Фильтр публикаций

can u feel me when I think about u?


I choose you and I made the right choice.


If there is a change of person,
The there should be a change of perfume.

እሱ ሞትን ይወዳል🖤
እሷ ሂወትን ትወዳለች❤️

እሱ ለሷ ኖረ❤️
እሷ ለሱ ሞተች🖤

I'm not a person anymore
I'm a problem

No matter how much
you broken me and left me
Your secrets are always kept safe with me!

kiss me if I'm wrong but 3+4 is 9 right?

Show me where your love lies

Tell me where loyality stands

Don't waste my time

If someone really wants to see you, they'll find a reason, they'll find a way, and they'll make the effort.

You know someone means a lot to you when their mood affects yours.

ውድ የቻናላችን ተከታታዮች እንደምን ሰነበታቹ?
ዛሬ የቻናሉ አባል ዮነ ሰው ግዴታ ሚፈፅመው ተግባር ይኖራል እሱም ቻናሉን UNMUTE በማረግ ነው MUTE ያረጋቹ ሰዎች የቻናሉ የእይታ መጠን(view)ይቀንሳል እየተከታተላቹት ቢሆንም MUTE ከሆነ ለዛ አታርጉ እና በተረፈ ለወዳጅ ጓደኛዎ ሼር ማረግ አይዘንጉ

Stop texting them if they ignore u
Even ur self respect has some self respect

I think its really sad that if you ever try to see the worst in people,you don’t need to look past seeing them to get all you need .

I wanna hear how much i mean to you

One day you’ll miss having me around u😏

Репост из: Ibru's thought
አንዳንድ ሰዎች አዕምሮህን ከልብህ በላይ ታዘዘው ሲባሉ ይደመጣሉ🤷‍♂!
እስቲ አዕምሮን የመጠቀም እና በልብህ የመጠቀም ልዩነቱ ምኑ ላይ🤔 ነው?
እንዴትስ መለየት ይቻላል አሁን አዕምሮዬን መጠቀሜን + ልቤን መከተሌ?
ለየት ያለ አተያየት ያለው በዚ ጉዳይ
@ibruzzz_bot ያጋሩኝ

While most pets have their own unique personalities, this can be telling of your personality. If you prefer to own a dog, then you might be more extroverted and willing to please others. Individuals who prefer cats tend to be more curious and introverted.

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