Mind Demic 🧠

Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Английский
Категория: Психология

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Гео и язык канала
Эфиопия, Английский
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Репост из: Crypto|Business planet™
PNL is an indicator of profit or loss for an open position.

Profit is the profit received.

Rekt - loss of money due to a bad deal.

Seed phrase - a list of random words (12, 18 or 24) that are generated when installing a crypto wallet and are used to restore it. Write it down, don’t lose it, don’t give it to anyone!

Scam is a fraudulent crypto project that has stopped fulfilling its obligations to investors.

A drain is a significant decrease in the exchange rate of a coin, creating panic among trading participants.

Tuzemun (to the Moon) - a rapid increase in the price of a coin, translated from English as “flight to the Moon”.

Flat/Sideways - price movement without significant fluctuations

Fomo is a syndrome of lost profits.

Hodling is the long-term storage of coins.

Hamster is new to the world of cryptocurrencies.

Shitcoin is a coin that has no real value.

Short – selling in order to buy cheaper.


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Things that improve our lives.


⭕️ Be more observant. W
atch everything that happens around you. The life around us is an excellent source for new experiences and new ideas.

⭕️ Don't miss a single idea that comes to your mind. Write down each one - even if you don’t manage to implement it right away, you can come back to it later.

⭕️Take more from the people around you. Around you is a cycle of examples, ideas, words, relationships, mistakes, experiences. Notice and use it to your advantage.

⭕️Always carry a book or magazine with you. In this way, you use to your advantage any period of time that could previously have been wasted - time on the road, in queues, waiting for results.

⭕️ Devote at least 30 minutes every day to reading.

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​​▪️1 . Get enough sleep
To be a successful person, you need to maintain a sleep schedule. It is very important both for human health in general and for greater productivity in terms of work. Therefore, it is worth accustoming yourself to fall asleep no later than 22:00, because it is from this time until 1 am that the most effective rest is.

▪️2. They go in for sports.
Physical exercise not only helps you take care of your body, but also provides tone to the body throughout the day. Even with a very busy schedule and fast pace of life, it is worth taking time for at least simple physical activity: be it morning exercises, jogging or evening strength training. In Japan, overweight people are not hired for leadership positions, guided by the principle: how can you manage people if you are not able to manage your own body?

▪️3. Eat right.
The second component of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition. It is not necessary to exhaust yourself with diets and food restrictions. Successful people choose the most suitable menu for themselves, which allows them not to overload the body, feel light, and stick to it.

▪️4. They set goals and confidently go towards them.
The main rule of a successful person is setting goals. The key to a positive work result is clearly defined goals and a written plan for achieving them. Successful people always know what they are striving for and why they take actions every day that lead them to achieve what they want.

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🔖 Helpful Psychological Facts

▫️ When you are silent, people automatically assume that you are angry.

▫️ We automatically perceive a person as more attractive if he smells good.

▫️ Being strange around a person is the ability to show that you are truly comfortable with them.

▫️ People who walk quickly are generally considered more confident and happier.

▫️ Shut up when you're right and admit you're wrong. This is a great way to significantly improve relationships with a person.‌‌

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               🔥  °• @MINDDEMICX🔥

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❗️ Never Send Money to any website or anyone claiming to Give you so much returns of Yours Investment. They will Never Return You single Penny.

‼️ Never share your Trading account or Online wallets Passwords to Strangers Claiming to be crypto Expert. You Will lose everything in Your account.

❤️6 provocative questions to ask yourself

What can I do today to achieve my goals?

What time are you most productive at work?

What can I do today to pamper myself?

What are 5 things I can be grateful for in my life?

What can I do today to make a difference in someone's life?

What is my best character trait?‌‌

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1. You get stuck thinking about the past or future.

2. You blame yourself, scold

3. You keep quiet about things you don't like.

4. You don't finish what you start

5. You put off your ideas until later.

6. You reconsider situations that are long gone

7. You have a lot of resentment towards people.‌‌

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               🔥  °• @MINDDEMICX🔥

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✅Causes of anxiety

1. Constant anxiety is often a symptom of more complex and dangerous diseases, primarily disorders.

2. It can be hormonal surges, vitamin deficiency, medication, sugar reduction, unbalanced diet, sedentary lifestyle, and also the result of alcohol or drugs

3. Anxiety often grows out of childhood, when the child was brought up by overly emotional parents, constantly demanding the impossible, being compared with others, etc.

4. Sometimes anxiety is an integral part of the person himself, his character and thinking. Then we talk about personality anxiety. It can be caused, for example, by a certain type of nervous system or even a pessimistic outlook on life.‌‌

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               🔥  °• @MINDDEMICX🔥

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❤️Areas of human life 🤍

▫️Physical - everything related to the body and its functions.

▫️ Material – career, financial well-being.

▫️ Social – relationships with people.

▫️ Spiritual - everything that concerns the inner world of a person.‌‌

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✅7 healthy habits that improve your life

1. Allow yourself to get enough sleep.

2. Healthy and nutritious breakfast every day.

3. Life in a routine.
A routine is truly something that can change your life.

4. More activity. Gym, dancing, yoga, walking. Find your type of activity and enjoy.

5. Charging.
Yes, yes, exercise can make your day 100% better, and also improves your skin, speeds up your metabolism and makes you healthier.

6. Less stress.
Everything is simple here: if something causes a lot of stress, you urgently need to get rid of it.

7. A day without the Internet. Try living without social networks and other entertainment content once a month, you will discover a lot of new things.‌‌

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               🔥  °• @MINDDEMICX🔥

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❤️Principles for a Full Life

1️⃣ Love change

Sooner or l
ater you will have to get used to this thought: the only thing that is constant in this world is change. Instead of being afraid, love them.

2️⃣ When in doubt, answer "I
need to think"

We don't always have the right answers to all questions. So instead of giving a flippant or wrong quick answer, tell the other person that you need ti
me to think things through.

3️⃣ Start your most important task in the morning

At this moment you have the most strength and energy. In the morning, we usually do most of the work of the day.‌‌

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✅Tips for development 💫

✨Ask for feedback often

✨Create a motivational notebook for yourself

✨Look for your "blind spots" (these are flaws or features that you do not know about, but which would be worth working on)

✨Create morning and evening rituals

✨Get organized

✨Spend time alone with yourself‌‌

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               🔥  °• @MINDDEMICX🔥

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✅Nurture these character traits in yourself

🦋Never sort things out with people who have disappointed you.

🦋Never return to those places where you felt bad.

🦋Never ask those who once refused you.

🦋Never let those who once betrayed you get close to you. Never. For he who betrays once will betray again.

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               🔥  °• @MINDDEMICX🔥

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✅Seven Secrets of a Happy Person:

1. Don't worry about what others think of you. (Secret of Freedom)

2. Any of our thoughts will definitely materialize. (Secret of Reality)

3. Love and accept your body. (Beauty Secret)

4. Don't judge or criticize yourself and others. (Secret of Friendship)

5. Give Love and don’t change your Loved Ones. (Secret of Love)

6. Learn to give first and then receive. (Secret of Wealth)

7. Think less, love more and be happy. (Secret of Happiness)‌‌

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               🔥  °• @MINDDEMICX🔥

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✅Tips you'll need

➰Don't let people decide how you live. Who do you meet. How do you dress.

➰Don’t trust your happiness, it depends only on you.

➰ Don't listen to those who say you need to change. You are a special person. There are no more like you.

➰ Don't look at others, don't be like everyone else. General standards kill personality.‌‌

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               🔥  °• @MINDDEMICX🔥

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