✞And after allocating for them some servants, she went to Jerusalem and dwelt there for 7 years. And when she went to hold the feast of our Lady in Egypt, she entered and prayed in one church on her way and there our Lady appeared to her from her icon and told her that her place was in Ethiopia and instructed her by pointing, “Go to Ethiopia”.
✞Being led by a pillar of light and St. Michael, she reached to the now monastery which she is famous for, the Cenobitic Monastery of Eme Me’uz Kidane Miheret and Fikerte Kirstos.
✞And when she reached the place, because the greenery of the area was so beautiful she exclaimed, “How beautiful is this place?!” (‘Min-tamer’ = how beautiful) And it to this day is called as Min-tamer.
✞And there at Mintamer, where she rested with her servants, the pillar of light that had led her reached to the heavens. And because the angel told her, “This is your place”, she settled there.
✞And when the landlord of the area instructed her, “Leave my place”, she replied, “This is my place which God has given me”. Hence, he went to Gonder to charge her, where Emperor Fasil had taken up the throne as Susenyos I had died. And when he asked for a ruling, because the Emperor new her by fame, gave a verdict saying, “If a church has not been built on it, let her vacate it for you and if it has, then you shall be given another land.”
✞And while he returned, St. Michael reached to her first and told her, “Build a church fast, as a verdict of such matter has been delivered.” And so after the morning prayers of Tahisas 14 (December 23) she built in a day an enclosed church whose walls were made of the plants Sensel (Adhatoda schimperiana) and Simiza (Justicia schimperiana), and Cissampelos (Cissampelos mucronata) which was used as a support. And on Tahisas 16 (December 25) on Sunday, she had the Ark-tablet of Kidane Miheret (The Covenant of Mercy of St. Mary – The Queen-ship of Mary) placed in it and the Divine Liturgy was celebrated.
✞And when the Liturgy was concluded, our Lord on His throne and with His mother, our Lady, appeared before them all. And when He came down from His throne and blessed the place, the church made of the plant Simiza bowed down to its Creator on all four sides.
✞The earth shook. And St. Fikerte Kirstos asked, “Did You come to abolish us? And are You going to demolish my church?” To which the Lord answered, “This, your church that is made of Sensel will not be destroyed until My second coming. It will be preserved and not even be renewed. And no apostate or heretic will set foot inside it until the end of the world. And all who partake of the Eucharist in it, their sins will be forgiven and My mercy and blessing will always be with them.” And then He disappeared from those that had gathered.
✞Afterwards, hearing her accounts, many monks and nuns came from different parts to St. Fikerte Kirstos. And after St. Fikerte Kirstos had taught, advised and showed them with example how they should finish their struggles by the Power of God and they had lived for many years, she separated the monks from the nuns so that they will not be afflicted by demons [of lust].
✞And through the prayers of St. Fikerte Kirstos an angel of the Lord used to always keep them from seeing one another. And when the time of her departure came near, two angels came and took her to Debre Nebat (Realm of the Living) with a chariot of light, there, they gave her from the Holy Eucharist and returned her to her abode.
✞And the angel said to her, “Your time to depart from this world, from suffering, fatigue, nakedness, hunger, thirst, strife and weeping has come.” And on Yekatit 27 (March 6) she stretched her hands while she prayed facing East in the church and light together with a pleasant smell filled the place.
✞Then, the Lord with a multitude of His angels and saints came to her. And our mother, St. Fikerte Kirstos, bowed down, knelt and lamented much. Raising her from where she fell, our Lord said to her, “I have not come here to do away with you, rather I am here to glorify you.”
✞Being led by a pillar of light and St. Michael, she reached to the now monastery which she is famous for, the Cenobitic Monastery of Eme Me’uz Kidane Miheret and Fikerte Kirstos.
✞And when she reached the place, because the greenery of the area was so beautiful she exclaimed, “How beautiful is this place?!” (‘Min-tamer’ = how beautiful) And it to this day is called as Min-tamer.
✞And there at Mintamer, where she rested with her servants, the pillar of light that had led her reached to the heavens. And because the angel told her, “This is your place”, she settled there.
✞And when the landlord of the area instructed her, “Leave my place”, she replied, “This is my place which God has given me”. Hence, he went to Gonder to charge her, where Emperor Fasil had taken up the throne as Susenyos I had died. And when he asked for a ruling, because the Emperor new her by fame, gave a verdict saying, “If a church has not been built on it, let her vacate it for you and if it has, then you shall be given another land.”
✞And while he returned, St. Michael reached to her first and told her, “Build a church fast, as a verdict of such matter has been delivered.” And so after the morning prayers of Tahisas 14 (December 23) she built in a day an enclosed church whose walls were made of the plants Sensel (Adhatoda schimperiana) and Simiza (Justicia schimperiana), and Cissampelos (Cissampelos mucronata) which was used as a support. And on Tahisas 16 (December 25) on Sunday, she had the Ark-tablet of Kidane Miheret (The Covenant of Mercy of St. Mary – The Queen-ship of Mary) placed in it and the Divine Liturgy was celebrated.
✞And when the Liturgy was concluded, our Lord on His throne and with His mother, our Lady, appeared before them all. And when He came down from His throne and blessed the place, the church made of the plant Simiza bowed down to its Creator on all four sides.
✞The earth shook. And St. Fikerte Kirstos asked, “Did You come to abolish us? And are You going to demolish my church?” To which the Lord answered, “This, your church that is made of Sensel will not be destroyed until My second coming. It will be preserved and not even be renewed. And no apostate or heretic will set foot inside it until the end of the world. And all who partake of the Eucharist in it, their sins will be forgiven and My mercy and blessing will always be with them.” And then He disappeared from those that had gathered.
✞Afterwards, hearing her accounts, many monks and nuns came from different parts to St. Fikerte Kirstos. And after St. Fikerte Kirstos had taught, advised and showed them with example how they should finish their struggles by the Power of God and they had lived for many years, she separated the monks from the nuns so that they will not be afflicted by demons [of lust].
✞And through the prayers of St. Fikerte Kirstos an angel of the Lord used to always keep them from seeing one another. And when the time of her departure came near, two angels came and took her to Debre Nebat (Realm of the Living) with a chariot of light, there, they gave her from the Holy Eucharist and returned her to her abode.
✞And the angel said to her, “Your time to depart from this world, from suffering, fatigue, nakedness, hunger, thirst, strife and weeping has come.” And on Yekatit 27 (March 6) she stretched her hands while she prayed facing East in the church and light together with a pleasant smell filled the place.
✞Then, the Lord with a multitude of His angels and saints came to her. And our mother, St. Fikerte Kirstos, bowed down, knelt and lamented much. Raising her from where she fell, our Lord said to her, “I have not come here to do away with you, rather I am here to glorify you.”