Words Burn

Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Английский
Категория: Искусство

The writer. @burningwords
The origin. 🇪🇹

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Гео и язык канала
Эфиопия, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

My own voice is the dearest sound in the whole world to myself.

Endless opinions flow from me, like a river that never dries.

And this exact trait is the one true enemy of being a good listener. The need to express outweighs my willingness to listen to you.

People feel lonely these days, even when surrounded by people, because they don't feel heard. They don't feel noticed. There seems to be no gravity to their presence. They keep trying to voice their hearts, but it feels as if it's falling on deaf ears.

Clearly, listeners are high in demand, yet short in supply.

Imagine being a good listener in a world filled with people so eager to express themselves. Imagine how that trait, that gesture, that skill, of listening could be food for the souls of many.

People always remember somebody who heard them, somebody who regarded their thoughts, their feelings, and their ideas, with a serious heart.

But what does it mean to be a good listener?

Should I keep my mouth shut and nod, as if I agree with everything you say? What if I don't like what you're saying? Am I being asked to pretend to like what you're saying?

And what if I want you to listen to me instead?


Coming soon

Words Burn


1. Make It Stick by Peter C. Brown

Learning fast and then remembering what you have learned is arguably the most lethal weapon in life. Whether it's in school or in workspace, how fast you learn something and apply it in real-life settings is one of the deciding factors of your success. Make It Stick comes with the tools you need just for that purpose: Learn fast, and remember what you learned long-term. It reveals the methods used by academics, athletes, and business professionals that helped them in their learning.

2. Hold Me Tight by Sue Johnson

Have you noticed how everybody wants to be loved, but doesn't know what to do in order to get it? People learn about love and handling bonds from movies and poetries, both of which are deeply misleading—they are for entertainment, not real.
This book shows what bonds are, what they mean to human beings, and powerful conversations that heal and fulfill your love life. It extends beyond love life, as it details how and why we behave in relationship scenarios, whether it's mother-daughter, or peer-to-peer. A foundational material that people are better off learning sooner than later.

Bonus: Lean Startup by Eric Ries

There's this nature in us that makes us invest lots of time and effort in planning, only for it to fail. This book streamlines the planning process, in order for us to implement it sooner, fail faster, and get to the end goal quicker.


Words Burn


Shy is an adorable trait, until you're three months deep in a relationship with her, and she still doesn't give you encouraging words and show you appreciative gestures, because she "doesn't know how to."

We'll see how much you adore her then.


Репост из: Touché

I mean, sure, those are some pretty tits, but is that all there is to you?

You can fool those who are thirsty to dip in any wet hole. I, however, am in no rush for that. What else is there to you, besides a cute face?


The wall I've erected
Was not to reject your heating embrace.
I'm blocking you
From watching who I really am, babe.


Peer pressure at its finest. 😂

This is the start of most addictions.

This is honestly unexpected.

Goddamn, so you find a ripped lady attractive? 😂

Chess 🤌

Very interesting.

Beaten 1

Her fingers interlock, clearly nervous.
Her small voice murmurs, "How can I be of service?"
Feeling the fabric of my belt, I say,
"You're not ready for tonight's play."
Her bra slips and rests before her big toe.
She hugs her breasts, keeping her head low.

Midnight bell rings, as the hour is late,
Her eyes unwilling to look up and straight.
The moon looking abandoned by the stars,
The curtains are flung wide apart,
A dozen candles barely fending off the dark.
Deep shadow has fallen on her eyes:
Making her look like a demon in disguise.

"Come kneel before me," I command.
She swallows, seeming stuck where she stands.
A quick hesitant peek,
then she takes a step.
She has such quiet feet—
Light is the way she treads.

Just as her knees drop and slump on the rug,
Traces of her scent make me need her hug.
A little storm of a feeling suddenly surges,
It took a moment of effort to calm the urges.
A tug pulls me toward her, her aroma inviting,
Rosy, ripe lips glisten under the dim lighting.


This is how I see most "self-help" books.

They give you nothing but fiery feelings, which will soon fall prey to the monstrous depth of life.

Maturing 🤝 Realizing motivational speeches/books are scam

Jumping as a child

The body tired, worn out, and happy

The kind of happy there is when you have no more to give

When all has been sacrificed

That weary smile—what could ever feel better than that



A ripped muscular woman is
  •   Very attractive
  •   Attractive
  •   Unattractive
  •   A man
  •   🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♀️
46 голосов

Have a good Saturday. 👌

Impossible to explain.

Average person's mind:

Big guy = good fighter

What more could you ask of a partner or a friend?

For the friend or family member who guarded my reputation in my absence, thank you.


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