AiQEM Tech

Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Английский
Категория: Технологии

AiQEM (pronounced as aqem ‘አቅም’ in Amharic) means a boost to enable potential to reality.
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Addis Ababa

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Гео и язык канала
Эфиопия, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Advertising in 1941 EC 📜

This classic Goodyear Tires ad from 1941 EC shows how marketing worked back then, simple, clear, and effective. Comparing it to today’s AI-driven digital ads, we can see how far advertising has come!

#AiQEM #Adtech #Digitalmarketing #Ethiopia

What makes an Ad campaign Unforgettable? (if you have different opinion, share your thoughts in the comment below )
  •   A. Creativity
  •   B. Relatable Messaging
  •   C. Viral Content
  •   D. Emotional Impact
6 голосов

ድርጅቶን ከፍ ወዳለ ደረጃ ለማድረስ ዝግጁ ነዎት፣ "አቅም" ንግድዎን ለማሳደግ እና ብዙ ተጠቃሚዎች ጋር ለማድረስ ቀላል መንገድ ይዞሎት መጥቷል።

ስልክ፡ +251 988800031

#AiQEM #AdvertisingEvolution #EthiopiaTech

መልካም የጥምቀት በአል ከአቅም ቤተሰቦችሆ!

How do you feel about seeing ads during video content? (if you have different opinion, share your thoughts in the comment below )
  •   A) I like them or even love them
  •   B) They’re okay and sometimes useful
  •   C) I usually ignore them
  •   D) I find them annoying
9 голосов

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AiQEM’s Feature tips

OpenAI introduces Tasks—a new way to ask ChatGPT to do things for you at a future time.

Whether it's one-time reminders or recurring actions, tell ChatGPT what you need and when, and it will automatically take care of it.

To learn more about this feature, check out this Article.

#AiQEM #OpenAI #ChatGPT

Customization ChatGPT’s Personality Traits

OpenAI now lets you customize ChatGPT's personality traits like "chatty," "encouraging," or "Gen Z" through the custom instructions menu. This feature enhances how the bot interacts with you.
To learn more about this feature, check the article.

Have a great week ahead.😊

#AiQEM #OpenAi #ChatGPT

Which feature would you prioritize in ad tech? (If you have another feature in mind, feel free to leave a comment below!)
  •   A. Real-time performance tracking
  •   B. Enhanced targeting capabilities
  •   C. Automation of workflows
  •   D. Integration across multiple platforms
8 голосов

መልካም ገና ከአቅም ቤተሰቦችሆ!

The Power of Creative Ads A Look Back at 1965

The promotional poster from ከበደ ደምሴ ፎቶ ቤት in 1965 was not just a photo – it was fun, interactive, and made people think differently about photos.

#AiQEM #AdvertisingEvolution #EthiopiaTech

የገና ስጦታ

ምርትዎን ወይም አገልግሎትዎን ማስተዋወቅ ይፈልጋሉ? ለዚህ ሳምንት ብቻ፣ ልዩ ስጦታ እያቀረብን ነው!

ከዛሬ እስከ ታህሳስ 30 ባለው ጊዜ ውስጥ ማስታወቂያዎን ከእኛ ጋር ያሩጡ እና ተጨማሪ እይታዎችን ይሸለሙ።

ከ 5,000 ተጨማሪ እይታዎች ጀምሮ ፣ ያቀዱት እይታዎች ከፍ ሲሉ ስጦታዎም የበለጠ ይሆናል!

ለ 100,000 እይታዎች - 5000 ተጨማሪ እይታዎች

ለ 200,000 እይታዎች - 15,000 ተጨማሪ እይታዎች

ለ 300,000 እይታዎች - 25,000 ተጨማሪ እይታዎች

ለ 400,000 እይታዎች - 40,000 ተጨማሪ እይታዎች

ለ 500,000 እይታዎች - 50,000 ተጨማሪ እይታዎች

በዚህ በበዓል ሰሞን ማስተዋወቂያዎን የበለጠ ለማሳደግ ይህ እድል እንዳያመልጥዎት።

📩 አሁኑኑ ያግኙን!


📞 +251988800031

Which type of ad feels the least intrusive to you?
  •   A) Banner Ads
  •   B) In-app Ads
  •   C) Sponsored Posts
  •   D) Pop-up Ads
7 голосов

The Future of Advertising Is Changing Fast

When we get into 2025 creating amazing ads using AI will be possible. No cameras, no big teams, just AI doing all the work to make top-quality videos.

This sounds exciting, but it also raises big questions. Many people working in the advertising industry could face challenges in keeping their roles. How will businesses and workers adjust? What will happen to the personal touch that humans bring to ads?

At AiQEM, we believe AI isn’t just changing how ads are made, it’s changing how brands talk to people. For those who adapt this is a big chance to grow, For others it’s a sign to start getting ready for what’s next.

#AiQEM #Adtech #AIintegration

Wishing You a Great Week Ahead

YouTube is introducing new tools to identify AI-generated copies of celebrities and creators.
In partnership with the Creative Artists Agency (CAA), YouTube will test these tools in 2025, starting with celebrities and athletes. Later, it plans to expand them to more creators.

YouTube is also working on ways to detect AI-generated singing voices. Music labels now have the option to remove AI-simulated vocals. Additionally, creators must clearly label any AI-generated content.

To read more: Link

#AiQEM #YouTube #AiIntegration

How Do You Feel About Influencer Ads? If you have a different perspective, share your thoughts in the comments below!
  •   A) They Feel Authentic
  •   B) Sometimes Useful
  •   C) Too Promotional
  •   D) Skip All Ads
17 голосов

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