩ ምርጫ እና በቃለ መጠይቅ ዘዴዎች ላይ መመሪያ መስጠት
Quanitity Required: 1
Minimum Years Of Experience: #3_years
Deadline: January 25, 2025
How To Apply: አመልካቾች ዋናውን የትምህርት እና የስራ ልምድ ማስረጃ ከማይመለስ ፎቶ ኮፒ ጋር በመያዝ ላየን ሴኩሪቲ ሰርቪስ ኃ/የተ/የግ/ማህበር ዋና መስሪያ ቤት መገናኛ ቦሌ ክ/ከተማ በስተጀርባ ወደ እግዚአብሄርአብ ቤተክርስቲያ መሄጃ 600 ሜትር ገባ ብሎ በአካል በመገኘት መመዝገብ ይችላሉ። ለበለጠ መረጃ +251922464043  /+251976121212 መደወል ይችላሉ።

@tikvah_tena | @tikvah_vacancy
@tikvah2024 | @tesphamusic
@e_pharma1 @pharma_sales

ለጥያቄ ወይም አስተያየት

የምግብ ቤት ባለሙያ ረዳት
8ኛ ክፍል ያጠናቀቀች አግባብ ከሆነ የስራ ልምድ ጋር
ተፈላጊ ችሎታ:
- ንጥረ ነገሮቹን በማዘጋጀት, የማብሰያ እቃዎችን እና ምግቦችን መትከል
- ሰሃን ማጠብ፣ ባንኮኒዎችን መጥረግ እና የወጥ ቤት ቦታዎችን ማፅዳት
- የምግብ ደህንነት መስፈርቶች መሟላታቸውን እና መከተላቸውን ማረጋገጥ
- የምግብ እቃዎችን መቀበል እና ማከማቸት, እና ክምችት እና አክሲዮን ማስተዳደር
Quanitity Required: 1
Minimum Years Of Experience: #2_years
Salary: 9200.00
Deadline: January 25, 2025
How To Apply: አመልካቾች ዋናውን የትምህርት እና የስራ ልምድ ማስረጃ ከማይመለስ ፎቶ ኮፒ ጋር በመያዝ ላየን ሴኩሪቲ ሰርቪስ ኃ/የተ/የግ/ማህበር ዋና መስሪያ ቤት መገናኛ ቦሌ ክ/ከተማ በስተጀርባ ወደ እግዚአብሄርአብ ቤተክርስቲያ መሄጃ 600 ሜትር ገባ ብሎ በአካል በመገኘት መመዝገብ ይችላሉ። ለበለጠ መረጃ +251922464043 /+251976121212 መደወል ይችላሉ።

@tikvah_tena | @tikvah_vacancy
@tikvah2024 | @tesphamusic
@e_pharma1 @pharma_sales

ለጥያቄ ወይም አስተያየት

Marketing Manager
Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, Business or in Business related field of study with relevant work experience in all aspects of marketing (digital, traditional, content, lead generation, etc.).
Duties & Responsibilites:
- Overall Marketing Strategy: Lead the development and execution of marketing strategies across all channels (social media, traditional media, email marketing, etc.)
- Content Creation: Develop compelling content (including video) to enhance brand presence and drive engagement.
- Lead Generation: Create and manage strategies to generate leads and grow our customer base.
- Campaign Management: Plan, execute, and optimize marketing campaigns across various platforms.
Required Skills:
- Strong video content creation skills.
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
- Ability to work on multiple projects simultaneously.
- Knowledge of marketing tools and analytics.
Quanitity Required: 1
Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years
Maximum Years Of Experience: #3_years
Salary: 10000.00
Deadline: January 30, 2025
How To Apply: Apply using the provided link below

@hahujobs | @hahujobs_bot
@tikvah_tena | @tikvah_vacancy
@tikvah2024 | @tesphamusic
@e_pharma1 @pharma_sales

ለጥያቄ ወይም አስተያየት

የጥራት ማረጋገጫ አናሊስት-III
ማስተርስ ወይም የመጀመርያ ዲግሪ በኬሚካል ኢንጅነሪንግ፣ መካኒካል ኢንጅነሪንግ፣ ማተሪያል ኢንጅነሪንግ ወይም በተመሳሳይ የትምህርት መስክ የተመረቀ/ች አግባብ ከሆነ የስራ ልምድ ጋር
የስራ ልምድ፡ 6 አመት ለመጀመሪያ እና 4 አመት ለማስተርስ ዲግሪ
በብረት ማቅለጫ እና በውሃ ፋብሪካ ላይ የሰራ ቢሆን ይመረጣል
Quanitity Required: 1
Minimum Years Of Experience: #4_years
Deadline: January 31, 2025
How To Apply: አመልካቾች በሃሁጆብስ ፕራይመሪ https://hahu.jobs/ ወይም በቴሌግራም ቦት https://t.me/hahujobs_bot የሃሁጆብስ ፕሮፋይላችሁን በማያያዝ መመዝገብ ትችላላችሁ።

@tikvah_tena | @tikvah_vacancy
@tikvah2024 | @tesphamusic
@e_pharma1 @pharma_sales

ለጥያቄ ወይም አስተያየት

HR and Administration Officer
Bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Management, Business Administration, or a related field of study with relevant work experience
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Coordinate the recruitment process, including job postings, screening,
- Knowledge of labor laws and HR best practices
- interviewing, and onboarding.- Oversee day-to-day office operations and ensure a smooth workflow.
Quanitity Required: 1
Minimum Years Of Experience: #2_years
Maximum Years Of Experience: #4_years
Deadline: February 19, 2025
How To Apply: Submit your application and CV with supporting documents via email: shalom.s@bgspoultryfarm.com

@tikvah_tena | @tikvah_vacancy
@tikvah2024 | @tesphamusic
@e_pharma1 @pharma_sales

ለጥያቄ ወይም አስተያየት

Cost Accountant
#Burayu | #Addis_Ababa
Bachelor's Degree in Accounting or in a related field of study with relevant work experience in manufacturing is preferred
Duties & Responsibilites:
- Prepare and analyze cost reports for products, projects, and operations.
- Monitor and evaluate material, labor, and overhead costs.
- Assist in the preparation of cost budgets and rolling forecasts.
- Collaborate with management to develop cost standards and budgets for new projects.
Required Skills:
- Strong knowledge of cost accounting principles, practices, and regulations.
- Proficiency in accounting software and advanced Excel skills.
- Exceptional analytical and problem-solving skills with attention to detail.
- Ability to communicate complex financial information clearly to non-financial stakeholders.
Quanitity Required: 1
Minimum Years Of Experience: #2_years
Deadline: February 1, 2025
How To Apply: Submit your application and CV with supporting documents via email: ybcosmetics251@gmail.com

@tikvah_tena | @tikvah_vacancy
@tikvah2024 | @tesphamusic
@e_pharma1 @pharma_sales

ለጥያቄ ወይም አስተያየት

Senior Accountant
Bachelor's Degree in Accounting or in a related field of study with relevant work experience
Duties & Responsibilites:
- Prepare and review monthly, quarterly, and annual financial statements.
- Ensure compliance with accounting principles, standards, and regulations
- Manage and oversee the daily operations of the accounting department, including accounts payable, accounts receivable, and general ledger.
- Perform account reconciliations and resolve discrepancies.
Skills Required:
- Strong knowledge of accounting principles, standards, and regulatory requirements.
- Proficiency in accounting software and Microsoft Excel.
- Excellent analytical, problem-solving, and organizational skills.
- Ability to manage multiple priorities and meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment.
Quanitity Required: 1
Minimum Years Of Experience: #5_years
Deadline: February 1, 2025
How To Apply: Submit your application and CV with supporting documents via email: ybcosmetics251@gmail.com

@tikvah_tena | @tikvah_vacancy
@tikvah2024 | @tesphamusic
@e_pharma1 @pharma_sales

ለጥያቄ ወይም አስተያየት

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