ጥያቄ ስንጠየቅ መመለስ ካልፈለግን
✔️ No comment.
✔️ I would rather not say.
✔️ That's for me to know.
✔️ Let's not get into that.
✔️ Let's change the subject.
✔️ I don't feel like discussing that.
✔️ It's a long story.
✔️ Let's keep that a mystery.
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✔️ No comment.
✔️ I would rather not say.
✔️ That's for me to know.
✔️ Let's not get into that.
✔️ Let's change the subject.
✔️ I don't feel like discussing that.
✔️ It's a long story.
✔️ Let's keep that a mystery.
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Join 💬 @Spoken_English24