🩸Oral Iron Supplementation recommendations for IDA from AGA
1. Formulation: No single formulation of oral iron has advantages over others. Ferrous sulfate is preferred as it is the least expensive option.
2. Dosing: Give oral iron once a day at most. Every-other-day dosing may be better tolerated for some patients, with similar or equal rates of iron absorption as daily dosing.
3. Absorption Enhancement: Adding vitamin C to oral iron supplementation can improve iron absorption.
Source: 2024 AGA Clinical Practice Update on Management of Iron Deficiency Anemia
1. Formulation: No single formulation of oral iron has advantages over others. Ferrous sulfate is preferred as it is the least expensive option.
2. Dosing: Give oral iron once a day at most. Every-other-day dosing may be better tolerated for some patients, with similar or equal rates of iron absorption as daily dosing.
Reason Serum hepcidin levels rise with iron intake and stay elevated for up to 48 hours, blocking further iron absorption. Iron dosing more than once daily does not improve absorption and can increase side effects.
3. Absorption Enhancement: Adding vitamin C to oral iron supplementation can improve iron absorption.
Reason may improve absorption by forming a chelate with iron and reducing ferric to ferrous iron.
Source: 2024 AGA Clinical Practice Update on Management of Iron Deficiency Anemia