El-mom vents: Dumps and Blogs (occasionally)

Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Английский
Категория: Telegram

Mostly vents, but I can be serious too (that is in the pinned messages.)
Jack-of-all-trades. Veering towards Tech.
Anonymously contact the owner (Eldad): AnoMessBot.t.me?start=MLUWYfu
(HAS ISSUES WITH ANSWERING DMs - Sorry in advance)

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Good Night 🫡

By the way, thank you for those few who actively read my rants and have stuck here. I do understand that I mix the spam with the useful stuff here and that not everything I post is relevant to you. But again, thank you for the comments, the DMs, the reactions, the in-person convos I get to have from this, or just for actively reading what's posted here. Thank you for sticking along with this journey, hope you're growing alongside me.

I mentioned this before from personal experience, but I'll say it again. Don't put people on a pedestal.

I sometimes meet people who meet me, talk to me for a while (usually at functions where being a nerd/workaholic/active is the norm), then put me on a pedestal. I, nor most people you admire, don't deserve to be put on that pedestal.

From my experience of putting people on the mighty unreachable pedestal, I've learned that they're not as unreachable as I thought they were. I won't stop admiring them or looking up to them (though I'm not sure I'll put myself under that category, I have some left to go to get there), but I've come to understand they're human and struggle with much of what I currently struggle with. The occasional restlessness, the contemplating nights, the depressing episodes of life, those happen.

Alright, tiny mini vent.

Yes, I do recognize that our careers aren't handed out to us. No, I'm not saying you should quit or not pursue demanding paths. I'm saying, prioritize sleep and rest as much as you do life. The downfall isn't worth it.

Personally, I try not to be as lazy as I know I can be. I know that there might come points in life where I'll consider burning out for something truly worth it. But until then, I'll get my 6-8 hours of sleep and stay human. I'm not here to fight with nature, but to work with it.

Sucks doesn't begin to describe it. Very few things are worth it in life, and I'm not sure if most are in your career (unless you're building something that truly makes an impact).

Can't explain burn out better.

Might not even need one atp.

Репост из: DoughNut 🍩
3 days left letsss gooooo

Applying for scholarship ezi ga 🥹🥹

Репост из: Beka
> What's your definition of success?

I should have a profound answer but I think just waking up most days feeling free and happy about the state of things.


Welp, Good Night people 🫡

Yeah, today was too much spam.

Whatever you do, don't try running errands in the afternoon 😭😭

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This semester is going to be good.
We shall finally have a resume-worthy GPA.
We like AAU. (Saron has broken out of the spell)
We love Academics.
We love our courses.


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