Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: JOT MEDIA - JSDP
Becoming The Self is a half day seminar that will guide the youth on their journey to self discovery and self awareness.

📌Certificate of Participation is Provided
To Register Online: http://bit.ly/BecomingtheSelfRegister
To Buy tickets: +251967304100/ +251937253965



Hello. As you may have noted, we have been inconsistent in posting messages for quite a while. And we clearly see that it affects members to the point where we lose a lot of followers in a day. We sincerely apologize for this. Unfortunately, due to some personal issues, there will not be any posts to be released during the next 2-3 months. Having said that, I hope you maintain your subscription. Till I see you again, stay safe.

Get a plan, because plans fix problems Mentally strong people are planners. They think ahead. They prepare. They do what’s best for the long-term outcome. You might think that this disconnects them from the moment, but the opposite is true. Worrying disconnects you from the moment. Overthinking disconnects you from the moment. When you are consistently sidelined from your own anxiety, it’s because you don’t have a plan regarding the thing that’s making you scared.

•Brianna Wiest

Living in the now is perhaps the best advice we'll ever get. Don't roam around in the unforeseeable future but remain consistent and allow your mind to cherish the present. Reality. Once the pain and the urges for interpreting the past or wishing a better future are gone, you are good to go.

Day 21 has come. My gratitude is extended to all those who participated in the challenge. And a special thank you to all that have been DMimg me and letting me know their thoughts and ideas. I appreciate all this. I hope you gained something from it. Please let me know if you would like me to take on these challenges in the future.

Semptember 10- World Suicide Prevention Day

Semicolon is a beautiful mark because it represents a sentence that an author could have ended, but chose not to. It continues the sentence where a period could have ended it. The author is you and the sentence is your life.

It's only by learning more about what leads someone to suicide, the ways we can help to prevent it, and not being afraid to ask when we're worried about someone, or for help when we need it ourselves that we can empower our communities to tackle the leading cause of death.

You are only human. It's okay to have problems. It's okay to hit rock bottom. It's okay to get your heart broken. It's okay to feel negative emotions.You are stronger than depression and anxiety. It will not be your ending period. You have more to your story.
There is no shame. Don't let it become your end. Let it be a part of your story; one that you overcome everyday.

📌Day 21

Today's journaling prompt:

What's something you learnt about yourself throughout this ye

Репост из: Soul Writers
To the self made YOU

Look at you,where you are right now and where you used to be;
I know I have neither the right nor the delight to sympathize with you.
Because I can only imagine what you have been through, the ups and downs, the sleepless nights, those stressful years, the agonies and the pains; not that u have felt but those u have lived with.
I can only imagine.
I wish there was a word other than 'congrats' to say it all at once. Because 'congrats' is less of a word. Overrated.
I just want you to know, the tag before your name ,"self made" , says it all out loud.
Only some; get that chance.
Most are made by parents , some started the journey to be self made but never reached there, some are just existing not made by anyone.
But here you are -self made- with love and passion and dedication and hard work.
To the self made you, be proud of how far you have come.
Dont let anyone tell you otherwise!
They weren't there and they will never be!
In a world where merging is a trend, you created ur own world.
To the self made you, keep shining as the sun to your earth.

📌Day 20

Today's journaling prompt:

What does it mean to respect yourse

📌Day 19

Today's journaling prompt:

If You Could Describe Yourself in One Word what would it be?

Think of an all encompassing word that describes your personality and unique traits.

Although so dull , i wish i heard u say: " we were never friends". I want to hear it to give me the benefit of the doubt that i was the fool all along. To be the one that thought we had a friendship, rather than accept i lost one i held so dear to me. Too scared to let it all go, the comfort felt and the smiles i had, and so as to feel like the fool who had thought we were friends I yearn for 4 words to sooth my tears away.


The unexamined life is not worth living.


📌Day 18

Today's journaling prompt:

What are the weaknesses in your life that you feel are stopping you from moving forwa

📌Day 17

Today's journaling prompt:

What are the words you need to hear right n

Репост из: LSSYA | ሊስያ™
“New year—a new chapter, new verse, or just the same old story? Ultimately we write it. The choice is ours.”
- Alex Morritt

We Are Here For You

You are not your difficult days

📌Day 16

Today's journaling prompt:

How would you describe your perfect d

📌Day 15

Today's journaling prompt:

How did you overcome failures in the pa

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