10 March, 2025
From LSU telegram channel
We have approved Female admins for LSU telegram channel to enlarge the Scope of the channel and enhance its coverage with hidden ability of Women towards success of all Law students and also achievement of Legal field Professionals. Without Your participation there is neither achievement nor success on any arena.
We added recently 45 male admins but you girls/women couldn't participate. So we want to add you as special round (Females only)
Detail information
Number of registered applicants:
➾ 450 through z bot
➾ 98 through senior admins
Applicants fulfilled all criteria
➾ 49
➾ 16 of them are proved that they are really want to be admin and their information & evidence is correct
➾ 29 appicants are rejected for their unreal evidence. Among this 27 applied as if they were Female and 2 of them are no Law Student but other department at the campus they mentioned so far.
➾ 3 of them didn't respond on time.
➾ 1 is pending (from Bahirdar unv. 3rd yr Eleni Sintayehu)
Totally we approved 17 (1 is pending) Female admins for our channel from 12 universities.
List of 12 universities with approved female.admins
1. Wachamo =1
2. Debark =1
3. Hawassa= 3
4. Adigrat= 1
5. Arbaminch=1
6. Gondar=1
7. Haramaya =3
8. Debrebirhan=2
9. Madda Walabu= 1
10. Bahirdar= 1(pending)
11. Jimma =1
12. Addis Abeba = 1
We need 10 more admins from none listed universities
Send real evidence & your information to be register as Female admin to @Lidmin within this 2 days
Have good time
Lidu Lili, LSU Admin manager and Female admins booster
Your telegram channel, LSU
10 March, 2025
From LSU telegram channel
We have approved Female admins for LSU telegram channel to enlarge the Scope of the channel and enhance its coverage with hidden ability of Women towards success of all Law students and also achievement of Legal field Professionals. Without Your participation there is neither achievement nor success on any arena.
We added recently 45 male admins but you girls/women couldn't participate. So we want to add you as special round (Females only)
Detail information
Number of registered applicants:
➾ 450 through z bot
➾ 98 through senior admins
Applicants fulfilled all criteria
➾ 49
➾ 16 of them are proved that they are really want to be admin and their information & evidence is correct
➾ 29 appicants are rejected for their unreal evidence. Among this 27 applied as if they were Female and 2 of them are no Law Student but other department at the campus they mentioned so far.
➾ 3 of them didn't respond on time.
➾ 1 is pending (from Bahirdar unv. 3rd yr Eleni Sintayehu)
Totally we approved 17 (1 is pending) Female admins for our channel from 12 universities.
List of 12 universities with approved female.admins
1. Wachamo =1
2. Debark =1
3. Hawassa= 3
4. Adigrat= 1
5. Arbaminch=1
6. Gondar=1
7. Haramaya =3
8. Debrebirhan=2
9. Madda Walabu= 1
10. Bahirdar= 1(pending)
11. Jimma =1
12. Addis Abeba = 1
We need 10 more admins from none listed universities
Send real evidence & your information to be register as Female admin to @Lidmin within this 2 days
Have good time
Lidu Lili, LSU Admin manager and Female admins booster
Your telegram channel, LSU