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Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Английский
Категория: Психология

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Гео и язык канала
Эфиопия, Английский
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Leenjii Ogummaa Jireenya online dhaan.

Yoom : Kamsaa,02/07/20017
Bakki: Telegram
            Thought Power
Link : @thought_power_369

Akka qu'annaan tokko agarsiisutti sammuun namaa guyyaatti yaada kuma 60 hamma 80 ni yaada jedhama.
Kan nama raaju garuu yaadota kana keessaa 90% kan ta'u yaada negetive dha jedha daatan kun.
Hiriyaan kiyya tokko yaada negetive yemmuun yaadu,''Inni amma yaada kana yaadaa jiru ana miti ''jedha.
Anis yoo sammuun koo waan gadhee (negetive) yaadu,' Kun ana miti,yaadichi gadheen kunis kankoo miti' jedheen gara yaada gaarii(Positive) ta'etti deebi'a.
Na fayyadee jira dhugaa.

Atis mee yaali.

Thought Power

Networkmarketing'n bilisummaa maallaqaa fi yeroo irraan si gahuu danda'a.

Garuu karaa salphaa miti.
Milkaa'inni carraaqii kee,dhaabbata keessa hojjattu,dandeettii qoruumsa jala dhaabbachuu fi dandeettii hooggansaa kee irratti hundaa'a.

Nothing is more expensive than a missed oppourtinity!

Akkam jirtu miseensonni Chaanaalii keenyaa.

Akkuma waliin jechaa turre leenjiin ijaarsa dhuunfaa tamsaasa kallattiitiin garee kana irratti darbu dhiyaatee jira.

Torban keessatti guyyaa tokkoof ni kennama.

Guyyaa Bitootessa 4,2017ALI tti ni eegala.

Sa'aatii: Galgala sa'aatii 3-4tti.


We human being are the Sum of



The results you have in your life. Are just the projections of the accumulated programming’s in your subconscious mind. “Subconscious “ means something not consciously recognized even by the owner of the mind.

So, studying hard, worrying, being depressed by comparing your results with others, fighting to pass, thinking that you are repeatedly failing,.., these are in your subconscious mind dominantly programmed. Do trying to change results, with out changing the source code is waste of time.

If you need to change your external environment (exam results, financial results, relationships, physical status, …) you need to change your internal environment (belief, attitude, programming, paradigm, …) first.

Remember all education including yours asked you nothing genius, just to remember and expected to retrieve your memory during exam. Even mostly to just Gus’s right (for multiple options) so you don’t need to be genius (which you already are whether you know it or not) to pass your exam. You just need to retrieve what you read. (Just like a machine)

You are incomparable to a machine, as you have all creative abilities in your hand ready to use it if you just believe by reprogramming your sub conscious mind.

To reprogram your subconscious mind
1. Write down what result you want to have (make it so big that when you pass then you know for sure that this reprogramming does the miracle and you can always repeat when ever you want something.


2. Daily before you go to bed for 10 minutes close your eyes be in a calm place do three deep breath, and read in your mind what you wrote THINK, FEEL, and SPEAK in your mind as if you got the results and be happy and greatful for it. Creat mental picture of your exact moment when you see the exam result and you got what you wanted and the reactions and happiness you express.

After that write on your gratitude journal 50 times (Thsnk you for my ………… (score) result.

Then go to bed. No social media after this.

Do nothing to change the result, just live your normal life.

3. In the morning when you wake up silently but with power and deep emotion say
I am confident
I am dignified
I am a winner
I love myself
I respect my self
I am successful!
I respect myself! Do it for 10 minutes repeatedly.

Then on your gratitude journal write 20 things that you are already grateful about in your life.

See you at your great results!

By Netsanet Zenebe

"Network Marketing gives people the opportunity ,with very low risk and very low financial commitment ,to build their own income-generating asset and acquire great wealth".
Robert Kiyosaki

Anyone who wants to do the network marketing


“Let your passion to achieve be so strong that even the fear of losing doesn't stop you from trying.”

Every dream we have, every journey we embark on, and every step we take comes with the understanding that success is not guaranteed. However, if we allow fear to prevent us from trying, we will miss out on the opportunity to experience the path to success.

It’s natural to have doubts and fears at times. You may even question your journey repeatedly along the way, but don’t let fear and doubt undermine your strength. You are strong and resilient.

Give yourself a chance and take that leap. When you are truly passionate and driven, you can achieve your goals. Even if you don’t end up exactly where you want to be, you will certainly be closer to it.

Hordoftoonni amantaa Muslimaa hundi baga ji'a Ramadaanaa geessan.

Ji'a milkii isiniif haata'u.

Networkmarketing namoota abjuuf mul'ata qabaniif malee hin ta'u.

Namni mul'ata qabu immoo nama addunyaa keessaa 4"% jedhama.

Kanaafuu namoonni hedduun indaastirii kanatti hirmachuu diduun nama hin dinqu!

Google is FREE.
YouTube is FREE.
ChatGPT is FREE.
Podcasts are FREE.
The Library is FREE.

Knowledge is everywhere.
Start learning and earning if you want to change your life. No Excuses!

Network Marketing hojjachuun dhangaa jireenyaa dhandhamuudha.

Baguman indaastirii kana keesaa hojjadhe.

Namoonni nu waliin dalaguu feetan na dubbisaa

Ganama sochii qaamatiin eegalle.

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#etcare #icare #youcare #wecare

Etcare namoota promotion Arba Minch galmaan.gahan 100 ol fudhatee gara Arba Minch deemaa jira.

Bon Voyage

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Promotion Arba minch namoonni galmaan gahan deemsa eegaluuf.
Guyyaan: Guraandhala 8 hamma 11tti.
Turtii guyyaa 4 fi halkan 3 ni taasifna.
Baasii tokko malee waliin dabarsina.
Congratulation for Promotion Achievers

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