I always get confused when I see people who have only known each other for a few months or a year vibing like they have been soulmates for decades, while I struggle to act the same way with my 10 years best friend.
(በተለይ ሚስጥረኛዬ ምናምን እያሉ ሲፖሳሰቱ እና ፌዝ እና እርስበርስ መሞለፋፈጥን እንደ ጥሩ እና ምርጥ ጓደኝነት ሲያስቡ ሳይ 🤮 ) uff uff eeff🤮
It really makes me wonder are they just putting on a show for others, or are they fooling themselves?
How can a friendship bond grow so strong so quickly? I always thought true friendship deepens over time, shaped by shared experiences and everything life throws at you.