Репост из: Du Rove's Channel
👀 Big day today — Telegram has taken its first step toward becoming a video platform 📺
🤬 Until now, videos in channels were displayed in exactly the same format they were uploaded, often requiring users to wait and download gigabytes just to watch a short clip ☹️
▶️ With today’s update, however, Telegram servers will compress popular videos into multiple quality options and optimize them for streaming. Now, when you watch a video, Telegram automatically selects the most suitable quality based on your connection speed ⚙️
👏 As a result, watching videos on Telegram is now a far smoother experience! Our October update includes more features that redefine messaging — but I’ll let you fully focus on (spooky) videos this Halloween 🎃
🤬 Until now, videos in channels were displayed in exactly the same format they were uploaded, often requiring users to wait and download gigabytes just to watch a short clip ☹️
▶️ With today’s update, however, Telegram servers will compress popular videos into multiple quality options and optimize them for streaming. Now, when you watch a video, Telegram automatically selects the most suitable quality based on your connection speed ⚙️
👏 As a result, watching videos on Telegram is now a far smoother experience! Our October update includes more features that redefine messaging — but I’ll let you fully focus on (spooky) videos this Halloween 🎃