AI Programming

Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Английский
Категория: Технологии

An artificial intelligence free resource channel for students, professionals, and anyone who wants to learn how to solve problems.
CONTACT US ON: @alphadmin12

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Гео и язык канала
Эфиопия, Английский
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Simret Gebreegziabher, a doctoral student in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Notre Dame, has received an IBM PhD Fellowship Award 🥇 for the 2024-2025 academic year.

▶️ Website: 🔗


በዊዝ ሪሰርች መሰረት ዲፕሲክ(DeepSeek) ማንም ሰው ሊያገኘው በሚችል ክሊክሃውስ(ClickHouse) በተባለ ዳታቤዝ ላይ ሙሉ የኦፕሬሽን ስራዎችን ሊያሰራ የሚችል አክሰስ እንዳለው በሪሰርቹ አካቷል።

ይህ የተጋለጠ መረጃ ከአንድ ሚሊዮን በላይ የ Chat History, Secret Keys, Backend Details, እና ሌሎች ከፍተኛ ሚስጥራዊ መረጃዎችን የያዙ የሎግ ስትሪሞችን ያካትታል። የዊዝ ሪሰርች ቡድን ወዲያውኑ ይህንን ጉዳይ ለዲፕሲክ ሲያሳውቁ፣ እነሱም በተገቢው መልኩ የተጋለጠውን መረጃ አረጋግጠዋል።

የሪሰርቹን ሙሉ ብሎግ ማስፈንጠሪያ ከስር አስቀምጠንላቹኋል፡
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A great UI/UX case study isn’t just about design. It’s about storytelling, problem-solving, and creating meaningful user experiences.

This blog kicks off a weekly series packed with design tips, tricks, and step-by-step guides to help you refine your skills. In this edition, we’ll explore how to craft a compelling case study with a beautifully designed presentation of daily finance mobile app.

⚡️ Read more on this here: 👇🏽
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Once upon a time, software developers were at war not with each other, but with the project management industry . . . Developers, frustrated by a system that excluded them, tried to isolate themselves, believing they could function outside the world of project management. But soon, reality hit them.

Ethiopia is a country full of talent, resources, and ambition. But what’s holding us back? It’s not effort. It’s not resources. It’s leadership and management.

⚡️ Read more on this here: 👇🏽
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Check out this video: AI Brings Historical Icons to Life – Realistic Recreations from Busts and Classical Paintings.

And don't miss Ada Lovelace 😎, the first programmer – she's looking pretty snazzy in the AI video!

🔥 Meet DeepSeek! 👍

DeepSeek is a smart AI chatbot from China. It’s powered by the DeepSeek-V3 model, one of the most advanced AI systems with over 600 billion parameters.

This AI is a global leader, matching the best in the world in many tests. Whether it’s chatting, solving problems, or understanding language, DeepSeek does it all! 💡

If you have a company or startup, or if you are a CTO, CEO, or in another field, this PMP course is for you.

This new year, commit to your professional growth this year with our intensive, in-person PMP® Training Program.

Here's what you get:
▶️ 40 Contact Hours of In-Person Training: Master project management fundamentals through engaging face-to-face instruction.
▶️ Structured Schedule: Join us Monday to Friday, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, starting February 3rd and finishing February 28th. Commit for one month and gain valuable knowledge!
▶️ Valuable Resources: Gain access to training materials, books, question banks, and more!

Investment: ETB 10,000 (VAT included)
Location: ProOffice at Laphto Mall

Ready to advance your career? Register Now!
▶️ Intent:

Connect with us on our Telegram Channel for upcoming training announcements, events, and activities:

64) What does the following command do? git reset --hard HEAD~1
  •   🚩 Removes all commits and leaves the repository empty.
  •   🚩 Deletes the last commit and resets the code to the previous state.
  •   🚩 Deletes the last commit but keeps the changes in the working directory
  •   🚩 Stages the last commit for editing.
  •   🚩) See Result
36 голосов

Keep a Changelog

Why keep a changelog⁉️
▶️ To make it easier for users and contributors to see precisely what notable changes have been made between each release (or version) of the project.

Don’t let your friends dump git logs into changelogs

References 🔥


Social Share Preview

የሰራነው ዌብሳይት ሶሻል ሚዲያ ላይ ሼር ሲሆን ምን አይነት ገጽታ እንዳለው በቀላሉ የምናይበት ዌብሳይት

▶️ Check how the link previews of a website look like on Facebook , Twitter, LinkedIn & Pinterest.


አዲሱ የሞት ማምለጫ ቴክኖሎጂ ይሳካለት ይሆን?

▶️ በቴክኖሎጂ ብዙ አዳዲስ ነገሮች እየተሰሩ ቢሆንም አሁን ላይ ደሞ ሰዎች ከሞቱ በኋላ ዳግም ህይወት ሊዘሩ የሚችሉበትን መፍትሄ ላይ እየሰራው ነው የሚል ኩባንያ ብቅ ብሏል፡፡ ይህ ኩባንያ አንድ ቀን ይሳካልኝ ይሆናል በሚል መሞታቸው በሐኪሞች የተረጋገጡ ሰዎችን አስከሬን በማጠራቀም ላይ ይገኛል።

ሰዎች ይህን አገልግሎት ለማግኘት 💵 200 ሺህ ዶላር ቅድሚያ መክፈል የጀመሩ ሲሆን ሞተው ከተነሱ ላስነሳቸው ኩባንያ ዳጎስ ያለ 💰 ገንዘብ እና ምስጋና እንደሚያቸሩት እየተናገሩ ነው ።አዲሱ-የሞት-ማምለጫ-ቴክኖሎጂ-ይሳካለት-ይሆን?/

First of all, Happy New year 2025!

This new year, commit to your professional growth this year with our intensive, in-person PMP® Training Program.

Here's what you get:
▶️ 40 Contact Hours of In-Person Training: Master project management fundamentals through engaging face-to-face instruction.
▶️ Structured Schedule: Join us Monday to Friday, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, starting February 3rd and finishing February 28th. Commit for one month and gain valuable knowledge!
▶️ Valuable Resources: Gain access to training materials, books, question banks, and more!

Investment: ETB 10,000 (VAT included)
Location: ProOffice at Laphto Mall

Ready to advance your career? Register Now!
▶️ Intent:
▶️ Call: +251944121545
▶️ Email:

Connect with us on our Telegram Channel for upcoming training announcements, events, and activities:

Domain Name Age Checker

👍 Check this website to get the age of a domain name, its expiration date, and other information:

Linux Interview Questions @freecodecs.pdf
👑 Linux Interview Questions 👑
This article includes the most frequently asked 🚀Linux questions and answers that will help you in interview preparations.It can be helpful to have a set of short notes that you can refer to quickly.


Join The Underground Coding Movement!
Have a Lit🔥Reading Folks 🙌

ከኢትዮጵያ አርቲፊሻል ኢንተለጀንስ ኢንስቲትዩት ጋር የቴክኖሎጂ መፍትሔዎችን በጋራ ለመስራት ፍላጎት ያላችሁ እና የተዘረዘሩትን መስፈርቶች ማሟላት የምትችሉ ተቋማት በሙሉ ከታህሳስ 23፣ 2017 ዓ.ም ጀምሮ ባሉት አምስት ተከታታይ ቀናት በ ማመልከት የምትችሉ መሆኑን እንገልጻለን፡፡

63) What does the 502 Bad Gateway error indicate?
  •   🚩) The client made an invalid request
  •   🚩) The server failed to process the request
  •   🚩) The server received an invalid response from an upstream server
  •   🚩) The request timed out
  •   🚩) See Result
235 голосов

Useful AI Websites

If you want to check if the content is AI-generated or human and change AI-generated content to humanized, check out these sites:


▶️ An essential rewriting tool to detect and humanize your AI text from ChatGPT, Jasper, and Copy.

🚩 Ryne AI

▶️ AI detection bypass solution. Transform AI text to human writing with our advanced humanizer.


Do you choose the right unit for your CSS⁉️

Understanding px, em, and rem is essential for building scalable and responsive designs.

1. px (Pixels)
- Fixed size.
- Doesn’t adapt to user preferences.
- Ideal for precise measurements like borders.

2. em (Relative to Parent)
- Relative to the font size of the parent element.
- Great for scaling elements within a component.

3. rem (Relative to Root)
- Relative to the font size of the root (:root).
- Ideal for consistent and global scaling.

When to Use?
- Use px for borders or fixed dimensions.
- Use em for local scaling inside components.
- Use rem for global consistency across the app.

💡 Bonus: Combine `rem for base sizing and em` for internal adjustments!

Next Post: Viewport Units (vw, vh, vmin, vmax)

How to Optimize Images Like a Pro 📸

Large image files can slow down your site. Here's how to keep it fast and efficient!

🔧Tips for Image Optimization
▶️ Compress Images
💡 Use tools like TinyPNG, Imagecompressor, or built-in features in frameworks.

▶️ Choose the Right Format
- JPEG: Best for photos.
- PNG: Use for graphics with transparency.
- WebP: Smaller file sizes with good quality.

▶️ Lazy Load Images

▶️ Set Proper Dimensions
- Resize images to match their display size.

💡 Bonus: Use CDNs like Cloudflare or AWS for faster delivery.

SSR vs. CSR: Which to Choose?

Understanding the difference between Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Client-Side Rendering (CSR) is crucial for web development. Here's a quick breakdown:

🤩Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
▶️ Renders pages on the server before sending them to the browser.
💡 Best for SEO and initial load speed.

🖥 Client-Side Rendering (CSR)
▶️ Renders pages in the browser using JavaScript.
💡 Great for highly interactive apps.

Example Frameworks:

SSR: Next.js
CSR: React

💡 When to Choose

✅ Use SSR for SEO-heavy websites like blogs or e-commerce.
✅ Use CSR for single-page applications with high interactivity.

⚡️ Next Post: How to Optimize Images Like a Pro 🎤

Показано 20 последних публикаций.