Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Амхарский
Категория: Telegram

The channel is run by RIXSITILLA teacher
Speaking 8.5| Writing 7.5(4x)
👨‍🏫 3000 dan ortiq o’quvchilar
🎯150 dan ortiq 7+ natijalar
🔬8 yillik Teacherlik tajribasi
😎 21 marta IELTS topshirgan
Contact: @Shukrullayevrixsitilla97

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Гео и язык канала
Эфиопия, Амхарский
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COLLACATIONS loyihasi haqida fikringiz?
  •   Zo’r ekan, ko’proq tashlang
  •   Shunaqa collacations qidirib yurgandim
  •   50/50
  •   Part 1/2/3 Speaking asnwerlar tashlang o’rniga
94 голосов

Репост из: IELTS SPEAKING 9.0
1. Make progress – Rivojlanish, o‘sish

Example: “I have made significant progress in learning English.”

2. Take action – Chora ko‘rmoq

Example: “The government should take action to reduce pollution.”

3. Have difficulty – Qiyinchilikka duch kelmoq

Example: “Many people have difficulty balancing work and personal life.”

4. Give advice – Maslahat bermoq

Example: “My teacher gave me useful advice on improving my writing.”

5. Take advantage of – Foydalanmoq

Example: “Students should take advantage of free online courses.”

6. Spend time on – Vaqt sarflamoq

Example: “I spend a lot of time on self-improvement.”

7. Make an effort – Harakat qilmoq

Example: “You need to make an effort if you want to achieve your goals.”

8. Take risks – Tavakkal qilmoq

Example: “Successful entrepreneurs are not afraid to take risks.”

9. Make a mistake – Xatoga yo‘l qo‘ymoq

Example: “Making mistakes is a natural part of learning.”

10. Achieve success – Muvaffaqiyatga erishmoq

Example: “Hard work and dedication help people achieve success.”

11. Keep a promise – Vadasini bajarmoq

Example: “It’s important to keep a promise if you want to earn trust.”

12. Do research – Tadqiqot olib bormoq

Example: “Before buying a car, you should do some research.”

13. Overcome difficulties – Qiyinchiliklarni yengib o‘tmoq

Example: “With determination, you can overcome any difficulty.”

14. Follow a routine – Tartibga rioya qilmoq

Example: “Having a daily routine helps improve productivity.”

15. Miss an opportunity – Imkondan mahrum bo‘lmoq

Example: “I regret missing the opportunity to study abroad.”

16. Express an opinion – Fikr bildirmoq

Example: “In discussions, everyone should feel free to express their opinion.”

17. Solve a problem – Muammoni hal qilmoq

Example: “Critical thinking skills help us solve problems efficiently.”

18. Take a break – Tanaffus qilmoq

Example: “You should take a break if you feel exhausted.”

19. Have an opportunity – Imkonga ega bo‘lmoq

Example: “I had the opportunity to meet many interesting people during my travels.”

20. Gain knowledge – Bilim orttirmoq

Example: “Reading books is a great way to gain knowledge.”

Репост из: IELTS SPEAKING 9.0
Here are 20 commonly used collocations that are especially useful for IELTS Speaking.

1. Make a decision

Example: “It’s always difficult to make a decision under pressure.”

2. Take responsibility

Example: “I believe everyone should take responsibility for their actions.”

3. Have an impact on

Example: “Technology has a significant impact on the way we communicate.”

4. Pay attention to

Example: “During the lecture, I tried to pay attention to every detail.”

5. Raise awareness

Example: “Campaigns are launched to raise awareness about environmental issues.”

6. Break a habit

Example: “It’s hard to break a habit, but it’s not impossible.”

7. Gain experience

Example: “I want to gain experience by working in different fields.”

8. Set goals

Example: “It’s important to set goals to stay motivated.”

9. Deal with problems

Example: “I often deal with problems calmly and rationally.”

10. Build relationships

Example: “Social media can help people build relationships across the globe.”

11. Meet expectations

Example: “Students are under pressure to meet their parents’ expectations.”

12. Run a business

Example: “My dream is to run a successful business one day.”

13. Face challenges

Example: “We all have to face challenges in life, but they make us stronger.”

14. Take part in

Example: “I enjoy taking part in group activities at school.”

15. Save time

Example: “Using online tools can save time when doing research.”

16. Catch a glimpse of

Example: “During the tour, we caught a glimpse of the famous landmark.”

17. Lose interest

Example: “After a while, I lost interest in the book because it was too predictable.”

18. Have access to

Example: “Everyone should have access to quality education.”

19. Keep in mind

Example: “It’s important to keep in mind the cultural differences when traveling.”

20. Take into account

Example: “We need to take into account the environmental impact of our actions.”

2.8k 0 380 16 124

Hammaga shunaqa zo’r natijalarni Main Examda ham olish nasib qilsin🤲

Writing va Speaking hali o’tilgani yuq, shuning uchun MOCK EXAMda faqat LISTENING va READING qilyapmiz!!!

Examda 7.0/7.5/8.0/8.5 olishni niyat qilganlar 🔥🔥🔥 qoldiramiz!!!

4k 0 12 33 356

6.8k 0 51 36 394

This is one of my achiever students
SEVARA ALIQULOVA who got  Overall 7.0🚀


Sevara opa took the test on 7th December in 2024. After EOR, she got this increadible result.

Congratulations, Sevara opa.


6.4k 0 10 15 88


Whatever you imagine, you can do it.

6k 0 7 19 109

Speaking sample answerlarni sog’inganlar bormi?
  •   Ha, tezroq tashlang
  •   Part 1
  •   Part 2
  •   Part 3
171 голосов


6.4k 0 7 26 105


5k 0 2 5 113

Day 18/365

11 km
783 calories burned

This is one of my achiever students
MARDIYEVA SARVINOZ who got  Overall 7.0🚀


2025-yildagi birinchi result😎, 2025-yilda nechta 7+ chiqadi nima deb o’ylaysiz? Kommentda fikr qoldiramiz.

From the first day, I thought she would score 7+. She achieved this amazing result on her first attempt because of her determination.”

Congratulations, Sarvinoz.


5.9k 0 7 33 132

New year, new results

2025-yildagi birinchi 7.0 uncha uzoq kuttirmadi bizni😊


Kimlar mani darsimga qatnashish niyatida???
  •   Online bo’lsa qatnashardim
  •   Nasib bo’lsa endi boraman
  •   Allaqachon o’qiyapman sizda
  •   Sizda o’qib ketganman
75 голосов

2024-yilda 90 ta o’quvchi 7.0, 7.5, 8.0 va 8.5 natijani qo’lga kiritdi. O’zi planda 100 ta edi.

2025-yildagi 7+ IELTS holderlar ro’yxatida bo’lmoqchilar, Dushanbadan darslar boshlanadi!!!


2025-yildagi plan ……..ta natija qilish😎
(Nechta deb o’ylaysiz?, kommentda fikringizni qoldiring)

7.5k 0 6 58 108

Hamma hamma RECORD larni buzishga tayyor turing!!!

Legendary 2025

New year, new plans

Репост из: IELTS TIPS | 8.5
Yanvarda ochiladigan guruhlar ro’yxati!!!

IELTS bo’lmasa, IELTS majburiy bo’lgan guruhlarga oling deb iltimos qilmang!!!

4 ta GRADUATION bor 26.04.2025 sanada topshiradi hamma guruh!!!

Guruhlar bo’yicha murojaat uchun

7.2k 0 63 15 50


👉 Day One!

✅️ ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle) tour;
✅️ Fish Foot Massage;
✅️ Elephant Tracking;
✅️ Two-way Zipline;
✅️ Swift River Rafting;

P.S. It was a day full of unforgettable emotions, my friends! 🔥🔥🔥

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