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Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Английский
Категория: Психология

Self Development | Health | Wealth | Habits. Helping to make better version of yourself.⚡️

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Эфиопия, Английский
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Having SEX at least once per week can lower a man’s risk of heart disease by...READ MORE


🌟 Finding Personal Power 🌟

One wise person knew everything about money and happiness because he had both. During a financial crisis when he lost it all, he was asked, "What's it like to be poor?" He replied, "I'm not poor; I just don't have money. Poverty is a state of mind, and I'll never be poor." Think rich. 💰🤑

He turned out to be right: wealth and poverty are states of the soul. Some people, despite having no money, feel rich, while the wealthy may feel poor. If you think poorly, it's much more dangerous than being broke. You think about wealth, forgetting that money comes and goes, but you are inherently valuable. 💎🧠

Think rich💰
Raise your self-esteem, remind yourself of how precious your personality is. This is the real wealth.

Let go of control 🙌
We believe that money gives us power, and controlling people and situations gives us authority. The more control, the better. Of course, we should manage our daily lives, but problems arise when we start controlling more than necessary, expending energy trying to grasp the unattainable. Release it. 🍃

Live for today 🌞
Why do we think "tomorrow" holds more opportunities for happiness or power than "today"? The game of "more" keeps us feeling inadequate. Even if we get what we want, we still feel worse than expected because it's never enough.




2. Improper diet

3. Social media addiction🫥

4. Making excuses

5. Gossips

6. Being too much emotional

7. Laziness🥱


The Most Bitter Truth of Life.

1. You weren’t born to just pay bills and die.

2. You don’t get to the top by following the rules.

3. Networking will get you a job faster than your degree will.

4. Results happen overtime and not overnight.

5. Wealth is more than just money.

6. Nobody cares about your degree when you drive a Lamborghini.

7. Society will judge you no matter what.

8. Hard times teach you valuable lessons.

9. The best revenge is massive success.

10. If you can’t manage stress, you will never manage success.

11. Financial freedom has a priceless view.

12. Money isn’t everything but everything requires money.

13. No one is coming to save you. This life is 100% your responsibility.

14. Risk is the price you pay for opportunity.

15. Focusing on yourself will make you feel unstoppable.

16. Doctors won’t make you healthy. Save yourself.

17. Your perception is your power.

18. Holding on to the past drain your energy.

19. If you are not losing friends, you are not growing up.

20. The biggest wall you will ever climb is the one you build in your mind.


Creepy facts that were previously hidden from us 🤯

◾️Why was it dangerous for women with large breasts to live in South America 100 years ago?
◾️What torture was used to punish women who cheated on their husbands?
◾️For what money could rich South Americans buy young wives and what did they do with them?

Subscribe to the Buzz 📚 History and you will know everything about the secret history of your country 👇


Discover These 8 Top Rules of Life for a Happy and Fulfil Living.

1. Be kind not nice: Treat people well and offer help when possible and necessary. But resist the urge to be Nice. don't just tell people what they want to hear. When you tell people what they want to hear, you are setting them up for disappointment and create unnecessary work for yourself too. It is important to be honest and assertive when necessary.

2. Do things you would like to remember: Take some risks and try new things to create meaningful memories. Taking risks creates opportunities, enables growth, and spurs creativity.

3. Know when to keep Silent: - Listen to others and let them speak, even if they are upset with you. Be aware of the situation and read the room. If you are feeling the urge to mention something destructive, take a couple of breaths and consider the possible consequences which may follow.

4. Know when to walk away: You should be able to pursue your interests, passions, dreams, and goals, and more importantly, be yourself. If you are not getting any of these, you might need to get vocal, and if that doesn't work either, walk away.

5. Ask people questions and listen to their answers: Everyone has a story, and you can build meaningful connections by listening and being trustworthy. You can gain all kinds of information by simply listening to other people's conversations or being attentive when somebody talks to you.

6. Take care of your body: Drink water, exercise, eat well, maintain hygiene, and show compassion to your body. Your health is your wealth.

7. Just do it once: Try new things and see what you enjoy. Don't be afraid to quit if you don't like it but keep trying until you find your passion. New experiences are good for our emotional health. Trying new things gives us a hit of dopamine (feel good chemical) and makes us feel rewarded.

8. Be sparkly: Decorate your life with things that make you happy and avoid monotony. Hobbies are a great way to break the endless cycle of work-commute-eat-sleep. Creative hobbies, such as writing, playing a musical instrument, painting, and cooking don't only offer a welcome break from routine but have also been proven to improve everyday emotional well-being.

Enjoy your new week.


Ten lessons from "Master Your Emotions: A Practical Guide to Overcome Negativity and Better Manage Your Feelings" by Thibaut Meurisse.

1. Understanding Emotional Intelligence: The book introduces the concept of emotional intelligence, emphasizing its importance in personal growth and success.

2. Recognizing and Accepting Emotions: Readers learn to recognize and accept their emotions without judgment, understanding that all emotions, even negative ones, serve a purpose.

3. Mindfulness and Self-Awareness: Techniques for cultivating mindfulness and self-awareness are presented as foundational tools for managing emotions effectively.

4. Emotion Regulation Strategies: Practical strategies are offered to regulate emotions, such as breathing exercises, mindfulness practices, and reframing negative thoughts.

5. Developing Resilience: Techniques to build emotional resilience, bounce back from setbacks, and handle stressful situations are discussed.

6. Positive Psychology and Gratitude: The book explores the principles of positive psychology and encourages the practice of gratitude to promote a more positive emotional state.

7. Managing Stress and Anxiety: Effective methods for managing stress and anxiety are provided, empowering readers to navigate challenging situations calmly.

8. Enhancing Self-Control: Strategies to improve self-control and impulse management are outlined, fostering better decision-making and emotional stability.

9. Cultivating Empathy and Social Awareness: The importance of empathy and social awareness in managing interpersonal relationships and emotional connections is highlighted.

10. Continuous Practice and Improvement: The book emphasizes that emotional mastery is an ongoing journey, encouraging readers to practice and refine these skills continually.



*Save money every week! It doesn't matter how much. Just save!

*Live within your means. It's one of the most difficult things to master.

*Choose your friends wisely as you are the product of your environment.

*Learn to be alone and independent, without being lonely. It's a skill few master.

*Educate yourself - read, read, read.

*Be healthy & look after your body. Cook & eat your own food, and exercise your body.

*Don't wait for someone to love you; learn to love YOURSELF first.

You'll be OK. 👍

I understand you "need" money.  I understand you "need" a job.   I understand you "need" to stop your addictions.

I understand you "need" a man or woman in your life.



You kinda "want it".

Until you get to the point where you say, "I need this so bad like the air I breathe", you will still not get it.

Need it so bad... and go for it!


5 tips how to increase your value

1, Always don't be available for all people, try to act busy

2, When you don't like it, Learnt to say no to people

3, Don't reply quickly to anyone

4, Don't worry about others, Find your happiness

5, Don't beg for love, If they wanna leave then let them


1. Always remember that there is nobody on this earth that does not have problems. You are not the only one that has problems.
2. Challenges are part of life. It is only a dead man who has no challenges.
3. no problem has no solution. There are solutions to the pains you are going through.

4. The way you picture yourself in your mind can affect your happiness. Picture yourself as a valuable and beautiful person. Avoid low self-esteem and inferiority complex.

5. Do not mind about what people say about you. Some people are sadists. They can just say something just to make you feel sad.

6. Make friends with reasonable people who make you happy. Do not make friends with people who make jest of you or laugh at you over your challenges.
7. In your leisure time, keep yourself busy with your favourite hobbies like sports, games, watching movies, surfing the internet, playing computer games, etc.
8. Do not allow anyone to intimidate you with money and material things. A poor man today can become rich tomorrow. Change is constant.
9. No matter what you are going through today, do not give up. As long as there is life, there is hope.
10. Be very prayerful. Pray without ceasing. Prayer is a catalyst that can speed up your blessings to come to you on time.
11. Be courageous to go for what you want. Life is all about risk. If you don't take a risk, you will not get the desires of your heart.
Never change your originality for the sake of others. Because no one can play your role better than you.
You are the best. So be yourself...


"I chose the wrong field to become rich."

This thesis-justification seems quite successful to many people.
Like, how am I going to make money being a conductor/teacher/miner?

And yes, this argument seems logical enough...
But, let's look at the question deeper🤔

Aren't there millionaires and billionaires in virtually every sphere of life?

Haven't people created corporations on a global scale by working their way up to the main product factory of a future corporation?
Or isn't there a teacher who has taken to popularizing his or her field (physics, chemistry, math, and so on)?

Yes, there certainly are!
What distinguishes them from those who don't?
It's simple - they love, know, and masterfully "do" their thing.

So, of course, it is important to focus on relevant and in-demand activities. But this is not the most important condition for success👌🏻

The Rules for Being Human

Every human being is a problem in search of a solution.
~Ashley Montagu

1. You will receive a body.

You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire period of this time around.

2. You will learn lessons.
You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called Life.

Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant and stupid.

3. There are no mistakes, only lessons.

Growth is a process of trial and error: Experimentation. The “failed” experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately “works.”

4. A lesson is repeated until learned.

A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can then go on to the next lesson.

5. Learning lessons does not end.

There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.

“6There” is no better than “here.”

When your “there” has become a “here,” you will simply obtain another “there” that will again look better than “here.”

7. Others are merely mirrors of you.

You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself.

8. What you make of your life is up to you.

You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.

9. Your answers lie inside you.

The answers to Life’s questions lie inside you. All you need to do is look, listen and trust.

10. You will forget all this


How do you become a puzzle for her to solve?

1. Prioritize yourself. Work on yourself. Spend fun times enjoying hobbies and hanging out with your friends. Be a little selfish sometimes and learn to be happy alone.

2. Reduce the attention you give her. If you call her 4 times a day, make it 2, and call at random times. Intentionally miss her calls and return them hours later. Let her know you've got other things going on in your life.

3. Be mysterious. Men in love talk too much. About their goals and how different or exciting they are. All these makes you boring over time. Reserve and preserve those info. Talk less, and don't be an "open book" where she knows everything about you.

4. Keep options. Note, keep options here doesn't mean sleep around. No. But talk more with other women. Let her know she's not the only woman in your life. You're not doing it to make her jealous, but the bitter truth is that, women crave you more when other women are interested in spending time around you or having you. This step is very important and will change how she sees you, trust me.

5. Be disagreeable: When a man loves a woman, he doesn't want to do or say something to hurt her feelings. But those are the men who get jilted or cheated on the most.
When she realizes you're trying to please her, she sees you as weak. A man who has his own opinions and values, and won't bend them to make her happy; A man who is proud to say what he believes to be true (of course not including insults) and stick with it, whether she's happy with that or not; that is the man she gets "wet" for and madly in love with. He's so domineering without being intimidating that almost every woman automatically becomes submissive under his presence. It's not a talent. It's a skill and you can learn that too.

6. Give her space to miss you. Similar to #2 above, you need to force yourself to not be around her so much. You think it will keep your bond, but she'd be bored seeing you every time in no time. Get busy with life. Let her miss you sometimes.

7. Always keep improving. But do it in silence. Don't tell her you're registering for a gym. Go register, and let her find out herself by how much you've changed physically and mentally. Go do that thing you dream of and let her see the results herself. Every time she visits you, she must see something change in or around you.

8. Stop telling her "I love you". Stop telling her "you're my queen" and "you're beautiful" every damn time. She may be "your world" . She may be  "the only woman in your life". Though that's crazy, but don't tell her about it. The more frequent these words are, the less value they carry over time. Let them be  a "reward" to her. Once in a while, sparingly she does something you like, you say, "that's my cute princess". It does two things this way: encourages her to do more of that which she did and also she values those words because you don't throw them around easily.

9. Never argue with her. But never agree to everything too (#5). Arguing is an emotional thread, a game you can't win with her. Tell her your view and your thoughts and shut up. The more she knows you're into her, the more she'd intentionally cause stupid arguments to  reaffirm your love for her. Women are weird, trust me.

10. Set boundaries and stick with them. Be very firm to let her know you love her but you love yourself more and won't tolerate everything she throws at you. If you don't pick calls after 10pm, she should not break it because you love her. If you don't entertain disrespect, she should not be excused from that.

I didn't intend writing a long post like this. But it's important to revisit these critical points once in a while when dealing with women in your life.


• "✝️He is not here; he has risen!"
—Luke 24:6-7

✝️Wishing you a happy Easter full of blessings.❤️🍭

🎊✝️Happy Easter to Russian, Ukrainian, Georgian, Ethiopian, Serbian, Macedonian, Greek, Bulgarian, Romanian, Eritrean and Arab Orthodox Christians!✝️🎉

May you be blessed with happiness and love, growth and prosperity!

Ten Lessons from the book "THE COMPOUND EFFECT"
1. The little things matter. Small, seemingly insignificant actions can have a big impact over time.

2. Consistency is key. The key to success is to be consistent with your actions, even if they are small.

3. Take action now. Don't wait for the perfect moment to start taking action. Just start today.

4. Track your progress. Tracking your progress will help you stay motivated and on track.

5. Don't give up. The journey to success is not always easy, but it is important to never give up.

6. Be patient. The compound effect takes time to work its magic. Don't expect to see results overnight.

7. Be positive. A positive attitude will help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.

8. Surround yourself with positive people. The people you spend time with have a big impact on your success. Surround yourself with positive people who will support you on your journey.

9. Celebrate your wins. When you achieve a goal, take the time to celebrate your success. This will help you stay motivated and keep moving forward.

10. Never stop learning. The world is constantly changing, so it is important to never stop learning. The more you learn, the more successful you will be.

These are just a few of the lessons that can be learned from the book "The Compound Effect." If you are serious about achieving your goals, I highly recommend reading this book.


How do you become a puzzle for her to solve?

1. Prioritize yourself. Work on yourself. Spend fun times enjoying hobbies and hanging out with your friends. Be a little selfish sometimes and learn to be happy alone.

2. Reduce the attention you give her. If you call her 4 times a day, make it 2, and call at random times. Intentionally miss her calls and return them hours later. Let her know you've got other things going on in your life.

3. Be mysterious. Men in love talk too much. About their goals and how different or exciting they are. All these makes you boring over time. Reserve and preserve those info. Talk less, and don't be an "open book" where she knows everything about you.

4. Keep options. Note, keep options here doesn't mean sleep around. No. But talk more with other women. Let her know she's not the only woman in your life. You're not doing it to make her jealous, but the bitter truth is that, women crave you more when other women are interested in spending time around you or having you. This step is very important and will change how she sees you, trust me.

5. Be disagreeable: When a man loves a woman, he doesn't want to do or say something to hurt her feelings. But those are the men who get jilted or cheated on the most.
When she realizes you're trying to please her, she sees you as weak. A man who has his own opinions and values, and won't bend them to make her happy; A man who is proud to say what he believes to be true (of course not including insults) and stick with it, whether she's happy with that or not; that is the man she gets "wet" for and madly in love with. He's so domineering without being intimidating that almost every woman automatically becomes submissive under his presence. It's not a talent. It's a skill and you can learn that too.

6. Give her space to miss you. Similar to #2 above, you need to force yourself to not be around her so much. You think it will keep your bond, but she'd be bored seeing you every time in no time. Get busy with life. Let her miss you sometimes.

7. Always keep improving. But do it in silence. Don't tell her you're registering for a gym. Go register, and let her find out herself by how much you've changed physically and mentally. Go do that thing you dream of and let her see the results herself. Every time she visits you, she must see something change in or around you.

8. Stop telling her "I love you". Stop telling her "you're my queen" and "you're beautiful" every damn time. She may be "your world" . She may be  "the only woman in your life". Though that's crazy, but don't tell her about it. The more frequent these words are, the less value they carry over time. Let them be  a "reward" to her. Once in a while, sparingly she does something you like, you say, "that's my cute princess". It does two things this way: encourages her to do more of that which she did and also she values those words because you don't throw them around easily.

9. Never argue with her. But never agree to everything too (#5). Arguing is an emotional thread, a game you can't win with her. Tell her your view and your thoughts and shut up. The more she knows you're into her, the more she'd intentionally cause stupid arguments to  reaffirm your love for her. Women are weird, trust me.

10. Set boundaries and stick with them. Be very firm to let her know you love her but you love yourself more and won't tolerate everything she throws at you. If you don't pick calls after 10pm, she should not break it because you love her. If you don't entertain disrespect, she should not be excused from that.

I didn't intend writing a long post like this. But it's important to revisit these critical points once in a while when dealing with women in your life.


✔️ Only you can take responsibility for healing emotional wounds.

✔️ Transform that pain into purpose and progress, showing patience and compassion for yourself.

✔️ The chance to grow and evolve will bring unimaginable rewards.

✔️ Don’t miss out by expecting someone else to do it for you.


10 Habits of Mentally Strong People

1⃣ They remain positive even in negative situations.

2⃣ They admit their mistakes.

3⃣ They do not blame others for own problems.

4⃣ They focus on solutions.

5⃣ They neutralize toxic people.

6⃣ They are confident but not arrogant.

7⃣ They embrace failure.

8⃣ They embrace change.

9⃣ They practice kindness, compassion and empathy.

🔟 They help others even when they struggle with their own issues.

☑ Join @TRL_TM


1. Don’t lend money to your family. Give it.

2. Never shake a hand while sitting down.

3. Stop telling people more than they need to know.

4. Never eat the last piece of something you didn't buy.

5. Don't throw your friend under the bus to impress someone.

6. Never insult the cooking when you are the guest.

7. Don't use the urinal next to an occupied one.

8. Don't take out your phone during a conversation.

9. Never take credit for work you didn't do.

10. Listen, nod, and most of all make eye contact.

11. Don't make fun of your friend in front of his kids.

12. Never let emotions overpower you.

13. Never beg for a relationship.

14. Dress well no matter what the occasion.

15. Never kick a man when he is already down.


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