Momona Healthcare

Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Английский

We are an innovative comprehensive healthcare institution dedicated to providing the highest quality health care to individuals and families in the comfort of their own homes. We believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality healthcare services.

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Эфиопия, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

የስኳር በሽታ
የስኳር በሽታ በቂ ያልሆነ የኢንሱሊን ምርት ወይም ደካማ የኢንሱሊን አጠቃቀም ምክንያት በደም ውስጥ ባለው የስኳር መጠን መጨመር የሚታወቅ በሽታ ነው። በደንብ ካልተያዘ፣ የልብ ሕመም፣ የኩላሊት መጎዳት፣ የነርቭ መጎዳት፣ የዓይን ጉዳት (የስኳር በሽታ ሬቲኖፓቲ)፣ የእግር ቁስለት እና የኢንፌክሽን አደጋን ጨምሮ ወደ ከባድ ችግሮች ሊመራ ይችላል። ሞሞና የስኳር ህመምተኞችን በአመጋገብ እቅድ በማገዝ የደም ስኳር መጠንን ለመቆጣጠር፣ መደበኛ የደም ስኳር ክትትልን በማረጋገጥ፣ የአካል ብቃት እንቅስቃሴን በመደገፍ፣ የታዘዙ መድሃኒቶችን በመስጠት እና ለታካሚዎች የችግሮች የመጀመሪያ ምልክቶችን እንዲያውቁ በማስተማር የስኳር ህመምተኞችን መርዳት ይችላል። በተጨማሪም፣ Momona ለስኳር ህመምተኛ የእግር ቁስለት እንክብካቤ መስጠት እና ውስብስቦች ከተፈጠሩ ከጤና አጠባበቅ አቅራቢዎች ጋር በጊዜ ለመፍትሄ ጣልቃ እንዲገቡ ማድረግ ይችላል።

Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels due to insufficient insulin production or poor insulin utilization. If not well-managed, it can lead to serious complications, including heart disease, kidney damage, nerve damage, eye damage (diabetic retinopathy), foot ulcers, and an increased risk of infections. Momona can assist diabetic patients by helping with dietary planning to control blood sugar levels, ensuring regular blood sugar monitoring, supporting physical activity, administering prescribed medications, and educating patients about recognizing early signs of complications. Additionally, Momona can provide wound care for diabetic foot ulcers and coordinate with healthcare providers for timely intervention if complications arise.

አረጋውያን ቤትን መሰረት ያደረጉ የጤና እንክብካቤ አረጋውያን በቤታቸው ምቾት ውስጥ የህክምና እና የድጋፍ አገልግሎት ለመስጠት የሚያስችል ግላዊ አቀራረብ ነው። ይህ ሞዴል አረጋውያን ሆስፒታል መተኛት ወይም ክሊኒክ ተደጋጋሚ ጉብኝት ሳያስፈልጋቸው እንደ ሥር የሰደደ በሽታን መቆጣጠር፣ የመድኃኒት አስተዳደር፣ የአካል ሕክምና እና የነርሲንግ እንክብካቤ የመሳሰሉ አስፈላጊ የሕክምና እርዳታ እንዲያገኙ ያስችላቸዋል። ራስን መቻልን ያበረታታል፣ የህይወት ጥራትን ያሻሽላል፣ እና አላስፈላጊ ሆስፒታል መግባትን በመከላከል የጤና እንክብካቤ ወጪን ይቀንሳል። በተጨማሪም፣ ቤትን መሰረት ያደረገ እንክብካቤ አረጋውያን ታካሚዎች ከቤተሰብ እና ተንከባካቢዎች ጋር የጠበቀ ግንኙነት እንዲኖራቸው በማድረግ በታወቁ አካባቢዎች እንዲቆዩ በማድረግ ስሜታዊ ደህንነትን ያበረታታል።

May the joy and blessings of Easter be with you today and always!

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#EasterBlessings #EthiopianEaster #MomonaHealthcare #HomeCareProvider #Joy #Blessings #FamilyTime #Love #Peace #EasterCelebrations

Momona Healthcare

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a Healthcare

Eid Mubarak to all our Muslim friends and clients. Wishing you a wonderful celebration filled with Health, Love and Happiness.

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#EidMubarak #HomeCare #MomonaHealthcare #Love #Happiness #Celebration #Family #Blessings #Gratitude #Healthcare #Telemedicine #Telehealth

ለመላው የሞሞና ቤተሰብ መልካም የገና በዓል እንዲሆንላችሁ እንመኛለን።
For all Momona family we wish you a Merry Christmas!!!

Momona Healthcare

መልካም የመስቀል ደመራ በአል እንመኛለን!!
Happy Meskel Festivities!!
ሞሞና የቤት ለቤት የጤና አገልግሎት!
ቤትዎ ድረስ በታላቅ ስነምግባር የታገዘ የተሟላ የጤና አገልግሎት ልናቀርብ ከደጅዎ ነን::
አድራሻ፡ አድዋ ድልድይ አካባቢ ዳሽን ባንክ ያለበት ሕንጻ 4ኛ ፎቅ ቢሮ ቁ. 401
📞+251-70-493-6344/ +251901984498

ለመላው የእስልምና እምነት ተከታዩች በሙሉ እንኳን ለመውሊድ በዓል በሰላም አደረሳችሁ፡፡
ሞሞና የቤት ለቤት የጤና አገልግሎት!
ቤትዎ ድረስ በታላቅ ስነምግባር የታገዘ የተሟላ የጤና አገልግሎት ልናቀርብ ከደጅዎ ነን::

አድራሻ፡ አድዋ ድልድይ አካባቢ ዳሽን ባንክ ያለበት ሕንጻ 4ኛ ፎቅ ቢሮ ቁ. 401
📞+251-70-493-6344/ +251901984498

Start the new year off right with Momona Healthcare! 🏥 For the month of Meskerem, we're offering up to 20% off on our 1-month and 3-month home care packages. 🎉 Our compassionate caregivers provide assistance with daily activities, companionship, and peace of mind. Celebrate 2016 with the gift of care and support from Momona Healthcare. Contact us today to learn more!
#MomonaHealthcare #HomeCare #NewYearsSale #NewYearsDiscounts #Caregivers #Companionship #PeaceOfMind #AssistedLiving #DailyAssistance #meskerem2016Sale

"Happy Ethiopian New Year! 🌟 May this year bring health, happiness, and care to your homes. #MomonaHealthcare #EthiopianNewYear #BringingHealthcareToHomes"

"As we welcome the Ethiopian New Year, let's embrace the spirit of togetherness and good health. 🏡💙 #MomonaHealthcare #EthiopianNewYear #HealthcareAtHome"

Thank you for choosing Momona as your home care provider. We are committed to providing the highest quality care possible.#ThankYou #HomeCare #QualityCare#Momona

Thank you for choosing Momona as your home care provider. We are committed to providing the highest quality care possible. #ThankYou #HomeCare #QualityCare

Our home care services are designed to provide peace of mind for both our clients and their families. #PeaceOfMind #HomeCare #FamilyCare #Momona

We believe that everyone deserves to live comfortably and with dignity. That's why we're committed to providing top-quality home care services.
#WideRange #HomeCare #PersonalCare #Health #healthcare #momona

Washing your hands frequently is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs and infections.
#momona #Healthcare #health #homecare #Ethiopia

Our home care services are designed to help you or your loved ones maintain independence while receiving the support they need.
#WideRange #HomeCare #PersonalCare #Health #healthcare

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