Ethio Crypto Hub

Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Амхарский
Категория: Другое

ለማንኛውም ጥያቄ እና አስተያየት @Ermiyass1 | @jossiefTe
Welcome to Ethio Cryto Hub - your trusted hub for latest cryptocurrency trends and exclusive airdrop opportunities.

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Эфиопия, Амхарский
Фильтр публикаций

The correct answer to today's riddle & rebus:

1. Zoo Riddle 👉👉Betta Fish
2. Zoo Rebus👉👉👉Toucan

Offerlink: 👇👇👇

Claim Time limited gift before it ends
Offerlink: START ZOO here via the link👇👇👇

0.6 Ton ከከፈላችሁ በኋላ ሌላም Transaction ይጠብቃቹሀል💀

ማለትም ከ 0.1 ton 👉0.6ton👉1 ton እያለ ይቀጥላል 🥹

በዛዉ መጠን የሚሰጣችሁ Feed ይጨምራል

ለተለያዩ ነገሮች Ton  መግዛት ምትፈልጉ በተመጣጣኝ ዋጋና በፍጥነት እኛ ጋር  ማግኘት ትችላላችሁ

DM➡️ @Azg4577

Репост из: Not Pixel Channel
Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram
Mining is over.

We're taking a lil' break to update things.

▪️ Handing out rewards, working on bots, tweaking the captcha, all that stuff.

For now, just vibe, look out the window, touch some snow. We’ll be around.

Notpixel mining is over

Go claim it✅

Share @Ethio crypto hub
Share @Ethio crypto hub

▫️LISTING PRICE $0.000085
▫️CURRENT PRICE $0.00001

Not pixel ላይ አዳዲስ ታስኮች መተዋል
✅ ገብታችሁ ስሯቸው

Mining የሚያበቃው December 20

Start airdrop ➡️ Not pixel

🐾Paws new limited task

👉Task: Mystery quesst
🎁Reward : 10,000




MIDAS TG Airdrop !! Fund raised $8.75M
You can start early here via the link 👇👇

Share the channel @Ethio_Crypto_Hub0

Good morning ethio crypto hub family❤️

Share @Ethio_Crypto_Hub
Share @Ethio_Crypto_Hub

🚩| Zoo Riddle of the Day➖Platypus

ለመጀመር -->>> ZOO

Zoo ላይ የተለያዪ የ ton ክፍያ ያላቸው ታስኮች እየመጡ ነው

ለተለያዩ ነገሮች Ton  መግዛት ምትፈልጉ በተመጣጣኝ ዋጋና በፍጥነት እኛ ጋር  ማግኘት ትችላላችሁ

DM➡️ @Azg4577

Репост из: Tomarket Announcement

MEXC will list $TOMA on their Pre-Market trading platform on Dec 17, 2024, at 10:00 (UTC). 🔥


TOMA is coming. 20th December.

Bums December 17 lotery card

Active➡️ Hey buddy! Check out BUMS!

Join now and level up from a bum to the king of the streets! Hey buddy! Check out BUMS!

Join now and level up from a bum to the king of the streets!


xPortal Announcement
Important information for the DRX launch

🕔 DRX will be tradable from 17 Dec, 9am UTC on xExchange (DRX-USDC) and 10am UTC on Gateio and BitMart (DRX-USDT).

💴 You will need EGLD to pay for ANY transactions.


✅ DRX can be sent directly to the SUPPORTING DEXs, Gate and BitMart.

✅ DRX can also be swapped to EGLD on xExchange. EGLD is supported by most CEXs (Binance, Coinbase, Kukoin etc) but you should check this before sending.

❌ Sending DRX to CEXs other than Gateio or BitMart will result in a loss of funds.

❌ Send USDT or USDC to CEXs as will result in a loss of funds.


So DRX ወደ USDC የቀየራቹ ካላቹ and ወደ Exchange መላክ የምትፈልጉ kehone #USDC ወደ EGLD ቀይራቹ ነው መላክ የምትችሉት

Unless USDC/USDT ለመላክ ግዴታ የምትቀበሉበት Exchange Multiverse Network መጠቀም ስላለበት ዝም ብላቹ ብትልኩት አየር ላይ ነው የሚቀረው ጥንቃቄ አድርጉ።

But You can directly send to or bitmart

በስተመጨረሻም እንደተፈራው xportal የ system ችግር አጋጥሟቸዋል እናንተ ጋር ብቻ እንዳይመስላችሁ


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