✞After all those years passed, by the will of God, the Archangel St. Michael appeared and told both of them that they would have a son. However, both said, “How could this be?” then fasted, and prayed diligently for 40 days. Thereafter, the angel appeared to them again and said, “This is the will of God and both of you will not lose your purity.”
✞Hence, they bore a son. And when he became 7 years old St. Michael took him up and showed him paradise for 7 days and when he brought him back to earth, the child pleaded the angel saying, “I beg you for the sake of the God of my mother and father, do not return me to this wicked world.” Thence, St. Michael asked God and placed the child in the Realm of the Blessed as the leader of the children there. And he was named Cyriacus the Second.
✞Sts. Fikerte Kirstos and Zera Kirstos lived preserved in holiness and purity after they had their son. Later on, they witnessed about their Tewahedo (Miaphysite) Faith without fear by going to Emperor Susenyos I , the Emperor of their time, and before him when they heard that he had changed his faith and, “Because he had accepted Catholicism which confesses Dyophysitism (two natures in Christ), he is killing Christians.”
✞Hence, the Emperor put them under much affliction. And they converted back many of the followers and soldiers of the Monarch by enduring the trials. Around 60,000 Christians received martyrdom.
✞And the Emperor had the Saints beheaded because they had become nuances to him by converting many back to the Upright Faith. And when they were beheaded, blood and milk came forth from both their necks.
✞In those days, Abba Amde Selassie of Mahibere Selassie, Abba Mereawi of Goregor Maryam, Amma Wetet of Messi Kidane Mehiret were among the Christians that received trials and martyrdom with the previously mentioned 60,000 Christians.
✞Nonetheless, God raised back St. Fikerte Kirstos by reconnecting her severed head with her body as if waking up a sleeping person. Then, she received the rites of monasticism and was made a nun by Abune Markos and served in the Monastery of Waldiba.
✞Then, with more than 500 monks and nuns that followed her, she went to Rama Kidane Miheret Coenobitic Monastery which was established by the Saint Abba Guba, one of the Nine Saints of the 7th century, which had been abandoned and was found in northern Wollo, the district of Qobo. There, she re-established the monastery, made rites for the men and women separately, demarcated the place, placed around 500 monks and nuns, and started a journey to Jerusalem.
✞On her way, the Saint reached a place where the inhabitants ate humans and there the people took out her eyes and that of 60 of her followers and placed them in a dark room for 4 months. And after four months, when they took them out to feast upon them, the inhabitants found them shining like the sun and asked the Saint, “O woman, what are you?”
✞Hence, she told them that they were Christians and that they should not eat human beings which are the temples of the Holy Trinity. Then, the people asked her, “What should we eat?” And as she had made her servants carry some seeds from Rama Kidane Miheret, she took a bit of the wheat and sowed it. It grew, was harvested, was dried, grounded and it was ready for consumption miraculously in a day.
✞Then, she tasted and gave it to the people that ate men and they had it happily as it tasted like honey and milk. After which, she taught them to work in such manner and eat, then she made them receive baptism and founded for them more than 6 churches.
✞Hence, they bore a son. And when he became 7 years old St. Michael took him up and showed him paradise for 7 days and when he brought him back to earth, the child pleaded the angel saying, “I beg you for the sake of the God of my mother and father, do not return me to this wicked world.” Thence, St. Michael asked God and placed the child in the Realm of the Blessed as the leader of the children there. And he was named Cyriacus the Second.
✞Sts. Fikerte Kirstos and Zera Kirstos lived preserved in holiness and purity after they had their son. Later on, they witnessed about their Tewahedo (Miaphysite) Faith without fear by going to Emperor Susenyos I , the Emperor of their time, and before him when they heard that he had changed his faith and, “Because he had accepted Catholicism which confesses Dyophysitism (two natures in Christ), he is killing Christians.”
✞Hence, the Emperor put them under much affliction. And they converted back many of the followers and soldiers of the Monarch by enduring the trials. Around 60,000 Christians received martyrdom.
✞And the Emperor had the Saints beheaded because they had become nuances to him by converting many back to the Upright Faith. And when they were beheaded, blood and milk came forth from both their necks.
✞In those days, Abba Amde Selassie of Mahibere Selassie, Abba Mereawi of Goregor Maryam, Amma Wetet of Messi Kidane Mehiret were among the Christians that received trials and martyrdom with the previously mentioned 60,000 Christians.
✞Nonetheless, God raised back St. Fikerte Kirstos by reconnecting her severed head with her body as if waking up a sleeping person. Then, she received the rites of monasticism and was made a nun by Abune Markos and served in the Monastery of Waldiba.
✞Then, with more than 500 monks and nuns that followed her, she went to Rama Kidane Miheret Coenobitic Monastery which was established by the Saint Abba Guba, one of the Nine Saints of the 7th century, which had been abandoned and was found in northern Wollo, the district of Qobo. There, she re-established the monastery, made rites for the men and women separately, demarcated the place, placed around 500 monks and nuns, and started a journey to Jerusalem.
✞On her way, the Saint reached a place where the inhabitants ate humans and there the people took out her eyes and that of 60 of her followers and placed them in a dark room for 4 months. And after four months, when they took them out to feast upon them, the inhabitants found them shining like the sun and asked the Saint, “O woman, what are you?”
✞Hence, she told them that they were Christians and that they should not eat human beings which are the temples of the Holy Trinity. Then, the people asked her, “What should we eat?” And as she had made her servants carry some seeds from Rama Kidane Miheret, she took a bit of the wheat and sowed it. It grew, was harvested, was dried, grounded and it was ready for consumption miraculously in a day.
✞Then, she tasted and gave it to the people that ate men and they had it happily as it tasted like honey and milk. After which, she taught them to work in such manner and eat, then she made them receive baptism and founded for them more than 6 churches.