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Grade 11 Maths Unit 3 & Unit 4.pdf
Grade 11 Mathematics

Unit 3 Matrices & Unit 4 Determinants

- Full Short Notes with 38+ Solved Problems

- Some Solved Exercises
- Solved Examples Based on previous Entrance Exams

Chemical Kinetics (Unit 4) and Chemical Equilibrium (Unit 5).

1. The rate of a chemical reaction is defined as:
a) The change in concentration of reactants per unit time
b) The change in concentration of products per unit time
c) Either (a) or (b)
d) The total amount of reactants consumed

Answer: c) Either (a) or (b)

2. Which of the following factors affects the rate of a chemical reaction?
a) Temperature
b) Concentration of reactants
c) Presence of a catalyst
d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

3. According to the Collision Theory, a reaction occurs when:
a) Reactant molecules collide with sufficient energy and proper orientation
b) Reactant molecules collide at any energy level
c) The activation energy is zero
d) There is no energy barrier

Answer: a) Reactant molecules collide with sufficient energy and proper orientation

4. Which of the following statements about a catalyst is true?
a) It increases the activation energy
b) It is consumed during the reaction
c) It decreases the activation energy
d) It changes the equilibrium position

Answer: c) It decreases the activation energy

5. In a first-order reaction, the rate of reaction depends on:
a) The square of the reactant concentration
b) The inverse of reactant concentration
c) The logarithm of reactant concentration
d) The reactant concentration raised to the power of one

Answer: d) The reactant concentration raised to the power of one

6. Which of the following is true about a chemical reaction at equilibrium?
a) The forward and reverse reaction rates are equal
b) The concentration of reactants is always greater than products
c) The reaction stops completely
d) The reaction favors the forward reaction

Answer: a) The forward and reverse reaction rates are equal

7. Le Chatelier’s Principle states that when a system at equilibrium is disturbed, it will shift to:
a) Favor the formation of reactants
b) Favor the formation of products
c) Counteract the disturbance
d) Remain unchanged

Answer: c) Counteract the disturbance

8. Which change will shift the equilibrium position of the following reaction to the right?
N₂(g) + 3H₂(g) ⇌ 2NH₃(g) + heat
a) Increasing temperature
b) Increasing pressure
c) Removing reactants
d) Adding a catalyst

Answer: b) Increasing pressure

9. The equilibrium constant (K) is expressed as:
a) The ratio of product concentrations to reactant concentrations at equilibrium
b) The sum of reactant and product concentrations
c) The product of reactant and product concentrations
d) The difference between product and reactant concentrations

Answer: a) The ratio of product concentrations to reactant concentrations at equilibrium

10. If K > 1 for a reaction, this means that:
a) Reactants are favored
b) Products are favored
c) The reaction is not at equilibrium
d) The reaction is slow

Answer: b) Products are favored

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Question: Which principle states that if a system at equilibrium is disturbed, it will shift to counteract the disturbance?
Answer: Le Chatelier's Principle.
Explanation: Le Chatelier's Principle predicts that a system at equilibrium will adjust to counteract any changes imposed on it to maintain equilibrium.

Question: Carboxylic acids contain which functional group?
Answer: -COOH.
Explanation: Carboxylic acids are characterized by the -COOH functional group, which includes a carbonyl and hydroxyl group.

Question: What is the general formula for an alcohol?
Answer: R-OH.
Explanation: Alcohols have the general formula R-OH, where R represents an alkyl group attached to the hydroxyl (-OH) functional group.

Question: Which organic compound is responsible for the characteristic smell of fruits?
Answer: Esters.
Explanation: Esters are organic compounds that contribute to the pleasant and fruity aroma found in fruits and flowers.

Question: Fats and oils belong to which class of organic compounds?
Answer: Esters.
Explanation: Fats and oils are esters formed from the reaction of a fatty acid with glycerol.

Question: What process converts unsaturated fats into saturated fats?
Answer: Hydrogenation.
Explanation: Hydrogenation is the process of adding hydrogen to unsaturated fats to convert them into saturated fats.

Question: In the nomenclature of alcohols, the suffix used is:
Answer: -ol.
Explanation: Alcohols are named using the suffix -ol, indicating the presence of the hydroxyl functional group.

Question: Which theory explains the formation of chemical bonds by the overlapping of atomic orbitals?
Answer: Valence Bond Theory.
Explanation: Valence Bond Theory describes chemical bonding as the overlap of atomic orbitals to form covalent bonds.

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Question: What was one of the key postulates of Dalton's Atomic Theory?
Answer: The postulate of Dalton's Atomic Theory that atoms combine in simple whole-number ratios to form compounds.
Explanation: Dalton's theory suggested that elements combine in fixed ratios to form compounds, emphasizing the conservation of mass and the fundamental nature of atoms.

Question: Which subatomic particle was discovered through the cathode ray tube experiment?
Answer: The electron.
Explanation: The cathode ray tube experiment led to the discovery of electrons, negatively charged subatomic particles.

Question: The discovery of the nucleus was attributed to:
Answer: Rutherford.
Explanation: Rutherford's gold foil experiment revealed the existence of the nucleus, a dense, positively charged center of an atom.

Question: What is the charge of a neutron?
Answer: Neutral (0).
Explanation: Neutrons are electrically neutral particles found in the nucleus of an atom.

Question: Which model of the hydrogen atom successfully explained atomic spectra?
Answer: Bohr Model.
Explanation: The Bohr Model introduced quantized energy levels and explained atomic spectra, especially for hydrogen.

Question: The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states:
Answer: It is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle simultaneously.
Explanation: This principle highlights the limitations in simultaneously determining the exact position and momentum of a particle.

Question: How many quantum numbers are needed to describe an electron in an atom?
Answer: 4.
Explanation: Quantum numbers (n, l, ml, ms) are required to describe the unique quantum state of an electron in an atom.

Question: What is the maximum number of electrons that can occupy the 3p subshell?
Answer: 6.
Explanation: The 3p subshell can hold a maximum of 6 electrons due to its three degenerate p orbitals.

Question: According to the Pauli Exclusion Principle, no two electrons in an atom can have the same:
Answer: Spin quantum number.
Explanation: The Pauli Exclusion Principle states that no two electrons in an atom can have the same set of quantum numbers, including the spin.

Question: Which type of chemical bond involves the sharing of electrons between atoms?
Answer: Covalent.
Explanation: Covalent bonds form when atoms share electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration.

Question: What is the geometry around a carbon atom in a molecule with sp³ hybridization?
Answer: Tetrahedral.
Explanation: In sp³ hybridization, the carbon atom adopts a tetrahedral geometry with four equivalent sp³ hybrid orbitals.

Question: Metallic bonding is characterized by:
Answer: A "sea" of delocalized electrons.
Explanation: Metallic bonding involves the sharing of delocalized electrons among metal atoms, leading to high electrical conductivity.

Question: The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases assumes that:
Answer: Gas particles are in constant motion.
Explanation: The theory posits that gas particles are in continuous random motion, colliding with each other and the container walls.

Question: Boyle's Law describes the relationship between:
Answer: Pressure and Volume.
Explanation: Boyle's Law states that the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume at constant temperature.

Question: Which state of matter has a definite volume but no definite shape?
Answer: Liquid.
Explanation: Liquids have a definite volume but take the shape of their container due to weak intermolecular forces.

Question: The rate of a chemical reaction is affected by:
Answer: Concentration of reactants, temperature, and presence of catalysts.
Explanation: Reaction rate is influenced by factors like reactant concentration, temperature, and the presence of catalysts that alter the reaction pathway.

Question: Reversible reactions reach a state of equilibrium when:
Answer: The rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction.
Explanation: At equilibrium, the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal, leading to a dynamic balance in the system.

EUEE ENGLISH Exam Focus Areas: Based on 1995-2016EC Exams (Ethiopia)

🟢Grammar Focus Areas

1. Tenses
2. Passive and Active Voices
3. Subject Verb Agreement
4. Adverbial Clauses and Related
A. Common Clauses
   ☞  Reason clauses
   ☞  Result clauses
   ☞  Contrast clauses
   ☞  Purpose clauses
   ☞  Relative clauses
   ☞  Time clauses
B. Other Transitional Words to:
   ☞  give emphasis
   ☞  focus attention on what follows
   ☞  give additional ideas
   ☞  give examples
   ☞  show sequence/order of events:
   ☞  show different ideas
5. Comparisons
6. As, like, as if, as though.. .
7.Conditional Clauses:
   ☞  Each and Every
   ☞  No
   ☞  None
   ☞  Any and Some
   ☞  No one, Someone… 
   ☞  Little and A little
   ☞  A few, Few and others
10. Uses of Modal Verbs
   ☞  Obligation
   ☞  Absence of Obligation
   ☞  Possibility
   ☞  Deduction
   ☞  Ability
   ☞  Permission and Request
   ☞  Suggestion and Advice
11. Gerund, Infinitive & Participle
12. Parts of Speeches and Others
  ☞ Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs
  ☞ Adverbs, Adjectives, Articles
  ☞ Conjunctions, prepositions
  ☞ Word formations
  ☞ Use of had better, no sooner...
13. Questions and Related Areas
  ☞ Wh-word questions
  ☞ Tag questions
  ☞ Yes or No questions
  ☞ Indirect questions.. .
14. Verbs and their Types
A. Main Verbs:
   ☞  Action Verbs
   ☞  State Verbs
   ☞  Transitive Verbs
   ☞  Intransitive Verbs
B. Auxiliary Verbs:
   ☞  Verb to be
   ☞  Verb to have
   ☞  Verb to do
   ☞  Modal Verbs

15.Communicative Activities Focus Areas

  ☞  Advice
  ☞  Permission
  ☞  Request
  ☞  Opinion
  ☞  Agreement
  ☞  Telephoning
  ☞  Direction
  ☞  Shopping
  ☞  Help
  ☞  Greeting/Introduction
  ☞  Other contextual areas

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Urgent Update: Changes to Grade 12 University Entrance Exam

Dear Students,

This is an urgent correction regarding the Grade 12 University Entrance Examination. Due to recent discussions at the Ministry of Education, the following changes have been made:

1. Examination Content: The Grade 12 University Entrance Examination will be based on the old curriculum. Materials from the old Grade 10 curriculum will be included.

2. Grades 9 & 10: Students will receive supplemental exercises and tutorials based on the Grade 9 abd 10 old curriculum.

3. Social Science: This year's entrance examination for Social Science students will only include Economics content from Grades 11 and 12.

Please adjust your preparations accordingly.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the previous announcement.

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Some Schools are announcing that this year's Entrance exam will include only New Curriculum of (Grade 11 & 12) and old Curriculum of Grade 9.

Comment your Answers and we will post the answer together with its explanation later.

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Chemistry Grade 11 Questions - @Educational_Questions

1. What was one of the key postulates of Dalton's Atomic Theory?
A) Atoms can be subdivided into smaller particles
B) Atoms of different elements are identical
C) Atoms combine in simple whole-number ratios to form compounds
D) Atoms have a variable mass

2. Which subatomic particle was discovered through the cathode ray tube experiment?
A) Proton
B) Electron
C) Neutron
D) Nucleus

3. The discovery of the nucleus was attributed to:
A) Rutherford
B) Thomson
C) Dalton
D) Bohr

4. What is the charge of a neutron?
A) +1
B) 0
C) -1
D) Variable

5. Which model of the hydrogen atom successfully explained atomic spectra?
A) Bohr Model
B) Rutherford Model
C) Thomson Model
D) Dalton Model

6. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states:
A) It is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle simultaneously
B) Electrons occupy fixed orbits around the nucleus
C) Electrons exhibit wave-like behavior
D) Electrons have a dual nature

7. How many quantum numbers are needed to describe an electron in an atom?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4

8. What is the maximum number of electrons that can occupy the 3p subshell?
A) 2
B) 6
C) 8
D) 10

9. According to the Pauli Exclusion Principle, no two electrons in an atom can have the same:
A) Energy level
B) Spin quantum number
C) Principal quantum number
D) Angular momentum quantum number

10. Which type of chemical bond involves the sharing of electrons between atoms?
A) Ionic
B) Covalent
C) Metallic
D) Hydrogen

11. What is the geometry around a carbon atom in a molecule with sp3 hybridization?
A) Linear
B) Trigonal Planar
C) Tetrahedral
D) Octahedral

12. Metallic bonding is characterized by:
A) Sharing of electrons between atoms
B) Transfer of electrons from one atom to another
C) A "sea" of delocalized electrons
D) Strong electrostatic interactions between ions

13. The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases assumes that:
A) Gas particles have no volume
B) Gas particles are in constant motion
C) Gas particles do not exert any pressure
D) Gas particles have strong attractive forces

14. Boyle's Law describes the relationship between:
A) Pressure and Volume
B) Pressure and Temperature
C) Volume and Temperature
D) Volume and Amount of Gas

15. Which state of matter has a definite volume but no definite shape?
A) Solid
B) Liquid
C) Gas
D) Plasma

16. The rate of a chemical reaction is affected by:
A) Temperature only
B) Pressure only
C) Concentration of reactants, temperature, and presence of catalysts
D) Nature of the products

17. Reversible reactions reach a state of equilibrium when:
A) The reactants are completely consumed
B) The rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction
C) The products are completely formed
D) The reaction stops

18. Which principle states that if a system at equilibrium is disturbed, it will shift to counteract the disturbance?
A) Avogadro's Principle
B) Le Chatelier's Principle
C) Boyle's Principle
D) Charles's Principle

19. Carboxylic acids contain which functional group?
A) -OH
D) -NH2

20. What is the general formula for an alcohol?
A) R-O-R'

21. Which organic compound is responsible for the characteristic smell of fruits?
A) Ethers
B) Esters
C) Aldehydes
D) Carboxylic acids

22. Fats and oils belong to which class of organic compounds?
A) Alcohols
B) Carboxylic acids
C) Esters
D) Aldehydes

23. What process converts unsaturated fats into saturated fats?
A) Hydrolysis
B) Esterification
C) Hydrogenation
D) Saponification

24. In the nomenclature of alcohols, the suffix used is:
A) -ane
B) -ol
C) -al
D) -one

25. Which theory explains the formation of chemical bonds by the overlapping of atomic orbitals?
A) Valence Bond Theory
B) Molecular Orbital Theory
C) Lewis Theory
D) VSEPR Theory

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Maths Model Exam 2017.pdf
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Biology grade 12

-> Biotechnology is the application of scientific knowledge by industries that produce biological products like food supplements, enzymes, and drugs.

● Yeasts (Fungi), moulds (Fungi) and bacteria are important microorganisms used in industries.

-> Fermentation is a process by which sugar is converted into alcohol and CO₂ by yeast.

-> Fermentation by the yeast Saccharomyces yields beer and that by

Lactobacillus, yields butter milk.

-> Tissue culture, a method of biological research in which fragments of tissue from an animal or plant are transferred to an artificial environment in which they can continue to survive and function. The cultured tissue may consist of a single cell, a population of cells, or a whole or part of an organ.

-> Genetic engineering involves the transfer of genes from one organism to an unrelated species. Genetic engineering is being used in the production of pharmaceuticals, gene therapy, and the development of transgenic plants and animals.

-> Wastewater may come from domestic
or commercial sources; highly toxic
industrial effluents may require pretreatment before entering a water treatment system. Sewage is the term used to describe liquid wastes that contain faccal matter (human or animal).

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What type of bonding primarily stabilizes the beta sheet structure in proteins?
A) Ionic bonds 
B) Hydrogen bonds 
C) Van der Waals forces 
D) Disulfide bridges 

Answer: B) Hydrogen bonds

▎Question 4

Which of the following amino acids is most likely to disrupt an alpha helix due to its unique structure?
A) Alanine 
B) Glycine 
C) Leucine 
D) Glutamine 
Answer: B) Glycine

▎Question 5

In a beta sheet, the strands can be oriented in which of the following ways?
A) Only parallel 
B) Only antiparallel 
C) Both parallel and antiparallel 
D) Randomly oriented 

Answer: C) Both parallel and antiparallel

▎Question 6

Which type of secondary structure is often involved in turns and loops within proteins?
A) Alpha helix 
B) Beta sheet 
C) Random coil 
D) Beta turn 

Answer: D) Beta turn

▎Question 7

What is the significance of proline in the context of protein secondary structure?
A) It stabilizes alpha helices. 
B) It forms hydrogen bonds in beta sheets. 
C) It introduces kinks or bends in polypeptide chains. 
D) It enhances hydrophobic interactions. 

Answer: C) It introduces kinks or bends in polypeptide chains.

▎Question 8

Which of the following statements about secondary structures is FALSE?
A) Secondary structures are stabilized by hydrogen bonds between backbone atoms. 
B) Secondary structures are independent of the primary sequence of amino acids. 
C) Secondary structures can form motifs such as alpha-beta barrels. 
D) Secondary structures contribute to the overall three-dimensional shape of a protein. 

Answer: B) Secondary structures are independent of the primary sequence of amino acids.

▎Question 9

Which structural feature is NOT characteristic of an alpha helix?
A) Right-handed twist 
B) Side chains protruding outward from the helix 
C) Hydrogen bonds between every fourth amino acid 
D) Formation of disulfide bridges 

Answer: D) Formation of disulfide bridges

▎Question 10

The Ramachandran plot is used to visualize:
A) The tertiary structure of proteins. 
B) The potential conformations of the polypeptide backbone. 
C) The interactions between different protein subunits. 
D) The location of active sites in enzymes. 

Answer: B) The potential conformations of the polypeptide backbone

Репост из: Study Notes 📝📓
Grade 12 books.docx
Biology for grade 12
Included old curriculum

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Metabolic Processes

Metabolic processes are the chemical reactions that occur within a living organism to maintain life. These processes enable organisms to grow, reproduce, repair damage, and respond to their environment.


Types of Metabolic Processes:

1. Anabolism (Building Up)
- Definition: The synthesis of complex molecules from simpler ones, requiring energy (endothermic).
- Examples:
- Protein synthesis from amino acids.
- DNA replication.
- Photosynthesis (in plants).
- Purpose: Supports growth, repair, and storage of energy.

2. Catabolism (Breaking Down)
- Definition: The breakdown of complex molecules into simpler ones, releasing energy (exothermic).
- Examples:
- Cellular respiration (glucose breakdown to produce ATP).
- Digestion of food into nutrients.
- Fat breakdown into fatty acids and glycerol.
- Purpose: Provides energy for bodily functions and building blocks for anabolism.


Key Components of Metabolism:

1. Enzymes:
- Proteins that act as biological catalysts to speed up metabolic reactions.
- Highly specific to their substrate (e.g., amylase breaks down starch).

2. Energy Molecule (ATP):
- Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is the primary energy currency of cells.
- Energy is released when ATP is broken into ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and a phosphate group.

3. Metabolic Pathways:
- Linear Pathways: Sequence of reactions leading to a final product (e.g., glycolysis).
- Cyclic Pathways: Reactions regenerate starting materials (e.g., Krebs cycle).

Examples of Metabolic Processes:

1. Photosynthesis (Anabolic):
- Occurs in plants.
- Converts carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen using sunlight.
- Equation:

6CO2 + 6H2O + => C6H12O6 + 6O2

2. Cellular Respiration (Catabolic):
- Occurs in all living organisms.
- Breaks down glucose into water, carbon dioxide, and ATP.
- Equation:

C6H12O6 + 6O2 => 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP

3. Protein Synthesis (Anabolic):
- Ribosomes use mRNA to assemble amino acids into proteins.

4. Lipid Breakdown (Catabolic):
- Lipids are broken into fatty acids and glycerol, which can be used for energy production.


Regulation of Metabolic Processes:

1. Hormones:
- Insulin: Promotes glucose storage and uptake.
- Glucagon: Stimulates glucose release into the blood.
- Thyroxine: Regulates the overall metabolic rate.

2. Feedback Mechanisms:
- Negative Feedback: Maintains balance (e.g., ATP production halts when energy is sufficient).


Importance of Metabolic Processes:
- Provides energy for cellular activities.
- Supplies raw materials for growth and repair.
- Regulates body temperature and homeostasis.

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የ12ኛ ክፍል ፈተና ምዝገባ ከነገ በስቲያ ያበቃል

የ2017 የትምህርት ዘመን የኢትዮጵያ የሁለተኛ ደረጃ ትምህርት ማጠናቀቂያ (የ12ኛ ክፍል) ፈተና ምዝገባ በመጪው ማክሰኞ ጥር 6/2017 ዓ.ም ከቀኑ 11፡00 ሰዓት ላይ እንደሚጠናቀቅ የትምህርት ምዘናና ፈተናዎች አገልግሎት አስታወቀ።

በተለያየ ምክንያት ያልተመዘገቡ ተማሪዎች ካሉ በቀጣዮቹ ሁለት ቀናት እንዲመዘገቡ ያሳሰበው አገልግሎቱ፤ ያልተመዘገቡ ተማሪዎች ፈተናውን እንደማይፈተኑ በማህበራዊ ትስስር ገጹ ባጋራው መልዕክት አስጠንቅቋል።

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የ12ኛ ክፍል ሀገር አቀፍ ፈተና ምዝገባ ጥር 6/2017 ዓ.ም ከቀኑ 10፡00 ሰዓት ላይ እንደሚጠናቀቅ የትምህርት ምዘናና ፈተናዎች አገልግሎት አሳውቋል።

ስለሆነም ምዝገባ ያላጠናቀቃችሁ ተማሪዎች ከቀነ ገደቡ አስቀድማችሁ እንድታጠናቅቁ አገልግሎቱ አሳስቧል።

አገልግሎቱ የ2017 ዓ.ም ፈተናዎች ይዘትን በተመለከተ ባስተላለፈው መልዕክት፤ የሀገር አቀፍ 12ኛ ክፍል ፈተና በአጠቃላይ ከ 9-12ኛ ክፍሎች እንዲሁም የ8ኛ ክፍል ክልላዊ ፈተና ከ7-8ኛ ክፍሎች እንደሚሸፍን ገልጿል።

ተማሪዎች በተማሩበት የክፍል ደረጀ የተማሪ መጽሐፍን መሠረት አድርገው ሊዘጋጁ እንደሚገባ አገልግሎቱ ጠቁሟል።

የትምህርት ምዘናና ፈተናዎች አገልግሎት

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በዛሬው እለት ፕሮፌሰር ብረሃኑ ነጋ በጋምቤላ ክልል  ከተማሪዎች ለቀረበላቸው ጥያቄ ሲመልሱ
9ኛ እና 10ኛ ክፍል በአሮጌው (Old)Curriculum  እንዲሁም 11&12ኛ ክፍል በአዲሱ(New)Curriculum እንደሆነ ተናግረዋል🙏

"እንኳን ባልተማርከው በተማርከውም  ፈትነን ማሳለፍ አልቻልንም"😂ፕሮፌሰር ብረሃኑ ነጋ

ከዚህ ንግግራቸው መረዳት እንደሚቻለው ሁላቹም ካለተማራቹት እንደማትፈተኑ ነው🙏


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