Ethiopian Association of Civil Engineers

Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Амхарский

Channel for Ethiopian Association of Civil Engineers members to updated current construction issues, information and opportunities

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Гео и язык канала
Эфиопия, Амхарский
Фильтр публикаций

EACE Statement: Ending Gender-Based Violence, Building a Future of Equality

The Ethiopian Association of Civil Engineers (EACE) clearly condemns all forms of violence, especially gender-based violence, which continues to impede the achievement of equity, inclusion, and social progress. As civil engineers, we recognize that building a better future extends beyond constructing infrastructure—it includes fostering safe, equitable, and inclusive communities for all.

Our Commitment to Change

1. Advocacy Against Violence
EACE is committed to raising awareness about the profound impact of gender-based violence and advocating for robust policies that protect the rights and well-being of women across all sectors, particularly in engineering and construction.

2. Empowering Women in Engineering
We are dedicated to increasing female representation and leadership in engineering by expanding mentorship programs and facilitating professional development tailored to women’s needs.

3. Promoting Inclusive Practices
EACE will ensure that all our initiatives, events, and projects are rooted in the principles of equality and inclusivity, creating safe spaces where every individual feels valued and respected.

4. Collaborating for Impact
Through partnerships with governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations, and industry stakeholders, EACE will champion programs and campaigns designed to prevent violence and promote gender equity in every facet of our society.

A Call to Action

We call on our members, partners, and the broader engineering community to join us in standing against gender-based violence. Together, we can amplify the voices of women, break down barriers to equality, and create a profession—and a world—where everyone thrives.

At EACE, our vision goes beyond building physical structures. We are building hope, equity, and a future where all people can live and work without fear.

Let’s stand together: End Violence Against Women. Build a World of Inclusion.

Ethiopian Association of Civil Engineers (EACE)

Future Project Managers Presentation is available

Afternoon session has started

It will start at 10:00AM

We regret to inform you that this afternoon's session has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. The training will resume as scheduled tomorrow.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your understanding.

Thank you for your patience and support.

Future Project managers training is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Future Project managers training's Zoom Meeting
Time: Nov 28, 2024 09:00 AM Africa/Addis_Ababa

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 831 3610 4751
Passcode: 792240


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Meeting ID: 831 3610 4751
Passcode: 792240

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Come in person at ecc paradise hall

የኢትዮጵያ የህንጻ አዋጅ.pdf
የኢትዮጵያ የህንጻ አዋጅ.pdf

አነጋጋሪና የሀሳብ ልዩነት የተፈጠረበት አዲሱ የህንጻ አዋጅ ላይ ዛሬ እሁድ ከ8ሰአት ጀምሮ በfm 97.1 ላይ ውይይት እናደርጋለን !!

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