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#Feasts of #Megabit_4
✞✞✞On this day we commemorate the departure of Saint Solomon King of Israel according to the Homily on the Cross and the Local Council of Bani-Omar✞✞✞
✞✞✞In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, one God. Amen!✞✞✞
✞✞✞ Saint Solomon King of Israel✞✞✞
=>St. Solomon, who is known as
*the one that loves wisdom,
*the wisest of the wise,
*the King of Israel,
*a prophet,
*peaceful and the like, was the son of the Great Prophet and King, St. David, a man after God’s own heart, and St. Bath–sheba. St. Solomon, who was born 3000 years ago, grew up in the palace with his father until he was 12 years old.
✞And at that time, seeing that St. David had become weak at the age of 70, Adonijah tried to be King but was unsuccessful. And as God had chosen Solomon, he became King at 12 years old. And David, a man after God’s own heart, before he passed away advised him saying, “My son, give me thine heart and worship God.”
✞And when St. Solomon was enthroned, he offered offerings to God at Gibeon. Thus, God appeared and said to him, “What do you want?” And Solomon, like his father, asked for wisdom and knowledge. And God, because He was delighted with the Saint’s request, said, “Either before or after you, there was none or there will be any, as wise and as rich as you,” and disappeared. Thereafter, St. Solomon reigned over Israel for 40 years.
✞And the world was subjected to him for his splendid justice and unique wisdom. And our Queen, Saba/ Sheba/ Maqeda/ Azeb, whom was chosen by God, went to quiz him and returned with Menelik l (Ebne Melek) conceived. Later on, the Ark of Zion and the rites of the Old Testament came to us. And because the Righteous Prophet was told that from his loins the Virgin Mary would be born, he took to himself many women thinking he was doing well.
✞And that was because,
*First as he was just a human like us and
*Second because he thought that he would bear from one of the women the Mother of Light, he conducted himself as mentioned earlier. And then he lost his way as he bowed down after he mingled with the gentiles particularly with one woman (Pharaoh’s daughter). And God was very disappointed [with him].
✞And He appeared to him in a revelation and said, “For the sake of My beloved David, I will not afflict you.” And when Solomon heard this, he came to his senses and repented wearing sackcloth, placing ash upon himself and with tears. And our Lord, Who loves repentance, accepted his penitence.
✞And as a show of His mercy, He revealed to him 5 Books and the Saint spoke and wrote them. They are;
1. The Book of Wisdom/Wisdom of Solomon
2. Tegsats (Reproof)
3. The Book of Ecclesiastes
4. Proverbs and
5. Song of Songs [of Solomon]
✞St. Solomon is also esteemed for building the Temple. The wise, kind king and prophet, Solomon, departed on this day at the age of 52 years (according to the Ethiopian Tradition based on “Dersane Masqel” – Homily on the Cross). [But the departure of Solomon is held on Senne 23 (June 30) according to the Synaxarium.]
✞✞✞May God grant us from the blessing of Solomon, the one who loved wisdom.
✞✞✞The Council of Bani-Omar✞✞✞
=>The early fathers used to convene councils in cities like Nicaea, Constantinople and Ephesus where they were triumphant over heretics and preserved the Church. Apart from the 3 Ecumenical Councils [mentioned above], they have held Local Councils as well, to deal with heresies that came about at different times.
✞And among the Local Councils that were held, the one that we will remember today was held in the Island of Bani-Omar. At the time, heretics rose that wanted to interweave Christianity with Judaism [by celebrating the Resurrection on whatever day the Jewish Passover took place] and because of it problems arose and the bishops and scholars of the era [and locality] gathered a council, debated the heretics, gave penance to those who returned and anathematized the apostates that did not want to come back to the Faith.✞✞✞ May the God of the Scholars keep us and the Church from malicious enemies