ጌታችን መድኃኒታችን ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ሆይ፦
አንተ የድሀ ጌጥ ነህ፣ የምናሳየው የምንለብሰው የምድርም የሰማይም መዋቢያችን አንተ ነህ።
አንተ የማትቆሽሽ ልብሳችን፣ የማትዝግ ዝርግፍ ጌጣችን፣ ከአልማዝና ከከበሩት ማዕናት ሁሉ ለኛ የከበርክ የልባችን ውበት ነህ።
ሀብታም ብቻ የማያገኝህ ለድሆች ቅርብ የሆንህ፣ ለልባችንም የተጠጋጋህ፣ አትመጥኑኝም ብለህ የማትፀየፈን፣ የተቸገራችሁ ናችሁ ብለህ ጀርባ የማትሰጠን አንተ ብቻ ነህ።
እንዳንተ ያለ የለም። እንዳንተ ያለ አይኖርም። እንዳንተ ያለ ብቸኛ ወዳጅ አናገኝም። የተረሳውን አስታዋሽ፣ የተጠሉትን አፍቃሪ፣ የሌጣዎች ሀብት፣ የጎስቋሎች አለኝታ እንዳንተ የለም።
እንወድኃለን ስለወደድከን፣ እናከብርሃለን ስላከበርከን፣ እንቀድስሃለን ስለቀደስከን፣ እንኖርልሃለን ስለሞትክልን ስምህ ቡሩክ ይሁን።
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ:
You are the ornament of the poor, the adornment of the earth and the sky that we show and wear.
You are our garment that does not stain, our ornament that does not fade, the beauty of our hearts that is more precious to us than diamonds and all precious stones.
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ:
You are the ornament of the poor, the adornment of the earth and the sky that we show and wear.
You are our garment that does not stain, our ornament that does not fade, the beauty of our hearts that is more precious to us than diamonds and all precious stones.
You are the only one who is not found by the rich, who is close to the poor, who is close to our hearts, who does not hate us saying that we are not worthy of you, who does not turn our backs on us saying that we are in need.
There is no one like you. There is no one like you. We will not find a friend like you. The reminder of the forgotten, the lover of the hated, the treasure of the poor.
, The lover of the hated, the wealth of the poor, the hope of the needy, there is none like you.
We love you because we love you, we honor you because you honor us, we sanctify you because you sanctify us, we live because you died for us. Blessed be your name.
አንተ የድሀ ጌጥ ነህ፣ የምናሳየው የምንለብሰው የምድርም የሰማይም መዋቢያችን አንተ ነህ።
አንተ የማትቆሽሽ ልብሳችን፣ የማትዝግ ዝርግፍ ጌጣችን፣ ከአልማዝና ከከበሩት ማዕናት ሁሉ ለኛ የከበርክ የልባችን ውበት ነህ።
ሀብታም ብቻ የማያገኝህ ለድሆች ቅርብ የሆንህ፣ ለልባችንም የተጠጋጋህ፣ አትመጥኑኝም ብለህ የማትፀየፈን፣ የተቸገራችሁ ናችሁ ብለህ ጀርባ የማትሰጠን አንተ ብቻ ነህ።
እንዳንተ ያለ የለም። እንዳንተ ያለ አይኖርም። እንዳንተ ያለ ብቸኛ ወዳጅ አናገኝም። የተረሳውን አስታዋሽ፣ የተጠሉትን አፍቃሪ፣ የሌጣዎች ሀብት፣ የጎስቋሎች አለኝታ እንዳንተ የለም።
እንወድኃለን ስለወደድከን፣ እናከብርሃለን ስላከበርከን፣ እንቀድስሃለን ስለቀደስከን፣ እንኖርልሃለን ስለሞትክልን ስምህ ቡሩክ ይሁን።
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ:
You are the ornament of the poor, the adornment of the earth and the sky that we show and wear.
You are our garment that does not stain, our ornament that does not fade, the beauty of our hearts that is more precious to us than diamonds and all precious stones.
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ:
You are the ornament of the poor, the adornment of the earth and the sky that we show and wear.
You are our garment that does not stain, our ornament that does not fade, the beauty of our hearts that is more precious to us than diamonds and all precious stones.
You are the only one who is not found by the rich, who is close to the poor, who is close to our hearts, who does not hate us saying that we are not worthy of you, who does not turn our backs on us saying that we are in need.
There is no one like you. There is no one like you. We will not find a friend like you. The reminder of the forgotten, the lover of the hated, the treasure of the poor.
, The lover of the hated, the wealth of the poor, the hope of the needy, there is none like you.
We love you because we love you, we honor you because you honor us, we sanctify you because you sanctify us, we live because you died for us. Blessed be your name.