🔔LayerEdge Announcement
✔️Go to the site and connect your wallet https://dashboard.layeredge.io/
✔️Enter the access code r32LCqAw to gain Acess to the Node
✔️Click Start Node.You will start earning points for this Invite your friends and collect daily rewards
✔️The Public Beta Testnet will launch after the Closed Testnet Program ends. If you are planning to run this node, you need to start now. There is always room for early comers🔥.
➡️We're now extending our Phase I for the lunar new year week, and will announce details about the Phase II & CLI Nodes soon! Source
➡️Some key reminders:
1. 50h+ up-time of the light-node is required for you and your referrals so that referral points are considered "confirmed" from current pending state.
2. Make sure to check in at least once every 24 hours to and ensure you've "start(ed) node" every day.
3. Referring others would at least need you to have 50h of up-time
4. Any IP sending multiple requests will be rate-limited, you can heck your IP status in the FAQ page
5. Soon we'll add email authentication before you can refer.
6. Just referring on the dashboard will invalidate your points, so make sure you're also running the light-node with a minimum of 50h uptime.
✔️Go to the site and connect your wallet https://dashboard.layeredge.io/
✔️Enter the access code r32LCqAw to gain Acess to the Node
✔️Click Start Node.You will start earning points for this Invite your friends and collect daily rewards
✔️The Public Beta Testnet will launch after the Closed Testnet Program ends. If you are planning to run this node, you need to start now. There is always room for early comers🔥.
✔️እዚ ፕሮጀክት ላይ እየሰራቹ ያላቹ በ 24 ሰአት አንዴ ገብቶ ማስጀመር ነው ሁሌ ኦን መሆን የለባቹም 🔥🔥🔥