Фильтр публикаций


AD nw mnm bataregu yimeretal

Whale-Ai1: 7 USDT, 1 USDT per day, 30
USDT per month

Whale-Ai2: 49 USDT, 7 USDT per day, 210
USDT per month

Whale-Ai3: 140 USDT, 20 USDT per day, 600
USDT per month

Whale-Ai4: 490 USDT, 70 USDT per day, 2100
USDT per month

Whale-Ai5: 1400 USDT, 200 USDT per day, 6000
USDT per month

Whale-Ai6: 3500 USDT, 500 USDT per day, 15000
USDT per month

Whale-Ai7: 7000 USDT, 1000 USDT per day, 30000
USDT per month

Whale-Ai9: 35000 USDT, 5000 USDT per day, 150,000
USDT per month

Whale-Ai10: 70000 USDT, 10000 USDT per day, 30,000
USDT per month

A: What are the rewards for inviting subordinates?

B: When using the invitation code to register and recharge,
the three-level commission ratio is as follows:

Level 1 members 10%, the other party recharges 1,000 USDT, you get 100 USDT

Level 2 members 3%, the other party recharges 1,000 USDT, you get 30 USDT

Level 3 members 1%, the other party recharges 1,000 USDT, you get 10 USDT

Official link: https://whale-ai.cc/#/register?ic=837558

Official channel: https://t.me/+mnsBfDzAakg0ZDA9


በዚህ link ከገባችሁ በኋላ ወደታች scroll down በማድረግ Free $10k   "ADD TO BASKET" የሚለውን ከነካችሁ በኃላ proceed to checkout የሚለውን click አድርጉ ከዛ የራሳችሁን full info '' Name '' ''email''  ካስገባችሁ በኃላ order ማድረግ ትችላላችሁ🎉

በ24 ሰዓት ውስጥ አካውንታችሁ ይደርሳቹዋል👍🏾

Wait for your emails

Tnx for our members for sharing it

803 0 42 11 7



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በቂ USDT ለሌላቹ ይሄን አዲስ EXCHANGE በመጠቀም USDT ሰብስባቹ መመዝገብ ትችላላችሁ DISCOUNT አረግላቹሀለው።

በዚህ ሊንክ በመግባት ተመዝገቡ እና KYC ጨርሱ


ግን ይሄን REFERRAL መጠቀማቹን እርግጠኛ ሁኑ QOOSV3

Make sure to use browser


AB CHALLENGEU ሲያልቅ ለሁለት ሰው $10k እና ለአንድ ሰውን DUBAI ወስጄ በአካል አስተምረዋለው Giftም አለኝ ብሉዋል። ይሄ የሚሆነው ግን ለBOOTCAMP ሜምበሮች ብቻ ነው እና ይሄን እድል በእኔ በኩል በSL ዋጋ መሳተፍ የምትፈልጉ ሰዎች የፈጠነ አናግሩኝ @urrodnoy

Репост из: AB MARSHALL $100 TO $30K
Still if u wanna have the live access u can join now @urrodnoy

Репост из: AB MARSHALL $100 TO $30K
We going slow gang but I don’t want to risk so much so we don’t blow account also
Successful week so far 79$ to 400$
We will continue next week strong
So many people is going to rich so we might see struggle but we will finish soon live session will continue next week

ATH 2886.... 🔥 After NFP

NFP‼️‼️ Just 👀 Moves....

Psychological Tip 💉

Emotional control is critical in day trading. Patience helps prevent fear-based or greed-driven decisions that can derail your trading plan. Stick to your strategy and trust the process!🔐🔑

46 በአሜሪካ ውስጥ የሚገኙ ግዛቶች ወርቅን እንደ ገንዘብ ወይም እንደ መገበያያ ለመጠቀም ወስነዋል🙏🙏

We will Expect New All Time High Before NFP‼️‼️...

⚠️ Don.t try to Trade NON FARM PAYROLLS ‼️‼️‼️

AB's BOOTCAMP Last live was JAN 23 that's why we didn't post for a while


ባለፈው በነገራቹኝ መሰረት የካፒታል እጥረት አለብኝ ያላቹኝ ልጆች Next Week Funding Challenge GIVEAWAY ለመስጠት አስቤያለሁ🙏

- ከዚሁ ጋር በተያየዘ Old Telegram Group ያላቹ ልጆች @DagemOSP በዚህ Username ብቻ በማናገር መሸጥ ትችላላችሁ👍
ለዚህም እኔ 100% ሐላፊነቱን የምወስድ ይሆናል ‼️‼️

- ነገ እንዲሁም ከነገ ወዲያ ማርኬት ጥሩ የሚባል Expectation ላያሳይ ስለሚችል ከወዲሁ ይህንን ሳምንት አርፋችሁ ከሰኞ ጀምሮ Trade እንድታደርጉ ምክሬን እየለገስኩ መልካም የዕረፍት ጊዜ ለሁላችሁም ተመኘሁ🙏

GOOD EVENING Folks🙏 How Was Your Day??
  •   WIN
  •   Lose
  •   Didn.t take Any Trade
20 голосов

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Please Leave Your Own personal Opinion below😉

Do You Believe Trading Is About 10% Of Psychology & 90 % Skill or 90% of psychology & 10% Skill.

ስራ ፈቶ: ትምህርት አቋርጦ: ቀኑን ሙሉ Chart ላይ የሚያፈጥ አለ??
እስቲ ካላቹ ወዬ ወዬ በሉኝ😉

& Let's Discuss Psychological Part Of Trading........

Показано 20 последних публикаций.