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What planet could have been responsible for the killing the dinosaurs?
*️⃣ Many mysteries remain about the Chicxulub impactor that wiped out more than 60 percent of known species, including the non-avian dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus rex.
*️⃣ In a recent study, researchers used an innovative technique to demonstrate that the apocalyptic culprit had formed beyond Jupiter's orbit.
*️⃣ Scientists also suggest the Chicxulub impactor wasn’t a comet or a run-of-the-mill giant space rock—it was a conspicuously “carbonaceous” (C-type) asteroid, rich in carbon and organic compounds.
*️⃣ The conclusions are particularly notable, given how rarely this type of asteroid collides with Earth.
*️⃣ According to researchers, studying the nature of asteroids that have struck Earth since its beginnings:
📍 can help solve the enigma of the origin of our planet's water that may have been brought to Earth by asteroids;
📍 also allows humanity to prepare for the future.
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*️⃣ Many mysteries remain about the Chicxulub impactor that wiped out more than 60 percent of known species, including the non-avian dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus rex.
*️⃣ In a recent study, researchers used an innovative technique to demonstrate that the apocalyptic culprit had formed beyond Jupiter's orbit.
*️⃣ Scientists also suggest the Chicxulub impactor wasn’t a comet or a run-of-the-mill giant space rock—it was a conspicuously “carbonaceous” (C-type) asteroid, rich in carbon and organic compounds.
*️⃣ The conclusions are particularly notable, given how rarely this type of asteroid collides with Earth.
*️⃣ According to researchers, studying the nature of asteroids that have struck Earth since its beginnings:
📍 can help solve the enigma of the origin of our planet's water that may have been brought to Earth by asteroids;
📍 also allows humanity to prepare for the future.
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