Learn Django Easily 🤩
Here's all you need to get started 🙌
1. Introduction to Django
- What is Django?
- Setting up the Development Environment
2. Django Basics
- Django Project Structure
- Apps in Django
- Settings and Configuration
3. Models
- Creating Models
- Migrations
- Model Relationships
- Function-Based Views
- Class-Based Views
- Generic Views
5. Templates
- Template Syntax
- Template Inheritance
- Template Tags and Filters
6. Forms
- Creating Forms
- Form Validation
- Model Forms
7. URLs and Routing
- URLconf
- Named URL Patterns
- URL Namespaces
8. Django ORM
- Querying the Database
- QuerySets
- Aggregations
9. Authentication and Authorization
- User Authentication
- Permission and Groups
- Django's Built-in User Model
10. Static Files and Media
- Serving Static Files
- File Uploads
- Managing Media Files
11. Middleware
- Using Middleware
- Creating Custom Middleware
12. REST Framework
- Django REST Framework (DRF)
- Serializers
- ViewSets and Routers
13. Testing
- Writing Tests
- Testing Models, Views, and Forms
- Test Coverage
14. Internationalization and Localization
- Translating Strings
- Time Zones
15. Security
- Securing Django Applications
- CSRF Protection
- XSS Protection
16. Deployment
- Deploying with WSGI and ASGI
- Using Gunicorn
- Deploying to Heroku, AWS, etc.
17. Optimization
- Database Optimization
- Caching Strategies
- Profiling and Performance Monitoring
18. Best Practices
- Code Structure
- DRY Principle
- Reusable Apps
Web Development Best Resources: https://topmate.io/coding/930165
#django #webdev
Here's all you need to get started 🙌
1. Introduction to Django
- What is Django?
- Setting up the Development Environment
2. Django Basics
- Django Project Structure
- Apps in Django
- Settings and Configuration
3. Models
- Creating Models
- Migrations
- Model Relationships
- Function-Based Views
- Class-Based Views
- Generic Views
5. Templates
- Template Syntax
- Template Inheritance
- Template Tags and Filters
6. Forms
- Creating Forms
- Form Validation
- Model Forms
7. URLs and Routing
- URLconf
- Named URL Patterns
- URL Namespaces
8. Django ORM
- Querying the Database
- QuerySets
- Aggregations
9. Authentication and Authorization
- User Authentication
- Permission and Groups
- Django's Built-in User Model
10. Static Files and Media
- Serving Static Files
- File Uploads
- Managing Media Files
11. Middleware
- Using Middleware
- Creating Custom Middleware
12. REST Framework
- Django REST Framework (DRF)
- Serializers
- ViewSets and Routers
13. Testing
- Writing Tests
- Testing Models, Views, and Forms
- Test Coverage
14. Internationalization and Localization
- Translating Strings
- Time Zones
15. Security
- Securing Django Applications
- CSRF Protection
- XSS Protection
16. Deployment
- Deploying with WSGI and ASGI
- Using Gunicorn
- Deploying to Heroku, AWS, etc.
17. Optimization
- Database Optimization
- Caching Strategies
- Profiling and Performance Monitoring
18. Best Practices
- Code Structure
- DRY Principle
- Reusable Apps
Web Development Best Resources: https://topmate.io/coding/930165
#django #webdev