GAT (Graduate Admission Test) Exam

Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Английский
Категория: Образование

NGAT/GAT exam prep: Past papers, study materials, & updates. Contact @NGATest for advertising.

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Эфиопия, Английский
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በጥር 07/2017 ዓ/ም የድህረ-ምረቃ መግቢያ ፈተና (NGAT) ተፈታኞች በተገለፀው ውጤት ላይ ቅሬታ እንዳላቸው ለ @GATExams ገልፀዋል፡፡

ተፈታኞቹ ምን አሉ??

👉በድህረ-ምረቃ መግቢያ ፈተና አሰጣጥና አስተዳደር ማኑዋል መሰረት ፈተናውን አልተፈተንም፡፡ ማንዋሉ ፈተናው ከ100% (70% ጠቅላላ እውቀትን እና ቀሪው 30% ደግሞ የሙያ መስክን ታሳቢ ያደረጉ ጥያቄዎች) ተሰልቶ የሚያዝ ሲሆን እያንዳንዱ ጥያቄ አንድ ነጥብ ይይዛል የሚል ቢሆንም የሙያ መስክን ታሳቢ ያደረጉ ጥያቄዎች የማይካተት መሆኑ ቀድሞ እየታወቀ ፈተናው 100 ጥያቄ ተዘጋጅቶ እያንዳንዱ ጥያቄ አንድ ነጥብ ይዞ መፈተን የነበረብን ቢሆንም ከ70% እንድንፈተንና እያንዳንዱ ጥያቄ አንድ ነጥብ እንዳይዝ ተደርጓል፡፡

👉የፈተና ውጤቱ ሲገለፅ ውጤት አያያዙን በተመለከተ ግልፅ ማብራሪያ ያልተሰጠ በመሆኑ ቅሬታ ፈጥሮብናል፡፡

👉በውጤታቸው ላይ ቅሬታ ያላቸው ተፈታኞች ያላቸውን ቅሬታ የሚያቀርቡበት ምንም አይነት አሰራር ያልተገለፀ በመሆኑ ቅሬታቸውን ለማቅረብ ተቸግረዋል፡፡

በዚህ ጉዳይ ላይ የሚመለከተው አካል ምላሽ የሚሰጥ ከሆነ እናሳውቃችኋልን፡፡

ለወቅታዊ መረጃ ይቀላቀሉን
👉ቴሌግራም ቻናላችን:
👉ቴሌግራም ግሩፓችን:

1.7k 1 12 43 58


Those of you who took NGAT can now access your results using the link below by inserting your NGAT "username" found on your ticket

Pass mark፡ 50/100


Stay tuned for updates.
👉Telegram Channel: @GATExams
👉Telegram Group: @GATSquad

5k 3 131 59 54


Exciting news for new postgraduate applicants! Various universities are opening registrations for the 2nd semester of the 2017 academic calendar. If you're interested in pursuing your studies, you can apply now.

Stay tuned for updates.
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✅ለሁሉም ት/ት ክፍል Exit Exam ተፈታኞች የተዘጋጀ ቴሌግራም ቻናል

✍️ከዚህ በፊት የወጡ የመውጫ ፈተናዎችን

✍️የተለያዩ ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች ሞዴል ፈተናዎችን

✍️ማጣቀሻ መፅሐፍቶችን

✍️ፈተናው መቼ ይሰጣል የሚሉና

🔥🔥 ሌሎችም ወቅታዊ መረጃዎችን ሁሉንም በአንድ ላይ የምታገኙበት ቴሌግራም ቻናላችንን ቀጣይ ተፈታኝ ለሆናችሁ Join በማድረግ ከወዲሁ ዝግጅት ማድረግ ትችላላችሁ። 👇

ለጓደኞቻችሁ Forward አድርጉላቸው።


➡️ቴሌግራም ቻናላችን 👇👇

➡️ቴሌግራም ግሩፓችን 👇👇


New postgraduate applicants: Registration for the 2nd semester of the 2017 academic calendar is now open.

Stay tuned for updates.
👉Telegram Channel:
👉Telegram Group:


👉Exciting news to NGAT Qualified Postgraduate Applicants

Haramaya University’s Postgraduate Program Directorate is pleased to announce that all new applicants who have successfully passed the National Graduate Admission Test (NGAT) and wish to pursue postgraduate studies at Haramya university during Second Semester in this academic year are now invited to apply for admission into our wide range of PhD and MSc/MA programs across various colleges, institute, and academy.

👉Applications can be submitted online via the official university application portal 👇

👉Application Period: January 20, 2025, to February 5, 2025

Stay tuned for updates.
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በ2017 ዓ.ም አጋማሽ የሚሰጠውን የቅድመ ምረቃ ፕሮግራሞች የመውጫ ፈተናን ዳግም ለመውሰድ ፍላጎት ያላችሁ አመልካቾች ይህንን ሊንክ 👇👇
በመጫን መመዝገብ የምትችሉ መሆኑን እንገልጻለን።

መረጃውን  ለሚመለከታቸው አካላት share አድርጉላቸው!

ለወቅታዊ መረጃ ቴሌግራማችንን ይቀላቀሉን
!! 👇👇

5k 1 151 4 16

ሰላም ሰላም የቻናላችን ቤተሰቦች!! 👋👋

ዛሬ የተፈተናችሁት ፈተና መልካም እንደነበር ተስፋ እናደርጋለን! መልካም ውጤት እንዲሆንላችሁ እንመኛለን!

ውጤታችሁ መልካም እንዲሆን እናንተን ለማዘጋጀት የምንችለውን ያክል ከዚህ በፊት የወጡ ፈተናዎችን፣ ማጣቀሻ መፅሐፍቶችን፣ ነፃ የድህረ ምረቃ ት/ት እድሎች፣ ፈተናው መቼ ይሰጣል የሚሉና ሌሎችም ወቅታዊ መረጃዎችን በዚህ ቴሌግራም ቻናላችን (
@GATExams) ስናደርሳችሁ ቆይተናል።

ለቀጣይ ፈተናዎች የቴሌግራም ቤተሰቦቻችንን ከዚህ በበለጠ ለማዘጋጀት የእናንተን ማንኛውንም አስተያየት እየተቀበልን ስለሆነ በዚህ Username
@NGATest ፃፉልን!


Based on information shared by our @GATExams family members who took the morning NGAT, we've compiled and are sharing the following with afternoon test-takers:

👉Total Questions: 70 (34 Verbal Reasoning, 36 Quantitative and Analytical Reasoning)
👉Time Allowed: 2 hours and 30 minutes

Note: You will not see your results immediately after submission. Please wait for the official release.
Recommendation: It's best to bring your own calculator.

For more check our Telegram discussion group @GATSquad.

Thank you to those who shared this information with us!!

Stay tuned for updates.
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👉Telegram Group:


Dear Morning NGAT takers, how was the exam? Share your experience with us! What was the content like? How much time did you have? What challenges did you face? Your insights will be invaluable for this afternoon's test-takers. Thank you!

Let's help each other out! Share your thoughts in the comments.

Stay tuned for updates.
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Good luck to everyone taking the NGAT!

Remember to relax, stay focused, and trust in your preparation. Share your experience after the exam in the comments!

Stay tuned for updates.
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#AASTU (2)

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Показано 13 последних публикаций.