Do not offer help to someone who hasn't asked for your help or simply doesn't need your help.
Not everyone in trouble is interested in getting solutions. Some just want attention. Others want sympathy. Very few need help.
Those who need help will ask for it. Until it's critical or emergency or in a situation where they don't have the luxury to ask, don't offer your help right away.
Even Jesus always asked what people needed from him.
It's not wrong to ask people what they need from you. It's a sense of responsibility. It's a sense of commitment to want to fix something in their lives.
Don't assume everyone around you needs some help from you.
Because if you start offering people what they don't need, they'd assume that is the best thing you're useful for and won't stop coming for more
or start "using you" to get it always,
even when they can get it for themselves.
Not everyone in trouble is interested in getting solutions. Some just want attention. Others want sympathy. Very few need help.
Those who need help will ask for it. Until it's critical or emergency or in a situation where they don't have the luxury to ask, don't offer your help right away.
Even Jesus always asked what people needed from him.
It's not wrong to ask people what they need from you. It's a sense of responsibility. It's a sense of commitment to want to fix something in their lives.
Don't assume everyone around you needs some help from you.
Because if you start offering people what they don't need, they'd assume that is the best thing you're useful for and won't stop coming for more
or start "using you" to get it always,
even when they can get it for themselves.