Ethio Job Vacancy

Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Амхарский
Категория: Карьера

አዳዲስ እና ወቅታዊ የሥራ ቅጥር ማስታወቂያዎችን ከተለያዩ ጋዜጦችና ድረ ገጾች ለሥራ ፈላጊዎች መረጃ መስጠት ነው።
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Гео и язык канала
Эфиопия, Амхарский
Фильтр публикаций

Shangtex Garment Manufacturing - Vacancy Announcement

Shangtex Garment Manufacturing would like to invites competent and interested candidates for the following position.

Position 1: Workshop Management Assistant
(Data Recording)
People required: 20

Position 2: General Service Officer
(IT Major Related)
People required: 2

How to Apply: (ይመልከቱ፤ ፈጥነው ያመልክቱ!)
For details use the link below and apply👇👇👇
Deadline: April 13, 2025
🔗መረጃው ለሌሎችም እንዲደርስ እባክዎ ለወዳጅ-ጓደኛዎ ያጋሩት
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የቴሌግራም ፕርሚየም ስጦታ ብለው ኢንቦክስ የሚልኩላችሁን እንዳትከፍቱ። አብዛኞቹ አካውንታቸውን እያጡት ይገኛል፤ ይህን መረጃም ለሁሉም ሼር በማድረግ አሳውቁ፣ የራሳችሁንም አካውንት ከመንታፊዎች ጠብቁ።

Adiu Communication Service - Vacancy Announcement

Adiu Communication Service would like to invites competent and interested candidates for the following position.

Position 1: Fresh Sales Engineer
Work Experience: 0 year of experience

Position 2: Fresh Tender Officer
Work Experience: No prior work experience required.

How to Apply: (ይመልከቱ፤ ፈጥነው ያመልክቱ!)
For details use the link below and apply👇👇👇
Deadline: March 14, 2025
🔗መረጃው ለሌሎችም እንዲደርስ እባክዎ ለወዳጅ-ጓደኛዎ ያጋሩት
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BGI Ethiopia - Vacancy Announcement

BGI Ethiopia would like to invites competent and interested candidates for the following position.

Position 1: IT Helpdesk

Position 2: HR Operation Officer

Position 3: Electrician

Position 4: Operator

Position 5: Mechanic

Position 6: Executive Driver

Position 7: Clinical Nurse

Position 8: Performance Head

Position 9: Maintenance Manager

Required Education:
Degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Electricity, Electronic Engineering, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Food Science, Nursing, Health Officer, Mechanical, Electromechanical Engineering, General Mechanics or Industrial, Manufacturing Technology, Mechanical Engineering, IT, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, BIS, MIS, management, public administration, human resources management, Manufacturing Technology or Industrial Mechanics or Industrial Electricity, Chemistry, Food science, or related fields
10/12th Grade Complete

How to Apply: (ይመልከቱ፤ ፈጥነው ያመልክቱ!)
For details use the link below and apply👇👇👇
Deadline: March 27, 2025
🔗መረጃው ለሌሎችም እንዲደርስ እባክዎ ለወዳጅ-ጓደኛዎ ያጋሩት
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Gift Real Estate - Vacancy Announcement

Gift Real Estate would like to invites competent and interested candidates for the following position.
Required Number: 60
Position 1: Market Research Expert

Position 2: Senior Field Sales Consultant II
Education: Bachelor’s degree in Marketing Management, Business, Engineering, or related fields.

How to Apply: (ይመልከቱ፤ ፈጥነው ያመልክቱ!)
For details use the link below and apply👇👇👇
Deadline: March 17, 2025
🔗መረጃው ለሌሎችም እንዲደርስ እባክዎ ለወዳጅ-ጓደኛዎ ያጋሩት
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ለሁላችሁም ጠቃሚ ምክር
በአብዛኛው በቤታችሁ ሆናችሁ በእጅ ስልካችሁ ተጠቅማችሁ በቀን እስከ 2 ሺ በወር 60 ሺ ብር ይስሩ። ሌላም አማላይና አጓጊ መልዕክቶችን በማከል ሊንኩን ተጭነው ይግቡ ወይንም በነፃ ይመዝገቡ የሚል ማንኛውንም ማስፈንጠሪያ (Link) እንዳትጫኑ። ምክንያቱም አንደኛ አጭበርባሪዎች፣ አካውንት መንታፊዎች (scammers and hackers) ስለሆኑ። ስለዚህ በቴሌግራምም፣ በዋትስአፕ፣ በኢሞ የሚላኩላችሁን ሊንኮች አትጫኑ። በተለይ የቴሌግራም ግሩፕ አድሚኖች እና ሞደሬተሮች መሰል መልዕክቶች የያዙ ፖስት ሲደሰጉ አጥፏቸው። ሌሎች የቻናሉ አባላት ግን ከመጭበርበርና አካውንታችሁን ከመሰረቅ ጥንቃቄ አድርጉ። ከዚህ በተጨማሪ ከቴሌግራም አካውንታችሁ በስተግራ ያለውን 3 ሰረዝ ያለበትን በመጫን ቀጥላችሁ Settings የሚለውን በመጫን በመቀጠል Devices የሚለውን በመጫን ከዚህ በፊት በስህተት ሊንክ ተጭናችሁ ከእናንተ በተጨማሪ በሌላ ሰው ዲቫይስ (ስልክ፣ ላፕቶፕ፣ ኮምፒውተር ወይንም ታብሌት) የት አገር እየተጠቀመ መሆኑን ከእናንተ እውቅና ውጭ የተጠቀሱ  በተለይ ከኢትዮጵያ ውጭ ካሉ እሱን በመጫን Terminate Session (ማቋረጥ እንዳይጠቀሙ) ማድረግ ትችላላችሁ። ሰላም ዋሉልኝ!!

HIllbotom PLC - Vacancy Announcement

HIllbotom PLC would like to invites competent and interested candidates for the following position.

Position 1: Food and Beverage Cost Control

Position 2: Human Resource & Administration Officer

Position 3: Senior Finance Officer

Position 4: Food and Beverage Cost Manager

How to Apply: (ይመልከቱ፤ ፈጥነው ያመልክቱ!)
For details use the link below and apply👇👇👇
Deadline: March 22, 2025
🔗መረጃው ለሌሎችም እንዲደርስ እባክዎ ለወዳጅ-ጓደኛዎ ያጋሩት
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Minaye PLC - Vacancy Announcement

Minaye PLC would like to invites competent and interested candidates for the following position.

Position 1: Engineering Intern
Currently pursuing or recently completed a degree in Engineering (any field: Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Industrial, etc.).
Experience: Fresh Graduate

How to Apply: (ይመልከቱ፤ ፈጥነው ያመልክቱ!)
For details use the link below and apply👇👇👇
Deadline: March 26, 2025
🔗መረጃው ለሌሎችም እንዲደርስ እባክዎ ለወዳጅ-ጓደኛዎ ያጋሩት
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Anbesa International Bank SC - Vacancy Announcement

Anbesa International Bank SC would like to invites competent and interested candidates for the following position.

Position 1: Administrative Assistant

Position 2: Branch Manager IV

Position 3: Manager – Branding & Digital Marketing Division (Re-advertised)

Required Qualifications:
Degree/Diploma in Accounting, Banking & Finance, Management, Secretarial Science & Office Management, Administrative Office & Secretarial Technology, Customer Contract & Secretarial Operations Coordination, Journalism, English literature, Management, or related field,

How to Apply: (ይመልከቱ፤ ፈጥነው ያመልክቱ!)
For details use the link below and apply👇👇👇
Deadline: March 14, 2025
🔗መረጃው ለሌሎችም እንዲደርስ እባክዎ ለወዳጅ-ጓደኛዎ ያጋሩት
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Alemayehu Ketema General Contractor - Vacancy Announcement (Part-2)

Alemayehu Ketema GC would like to invites competent and interested candidates for the following position.

Position 1: Project Auditor

Position 2: Senior Purchaser

Position 3: Design & Quality Control Division Head

Position 4: Store keeper

Position 5: Senior Resource Planner

Position 6: General Structure Forman

Position 7: Production Controller

Position 8: Performance Auditor

How to Apply: (ይመልከቱ፤ ፈጥነው ያመልክቱ!)
For details use the link below and apply👇👇👇
Deadline: March 20, 2025
🔗መረጃው ለሌሎችም እንዲደርስ እባክዎ ለወዳጅ-ጓደኛዎ ያጋሩት
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ALEMAYEHU KETEMA GC - Vacancy Announcement (Part-1)

ALEMAYEHU KETEMA GC would like to invites competent and interested candidates for the following position.

Position 1: Senior Auto-Electrician

Position 2: Auto-Electrician

Position 3: Senior Industrial Electrician

Position 4: Asphalt Plant Forman

Position 5: Maintenance Coordinator

Position 6: Production Data Analyst

Position 7: Earth work Superintendent

Position 8: Structure Forman

Position 9: Data Annalist

Position 10: Planning & Business Development Specialist

How to Apply: (ይመልከቱ፤ ፈጥነው ያመልክቱ!)
For details use the link below and apply👇👇👇
Deadline: March 20, 2025
🔗መረጃው ለሌሎችም እንዲደርስ እባክዎ ለወዳጅ-ጓደኛዎ ያጋሩት
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Yegna Microfinance - Vacancy Announcement

Yegna Microfinance would like to invites competent and interested candidates for the following position.

Position 1: Interest free microfinance Business -Senior Officer

Position 2: Branch Accountant -I

Position 3: Auditor

Position 4: Senior Auditor

Position 5: Branch Manager -I

Position 6: Customer Relationship Manager-I

Position 7: Secretary

Position 8: Executive Assistant to the CEO

Position 9: Senior Accountant

Position 10: Marketing & Business Development Department Manager

Position 11: Talent Management & Development Department Manager

Position 12: Deputy Chief Credit Officer
Educational Background: Degree in Business management, Economics, Management, Accounting, Marketing Management, Business Administration, HRM, Accounting & Finance, Banking and Finance, Marketing, Secretarial Science, Office Management/Office Administration, or related fields.

How to Apply: (ይመልከቱ፤ ፈጥነው ያመልክቱ!)
For details use the link below and apply👇👇👇
Deadline: March 20, 2025
🔗መረጃው ለሌሎችም እንዲደርስ እባክዎ ለወዳጅ-ጓደኛዎ ያጋሩት
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Vacancy Announcement – Awash Bank SC

Awash Bank SC would like to invite qualified and interested job seekers to apply for the following vacant position.

Position 1: IT Strategy, Enterprise Architecture and Integration Officer

Position 2: Senior – IT Strategy, Enterprise Architecture and Integration Officer

Position 3: Senior – IT Quality Assurance and Change Management Officer

Position 4: Principal -Transformation Projects Management Officer

Position 5: Principal – IT Quality Assurance and Change Management Officer

BSc Degree in Software Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Business Administration, Management, Accounting, Banking & Finance, Economics, or related fields

How to Apply: (ይመልከቱ፤ ፈጥነው ያመልክቱ!)
For details use the link below and apply👇👇👇
Deadline: March 18, 2025
🔗መረጃው ለሌሎችም እንዲደርስ እባክዎ ለወዳጅ-ጓደኛዎ ያጋሩት
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Vacancy Announcement – Ethiopian Engineering Corporation

Ethiopian Engineering Corporation would like to invite qualified and interested job seekers to apply for the following vacant position.

Position 1: Site HR & Admin

Position 2: Contract Administrator
(Building Projects)

Position 3: Contract Administrator
(Road Projects)

Position 4: Senior Store Keeper
(Building & Road Projects)

Position 5: Accountant
(Building & Road Projects)

Position 6: Procurement Engineer

How to Apply: (ይመልከቱ፤ ፈጥነው ያመልክቱ!)
For details use the link below and apply👇👇👇
Deadline: March 20, 2025
🔗መረጃው ለሌሎችም እንዲደርስ እባክዎ ለወዳጅ-ጓደኛዎ ያጋሩት
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Vacancy Announcement – Cooperative Bank of Oromia

Cooperative Bank of Oromia would like to invite qualified and interested job seekers to apply for the following vacant position.

Position 1: Associate Sales Officer

Position 2: Sales Officer

Position 3: Sales Specialist

Position 4: Director of Customer Growth and Support

How to Apply: (ይመልከቱ፤ ፈጥነው ያመልክቱ!)
For details use the link below and apply👇👇👇
Deadline: March 15, 2025
🔗መረጃው ለሌሎችም እንዲደርስ እባክዎ ለወዳጅ-ጓደኛዎ ያጋሩት
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Vacancy Announcement – AMG Steel Factory

AMG Steel Factory would like to invite qualified and interested job seekers to apply for the following vacant position.

Position 1: Junior HR Officer
Work Experience: Not required

Position 2: Junior Accountant
Work Experience: Not required

Position 3: Senior Business Application Specialist

Position 4: General Service Division Head

Position 5: HR Officer

Position 6: Bag Printing Machine Operator

Position 7: Accountant

Position 8: System Administrator

Position 9: Senior Accountant

Qualifications: Degree/Diploma in Computer Science, Information Science, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Accounting and Finance, Accounting. Printing machines print logos, designs, Business Management, Human Resource Management, Management, Marketing, Supply chain Management, Economics, or other related fields

How to Apply: (ይመልከቱ፤ ፈጥነው ያመልክቱ!)
For details use the link below and apply👇👇👇
Deadline: March 20, 2025
🔗መረጃው ለሌሎችም እንዲደርስ እባክዎ ለወዳጅ-ጓደኛዎ ያጋሩት
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Global Insurance SC - Vacancy Announcement

Global Insurance SC would like to invites competent and interested candidates for the following position.

Position 1: Junior Accountant
Requirement Relevant Experience: Not required

Position 2: Main Cashier

How to Apply: (ይመልከቱ፤ ፈጥነው ያመልክቱ!)
For details use the link below and apply👇👇👇
Deadline: March 12, 2025
🔗መረጃው ለሌሎችም እንዲደርስ እባክዎ ለወዳጅ-ጓደኛዎ ያጋሩት
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Dashen Bank SC - Vacancy Announcement

Dashen Bank SC would like to invites competent and interested candidates for the following position.

Position 1: Contact Center Agent
Academic Qualifications:
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Business Administration, Management, Marketing Management and/or related fields.
BSc. Degree in Computer Science, IT, Information Systems

How to Apply: (ይመልከቱ፤ ፈጥነው ያመልክቱ!)
For details use the link below and apply👇👇👇
Deadline: March 19, 2025
🔗መረጃው ለሌሎችም እንዲደርስ እባክዎ ለወዳጅ-ጓደኛዎ ያጋሩት
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Sons Industries - Vacancy Announcement

Sons Industries would like to invites competent and interested candidates for the following position.

Position 1: Junior Accountant
Work Experience: 0 years experience

Position 2: Senior Accountant

Position 3: Senior Cashier

Position 4: General Accounts Head

How to Apply: (ይመልከቱ፤ ፈጥነው ያመልክቱ!)
For details use the link below and apply👇👇👇
Deadline: March 17, 2025
🔗መረጃው ለሌሎችም እንዲደርስ እባክዎ ለወዳጅ-ጓደኛዎ ያጋሩት
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Belayab Motors PLC - Vacancy Announcement

Belayab Motors PLC would like to invites competent and interested candidates for the following position.

Position 1: Trainee Auto Mechanic I
Work Experience: Not Required

Position 2: Trainee Auto Mechanic II
Work Experience: 0 years

Position 3: Trainee Customer Service I
Work Experience: Not Required

Position 4: Senior Auto Mechanic

Position 5: Sales Representative

Position 6: Auto Mechanic Foreman I

Position 7: Direct Sales Supervisor

How to Apply: (ይመልከቱ፤ ፈጥነው ያመልክቱ!)
For details use the link below and apply👇👇👇
Deadline: March 14, 2025
🔗መረጃው ለሌሎችም እንዲደርስ እባክዎ ለወዳጅ-ጓደኛዎ ያጋሩት
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Показано 20 последних публикаций.