Think Different

Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Английский
Категория: Психология

Here is a place where u will be free to Think Differently using the Word of God.
Uplifting quotes & Bible verses
Faith Building songs & much more
We are focused on insipiring teens of this generation.
📫 Contact us: @standard_life_love_bot

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Гео и язык канала
Эфиопия, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

It is so like me to give up even when the due date is known;
It is so like me to lose heart whenever things go sideways;
It is so like me to get angry easily;
It is so like me to shut it all down;
It is so like me to go against Your will;
But You give grace.
You humble those who spend their time at Your feet;
You love the broken hearted who come to You with their true identity;
You are You.
There isnt anyone who we can call that resembles you let alone look like You;
Who is and who was and who is to come, You alone!
Jesus, You alone!


That hug,
Not the ordinary greeting one but that makes you take a step back because the other person came forcefully with so much energy that you take a little swing.
One that shows how much they have missed you;
One that kids run to give their parents a hug whenever they see them;
One that can not be explained but be felt;
One that the father on Luke 15 gave His son;
That little swing, that little bump.
How do we greet Him when we come face to face with the one who was pierced for us?
I really hope it would give Him more than just a little swing.


ነገሮች ከመደጋገማቸው የተነሳ የለመድኳቸው መስሎኝ፣ ትላንት ያነሳኝ ምህረትህን እንዳልረሳ።


"You never let go, never give up
You're reliable
Unusual true, genuine love

VOUS Worship- Loyal (OMG)


Psalm 84:12 (NIV)

¹²Lord Almighty,
    blessed is the one who trusts in You.

“የሠራዊት አምላክ ሆይ፥ በአንተ የታመነ ሰው ምስጉን ነው።”
  — መዝሙር 84፥12


Would it count as a score if i were to be asked, "why would you trust God?" With my answer "Because I have no choice?"
Would i be counted as selfish if i admit that out loud?
Would i be blamed if i dont find my answer elsewhere?
Of course i wont be, where is living hope found apart from Him?
All other so called "Hopes" last for a limited amount of time.
O but Yours God, it is the one that does not perish, nor spoil nor fade.
It is dependable.
You are trustable. You know what You are doing.


Bring back the innocence;
Bring back the love;
Bring back the care i used to have;
Bring back the trust i fully had;
Bring back my dependability;
Bring back the time when worry was the word i knew on dictionary;
Bring back the time when loving was so easy;
Bring back what used to drag me to Your presence;
Bring back the time when running to You was easy;
Bring back the tears whenever i did something against Your will;
Bring back all of it.
If growing up means being apart from You, hold my growth in Your hand and lead me to the right path.
Show me the ways of eternal life and let my home be Your feet.


"Who put the breath in my lungs
Who calls us daughters and sons
All praise goes to just one
God did it, God did it"

Micah Tyler- God Did It


"Eventhough you don't love His timing
You still believe in the story He is writing."

TobyMac- God Did It


"If you’ve got a Holy Ghost in your veins
Then praise Him like you’re not ashamed"

Sons Of Sunday- God Did


It's Not What You Think BY Jefferson Bethke.pdf
"Jesus took our pain on Himself. He felt that weight, that crushing sense of ache and pain, and He bore it fully. If pain and shame were a cup, He drank it to the very last drop so that we never have to. That’s why we celebrate and rejoice: because we know Jesus stepped in the gap, shouldered it all, and then turns to us with a tender glance and calls us his child. We are His. We don’t have to hide anymore."

It's Not What You Think by Jefferson Bethke

Have a good read!


Psalm 42:11 (NIV)

¹¹Why, my soul, are you downcast?
    Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
    for I will yet praise him,
    my Savior and my God.

“ነፍሴ ሆይ፥ ለምን ታዝኛለሽ? ለምንስ ታውኪኛለሽ? የፊቴን መድኃኒት አምላኬን አመሰግነው ዘንድ በእግዚአብሔር ታመኚ።”
  — መዝሙር 42፥11


ጌታ ሆይ፣ስምህን ይዤ የምዞር ወኪልህ ነኝ ለካ።


የትላንቱ ተዓምሬን እንዳላየ ሰው፣ ዛሬ ላይ ሆኜ የትላንቱ ጥያቄዬን ስደግም አንተም ደግሞ ቸር ነህ ትመልስለኛለህ።


A rest from my complication;
A shield from my internal chaos;
A light that shines through my darkness;
A way that paves to eternal life;
A will You chose to reveal;
A secret You wanted me to know;
Words I can always go back to;
Phrases that redefine my existence;
A letter You wrote for me;
It's Your Word, God!
Your word!


ንጉሱ ተወለደልን።
ድንቁ ስጦታችን ኢየሱስ።
እንኳን አደረሳችሁ።
የቀኑን ባለቤት እያሰብን መዋል ይሁንልን!

"፤ ቃልም ሥጋ ሆነ፤ ጸጋንና እውነትንም ተመልቶ በእኛ አደረ፥ አንድ ልጅም ከአባቱ ዘንድ እንዳለው ክብር የሆነው ክብሩን አየን። "
ዮሐ 1: 14


A closet tip from a friend of mine, "Would you wear that outfit if you were to go to church?"

Keep in mind that Church is not a building but a person; people.

"The church is a group or congregation of people who have accepted the heavenly calling (Heb 3:1) and are separated from the world (2 Corinth 6:16-18), redeemed and bought by the blood of Christ (Eph 1:7, Acts 20:28), born again through faith in Jesus Christ (John 3:16, Eph 2:14-16), and who reveal the image of God on earth (1Tim 3:15)."

So yes the way we dress or look should also be given emphasis.
When we go to church we are heading to these people; people we became family through Christ.
Imagine making them stumble from this calling just by the way we dress/look? It has the power as simple as that.

Does it glorify God?
Does it make anyone to stumble upon sin? Is the question we should ask ourselves.
There shouldnt be a special outfit that we reserve for dinner or when we go out but we dont wear to church.
Dont wear anything that you wont be wearing to church!

Its time to clear our closet.


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