All human actions unconsciously presuppose the permanence of the present state: we forget that it is finite, and inevitably transient. Especially actions that are expected to achieve pleasure or happiness. That is why you find wisdom in all its forms heavy on the soul, because it reminds you that what you are in now will not always be the same. Wisdom requires a total judgment that presents the current situation in the light of the totality of life, in a way that evokes the inevitable annihilation of this state, and reminds of what comes after it, in terms of other cases in which its consequences remain after its pleasure is gone, which calms its impact and takes away its joy. And because man, by nature, is inclined to forget, forgetting that what he is in now will inevitably pass away, you will see that he does not like the effect of remembering on himself at all. Remembering destroys the foundations of trust, and shows life as it is, which man refuses to acknowledge. He refuses to acknowledge it because it puts the verb in its correct position, which detracts from its value, underestimates it, and denies it. Wisdom is mortal because it is a true representation of death, an action evaluated apart from the subject; It represents a life that is evaluated in isolation from its owner. Wisdom is to see the action after it is gone and its effect remains, to bring in a new situation that contradicts this current one. The first wisdom is to view the current state in the light of all life, and the last of it is to view life in the light of death. If a person truly acknowledges this fact for one day, if he says a thousand words, maybe ten words will suffice him, and if he does a thousand actions, maybe he will suffice with one or two actions.