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Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Английский
Категория: Психология

Self Development | Health | Wealth | Habits. Helping to make better version of yourself.⚡️

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Гео и язык канала
Эфиопия, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Create your image

You have to be consider everything, and then you'll always be successful everywhere.🏆

This also applies to the creation of your image.

Surely you often notice in others, or in famous people, the features that you like.

Now imagine a person you like very much! His style, hairstyle, shoes, manner of speaking, the timbre of his voice. In general, get to the smallest detail and fantasize properly.

❗️Compare that person to yourself. What's the difference?

Identify ten traits of that person that you would like to adopt for yourself. Even any traits from superheroes, as long as it's not a spiderweb shot, will do😀

Note Yourself

At times, we try to cope with stress by separating our physical self from our emotional self. And gradually we dull our senses so much that we begin to lose ourselves.

It's not hard to change that attitude. Take a moment and ask yourself a few questions:

How am I doing?
How am I feeling physically?
What emotions am I feeling?

If you're stuck on a physical or emotional level, try to figure out exactly what's bothering you.

It takes less than five minutes to do this checkup. Try to make time to check in with yourself every day. Make it a ritual of sorts.

Give yourself the gift of freedom

Let me tell you a little secret: no one sees your shortcomings the way you do.

✅ Realizing this at one time untied my hands and allowed me to take action! Now it's your turn.

Just think about the fact that many shortcomings you have invented are not even noticed by others!

People pay attention to behavior first, and if you get all the negative heresy out of your head, you'll stop squirming and stiffening, and that's the way to win the hearts of those around you!

It once changed my life and my insecurities receded with victories and success coming in their place🏆

S et goals
E xercise
L ove yourself
F ocus on fitness

R elax
E at right
S mile
P ositive attitude
E njoy life
C are for others
T hink about others

You have got the arms I want to be wrapped in. You have got the eyes I want to get lost in. You have got the smile I can never resist. You have got the voice I want to listen to for hours. I decided on you, I want you and only you.

👋Here are some habits that you can adopt to become successful.

1- Set goals for yourself.
2- Start small.
3- Do your work.
4- Be consistent !!
5- Be realistic.
6- Be flexible.

Travel through life with:

. unwavering humility
. gratitude for the present
. sense of wonderment
. pragmatic optimism
. no sense of entitlement
. a beginner’s mindset
. kind heart and open arms
. ability to hear the unsaid
. dignity and integrity
. honest mind and loving eyes

When I say I love you more, I don’t mean I love you more than you love me. I mean I love you more than the bad days ahead of us, I love you more than any fight we will ever have. I love you more than the distance between us, I love you more than any obstacle that could try and come between us. I love you the most.


"Joy, get unlost"

Once you succumb to the routine of chronic stress, the desire to do something that used to bring joy is gone. Life seems like a series of obstacles. This blocks motivation.

If you stop doing the things you enjoy, you will finally get bogged down in the swamp of despondency.
✔️ Enjoyment should be taken as seriously as going to work.

Never neglect pleasures or sacrifice them for "more important" things.
Try to look for moments of pleasure in everyday life and find them.

We lose energy when...

🔅 Saying " yes " when we wanted to say " no "

🔅 Worrying about what others will think

🔅 Overburdening ourselves with things to do for the sake of being 'busy'

🔅 Competing with others

🔅 Ignore body signals that ask us to rest

🔅 Overthinking and worrying instead of asking directly


. I can do this
. I love my life
. I love my job. I work with and for wonderful people
. Wellness is the natural state of my body.
. I am powerful
. I am courageous
. Everything is possible
. I'm greatful for my life
. I'm amazing
. I'm capable
. I find love everywhere in my life
. I forgive myself for not being perfect
. I am safe
. I focus on the positive
. I chose joy and ease every day
. I have the courage to live my dreams

Too much:

Thinking = Anxiety
Excuses = Laziness
Comfort = Mediocrity
Isolation = Loneliness
Pleasure = Distraction
Comparison = Depression

Find your balance

Never worry about what you can’t control.

Focus on what you can control.

Things like:

Your beliefs.

Your attitude.

Your thoughts.

Your perspective.

How honest you are.

Who your friends are.

How many risks you take.

How kind you are to others.

How kind you are to yourself.

Whether or not you ask for help.

How often you practice gratitude.

What do you need it for?

Ask yourself that question every time you have doubts about your goal or are lolling on your bed!

I love all kinds of stories from successful people that show you how to think right in order to get everything you want out of this life!

In 1983, Steve Jobs convinced future Apple CEO John Scully to leave his job at PepsiCo with just one question: "Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling lemonade, or do you want to change the world?"

Who says you can't dream? Just the opposite, many people go after their dreams!

It's this approach that will help you get caught up in fantasies about a future that may never come if you don't take action🏆

💌 You know you won't be alone. And at the most turning point in your life, your personal guardian angel will appear completely “accidentally”.

💕 "Never force vourself to have a space in anyone's life because if they really know your worth, they'll create space for you.

Do not compare yourself to anyone

You can take a peek into the lives of the rich and famous. The main goal is to get angry in a good way, to get a motivational kick and to start the mechanism of development. But you can't always chase someone else's successes.

It is more correct to compare yourself with yourself in the past, noting the positive dynamics.

No to plagiarism. Everyone has their own way. It's not worth stealing other people's ideas. It's wiser to take them on, to be inspired by them.

In order not to lose yourself, you should not copy anyone. It is better to be yourself.

Life Equations:

Creating + selling = wealth
Honesty + respect = friendship
Friendship + affection = love
Fasting + no carbs = health
Reading + writing = clarity
Discipline + struggle = talent
Theory + practice = mastery
Courage + vision = success
Detachment + growth = happiness


🔔 Invest in new skills and knowledge

🔔 Invest in the future of this planet

🔔 Invest in precious relationships

🔔 Invest in appreciating assets

🔔 Invest in creating memories

🔔 Invest in your well-being

🔔 Invest in your passions

🔔 Invest in innovation

🔔 Invest in you

Self-care is also:

- Saying "No"
- Asking for help
- Forgiving yourself
- Setting boundaries
- Putting yourself first
- Spending time alone
- Recharging without guilt
- Letting go of toxic people
- Valuing your time and energy
- Cutting ties with past regrets

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