//ውሎ// ከሙዚቃ አቀናባሪ ካሙዙ ካሳ ጋር “የምግብ ሙያ ኖሮኝ አይደለም ሬስቶራንት የከፈትኩት… እኔ ሙዚቀኛ ነኝ" //ጥምቀትን በኢቢኤስ//
An infotainment program on Sunday afternoon with EBS’ own Asfaw Meshesha, Mekdes Debesay, Lula Gezu, Daniel Tegegn & Zewetir Desalegn. It includes multiple segments depending on the number of stories following the topical discussion. The program is engaging, keeping viewers on the other side for thr...