🔄 New courses have just been added to Qeleme Exams!
Communicative English 2Chapter 1: Future Tense
Chapter 2: Reported Speech
Chapter 3: Relative Clauses
💡 The chapters are assigned for our case and about Modals, Active and Passive Voice, the rest are
already included in English 1. You can get it there.
Applied Mathematics 1Chapter 1: Vectors and Vector Spaces
Chapter 2: Matrices and Determinants
🦠 General BiologyChapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Biological Molecules
Chapter 3: The Cellular Basis of Life
🧪 General ChemistryChapter 1: Essential Ideas in Chemistry
Chapter 2: Atoms, Molecules and Ions
Chapter 3: Composition of Substances and Solutions
Computer Programming | C++Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Basics of C++
Chapter 3: Program Control Constructs
💡The courses English 2 and C++
don't have a book cover. We will add the book covers in our next version release!
💡 The rest of the chapters will
be included soon, so stay tuned and follow our updates.
Just refresh your app as shown in the above image to get them⬇️Download v1.2.0:
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