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Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Английский
Категория: Психология

Self Development | Health | Wealth | Habits. Helping to make better version of yourself.⚡️

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Гео и язык канала
Эфиопия, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Healthy relationships in March.

Healthy Mindset in March.

Healthy body in March.

Healthy routines in March.

Healthy communication in March.

Healthy sleep habits in March.

Healthy financial habits in March.

Healthy coping skills in March.

Healthy boundaries in March.

Healthy choices in March.

Healthy lifestyle in March.

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Where are you from?
  •   Ethiopia
  •   South africa
  •   Togo
  •   Ghana
  •   Nigeria
  •   India
89 голосов

Good thoughts for life.

Success is achieving peace.

Success is maintaining balance.

Success is living an authentic life.

Success is using my power to empower others.

Success is about consistency.

Success is self-acceptance.

Success is making a positive difference.

Success is healing the collective.

Success is in the journey, not the destination.

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The Difference between Motivation vs Discipline

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3 lessons to learn from a pencil:

1. Pain always sharpens you.

2. Everything you do leaves a mark.

3. What's inside you is

useful, not what's outside. 

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You real competition is not out there,

but is inside you:

> Inaction
> Stagnation
> Impatience
> Self-Doubts
> Distractions
> Overthinking
> Fear of failure
> Comfort-zone
> Procrastination
> Settling for less

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Wealth is more than just money, It’s;

- Health
- Family
- Mindset
- Mentors
- Laughter

- Skill sets
- Freedom
- Memories
- Adventures
- Friendships
- Experiences
- Opportunities

- Peace of mind
- Significant others

Life Itself Is Wealth.

Live it. Enjoy it. Love it

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Others' approval can't buy you fulfillment & lasting joy. If you go against your dreams to get validation, you lose more peace than the pleasure you gain. It feels good to be revered but do it for right reasons. It's different joy when you chase your dreams & are admired for that.
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Your conscious mind can hold hundreds of thoughts in a row, but it can only hold one thought at a time, either positive or negative.

If you deliberately fill your mind with a positive thought, about a goal you want to achieve and the specific actions you can take to achieve it, you automatically block out negative thoughts.

One of the greatest of all success principles is for you to think about your goal all the time- morning, noon and night.

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I’m in love with my life.

1. I feel safe in my body.
2. My nervous system is resting.
3. My mind no longer races all day.
4. I’m in control of my emotions.
5. I set boundaries. I express my needs.
6. I validate my feelings.

I’m no longer codependent. I’m free.


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1️⃣0️⃣ Habits of Mentally Strong People

1⃣ They remain positive even in negative situations.

2⃣ They admit their mistakes.

3⃣ They do not blame others for own problems.

4⃣ They focus on solutions.

5⃣ They neutralize toxic people.

6⃣ They are confident but not arrogant.

7⃣ They embrace failure.

8⃣ They embrace change.

9⃣ They practice kindness, compassion and empathy.

🔟 They help others even when they struggle with their own issues.

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"Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong."

How do you become strong as a person?

✍🏻 Do not lower yourself for anyone or anything.

✍🏻 The better prepared you are, the more confident you will be.

✍🏻 Don’t try to make everyone happy.

✍🏻 Forgive people.

✍🏻 Come up with five positive thoughts to overcome one negative thought.

✍🏻 Don’t trust easily.

✍🏻 Forgive yourself and let go of the past.

✍🏻 Be humble on your way up.

✍🏻 Distance yourself from those who bring you down.

✍🏻 You can only overcome your fears by facing them, don’t run away.

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Things money can't buy:

1. Manners.
2. Morals:
3. Respect.
5. Common Sense.
6. Class.
7. Integrity.
8. Trust.
9. Patience.
10. Love.

Do you agree?

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You have power

Over your mind,

not outside events .

Realize this, and

you will find

Strength .

Caught in the race of life and feel like you're losing?

Find out what winners do differently:

✔️Winners, Stay calm, always.

✔️Winners Talk less, listen more.

✔️ Winners have No. Drama.

✔️ Winners React less.

✔️ Winners Think before they speak

✔️ Winners Make eye contact.

✔️ Winners understand if I'm always available, I'm not doing enough

✔️Winners ask more questions

✔️ Winners Go the road less traveled

Hit '👍 ' if you're a WINNER!

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When you start taking care of yourself,

You start feelings better
You start looking better and
You even start to attract better .

It always starts with you
Take real good care of yourself !

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God will never give you a dream :

God will never give you a dream that matches your budget.

He's not checking your bank account, he is checking YOUR FAITH.

Drop a ❤ if you agree

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Note To Self:

All you have to do is SHOW UP.
Be late. Be scared.
Be a mess. Be weird.
Be confused. Just be there.
You'll figure it out as you go.

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