One shouldn't not be really affected by the vitalist critiques of thinking that reduces the whole realm of thought to the weakness and petrification of spirit. In the matter of fact, the realm of thought is the least place comfort can be found in. On the contrary, vitalism ends up elevating unreflective life, and even distraction, in order to avoid the burden of consciousness and reflection. It seeks a certain security in the purported unfathomability of Life. Most vitalists end up endorsing cheap biologism and evolutionism in order to avoid the burdens of thought. Why they do that? They simply seek security. Paradoxically, they seek the very security demanded by certain forms of thinking in the realm of the unfathomable. It's totally understandable that this petrified age of information necessitates a serious critique of intellectualism, especially in its democratized versions. Most people are fine with unreflective life, and it's even dangerous to force them to leave it in name of education. In fact, the unreflective life is the most important pillar in the history of any civilization we know about. It's the infancy without which maturity is impossible. Vitalism merely wants to venerate this infancy and, in a quiet cartoonish manner, seeks to enliven it ad infinitum. The problem with vitalism is that it doesn't know its real limits, and that most of its proponents and acolytes don't recognize this limitation because they ground their view in what seems obvious but totally insufficient. The reason many vitalisms ends up dissolving itself in the natural sciences is due to this insufficiency.