Ethiopia Vacancy

Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Английский
Категория: Карьера

Apply using Email/Online/POBox
ማስታወቂያ ለማሰራት ከታች ባለው አድራሻ ያግኙን
🅐🅓🅜🅘🅝 👉 @Yatabena_2022

Связанные каналы  |  Похожие каналы

Гео и язык канала
Эфиопия, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: 🔥Best folder disk channel🔥
እድሜዎት ስንት ነው?

የእርሶ እድሜ ከታች ካሉት ምርጫዎች በየትኛው ይመደባል?
እድሜ መዋሸት አይቻልም😳



🌓Gesund Cardiac and Medical Center (ጌዙንድ የልብና የውስጥ ደዌ ህክምና ማእከል)

🌓በጁኒየር ነርስ ፕሮፌሽናል የተመረቀች
የሥራ ልምድ ከ 0 እስከ 2 አመት

🌓እስከ 26-December-2024



🌓ሲኤምሲ ሚካኤል ቤተክርስቲያን ወረድ አስተዳደር ቢሮ በአካል በመቅረብ መመዝገብ

☎️ 011 667 62 69
📲 0994000095

🏗Junior Accountant

🏗Variety Electro Mechanical Engineering

🏗achelor’s degree in Accounting & Finance 0 –  2 years’ experience

🏗Open until 1-January-2025

🏗Work place:  Addis Ababa

🏗አድራሻ፡- ቦሌ መድኃኒያለም ትምህርት ቤት አካባቢ በእምነት ባር እና ሪስቶራት ጀርባ የማይመለስ ኮፒ የትምህርት የሥራ ልምድ እና የማመልከቻ ደብዳቤ ይዛችሁ በመቅረብ መመዝገብ ወይም


📲 0911082203
📲 0966833260

💡ሴልስ (ሰርቬየር)

💡Enyi General Business PLC

💡B.A ዲግሪ በማርኬቲንግ የተመረቀ በሙያው 0 ዓመት በሶሻል ሚዲያ ላይ ማስተዋወቅ የሚችል

💡እስከ 29-December-2024

💡አድራሻ: ፒያሳ 3F ሕንፃ 6ኛ ፎቅ ቢሮ ቁጥር 603 የማይመለስ ማመልከቻ፤ አጭር የግል ሁኔታ መግለጫ (CV) የትምህርትና የሥራ ልምድ ማስረጃ በግምባር በማቅረብ መመዝገብ

📲 0919-314242

IT Officer

Belayab Foods Production PLC

⚙Degree in Computer Science/related - 2 years of experience and working on CNET and CCTV is advantageous

⚙Open until 18-December-2024

⚙Work place: Addis Ababa Bole

⚙Submit application letter with non-returnable CV and copies of credentials to the address given below:
Belayab Foods Production PLC

Addis Ababa Next to Edna Mall, United Insurance Building 4th floor


👉የደንበኞች አያያዝ ባለሙያ

👉Yes Express

👉ዲፕሎማና ከዚያ በላይ በማርኬቲን፣ በቢዝነስ ማኔጅመንት፣ በከስተመር  አያያዝ፣ በሴልስ ፤ ሴክሬታሪያል ሳይንስ  ፤ኮምፒውተር እና ኢንፎርማሽን ቴክኖሎጅ እና  ተያያዥ የትምህርት ዘርፍ  የተመረቀ/ች - ዲፕሎማ 3 በድግሪ 2 ዓመት የሥራ ልምድ

👉እስከ 19-December-2024

👉ብዛት፡ አስር/10/

👉የሥራ ቦታ፡ ለሁሉም የሥራ ዘርፎች አዲስ አበባ ይሆናል፡፡

👉ማስረጃችሁን ከማይመለስ ፎቶኮፒና ማመልከቻ ጋር በማያያዝ  22 ከሚገኘው ከጎላጎል ህንፃ ወደ ቦሌ በሚወስደው መንገድ ኳሊቲ ህንጻ 1ኛ ፎቅ በአካል መታችሁ መመዝገብ  የምትችሉ ሲሆን ለክልል አመልካቾች በድርጅቱ ቅርንጫፍ ጽ/ቤት በአካል በመገኘት ማመልከት ትችላላችሁ፡፡

📲 0911240719
📲 0911690367
📲 0911690873
📲 0911690893/94/97

🪐Electrical Engineer

🪐SINOHYDRO Corporation Limited

🪐Undergraduate degree or above, major in electrical engineering and automation, power system and related majors - 0 year
-Excellent knowledge of MS Office (Word, Excel) and internet navigation.
-Strong written and verbal English communication skills.
-Good personality, strong teamwork spirit, and readiness to help others.
-Familiar with the basic principles of electrical engineering, master the relevant technologies of power transmission and distribution, and be proficient in using office and drawing software such as AutoCAD

🪐Open until 15-December-2024

🪐Work place: Addis Ababa

🪐Submit CV and education certificate to:
Location: 4 Kilo, Kebena, in front of the Kenya Embassy, 100 meters from the IPDC Building near to Kidanemihret orthodox church.

🖱IT Officer

🖱Jambo Construction PLC

🖱BSc Degree in  information technology, computer science or related fields - 2 Years relevant experience

🖱Open until 15-December-2024

🖱Quantity: 2

🖱Place of work: Addis Ababa

🖱Submit their non–returnable application letter with copy of CV and credentials to Jambo Group Human Resource Department at Jambo Group Head Office Building, 5th Floor, Room No. 501

🖱Address; Jambo Group Head Office Building around Meskel Flower Hotel in front of St. Yared Church behind Abyssinia Bank

☎️ 011-557-13-35
☎️ 011-557-13-36

🌟Junior Certification

🌟Kerchanshe Group

🌟BSC in Environmental science, Agriculture, Natural resource Management, or other related - 0 year
-Excellent in writing ,Reading and Speaking Of Afan Oromo  is mandatory

-Communication and leadership skills,
-MS Office skills, Organization and planning skills,
-Local language for the specific site

🌟Open until 9-December-2024

🌟Work place: Oromia

🌟Submit recent CV via email at
- Please mention the job title “Junior Certification” in the subject line of email application

🌎Junior Accountant

🌎Abbahawa Trading plc

🌎Degree/ Diploma in Accounting or related field of study - 0/2 Years related experience
🌎Required Skills
-Oral and written communication
-Critical thinking
-Attention to detail

🌎Open until 9-December-2024

🌎Place of work: Head office

🌎Submit non-returnable application letters and copies of supporting documents with its original in person to corporate HR Department, Address Abbahawa Trading PLC, located on the road from Haile Garment Square to Lebu mebrat or
🌎Through email address to

☎️ 0114-71-15-75 



🌟Oluwa International PLC

🌟Degree Applied chemistry & related  - 0 አመት

🌟እስከ 12-December-2024

🌟ብዛት: 30
🌟ደመወዝ: 8500
🌟ዕድሜ:ከ25 ዓመት በታች

🌟የስራ ቦታ: አለም ገና አካባቢ

🌟የትምህርት ማስረጃችሁን እና የስራ ልምዳችሁን ዋናውን ከማይመለስ ፎቶ ኮፒ ጋር በመያዝ  መመዝገብ

📲 0954487462


🏭ፉድ ፕሮሰስ ቴክኖሎጂ ፤ ፉድ ሳይንስና ፖስት ሃርቨስት ቴክኖሎጂ፤ፉድና ባዮኬሚካል ቴክኖሎጂ፤ ኢንደስትሪያል ኬሚስትሪ፤ ኬሚካል ኢንጅነሪንግ እና ተዛማጅነት ያለው ሙያ

🏭Prima Food Processing PLC

🏭በፉድ ኢንጅነሪንግ ወይም ኬሚካል ኢንጅነሪንግ የመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ - በሙያው 0/1 ዓመት እና ከዚያ በላይ የስራ

🏭እስከ 10-December-2024

🏭ብዛት: 4

🏭የሥራ ቦታ: ዱከም

🏭የመመዝገቢያ ቦታ፡- ማረሚያ ቤት ጀርባ ጤና ዘይት ፋብሪካ አጠገብ ፕሪማ ፓስታና ማካሮኒ ዋና መስሪያ ቤት ግቢ

🏭የትምህርትና የሥራ ልምድ ማስረጃችሁን ዋናዉን እና የማይመለስ ፎቶ ኮፒ በመያዝ የሰዉ ኃይል አስተዳደር ቢሮ መመዝገብ

☎️ 0114628678


🌟የሂሳብ ባለሙያ

🌟Oluwa International PLC

🌟የመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ በአካዉንቲንግ - 0 አመት

🌟እስከ 12-December-2024

🌟ብዛት: 15
🌟ደመወዝ: 12‚000.00
🌟ዕድሜ:ከ25 ዓመት በታች

🌟የስራ ቦታ: አለም ገና አካባቢ

🌟የትምህርት ማስረጃችሁን እና የስራ ልምዳችሁን ዋናውን ከማይመለስ ፎቶ ኮፒ ጋር በመያዝ  መመዝገብ

📲 0954496862
📲 0954508362

🏦Junior Takaful Insurance Officer (Halal Takaful)
🏦Bachelor’s Degree in Banking & Insurance, Management  or  Accounting - 0 year
🏦GPA : 3.5 & above for female and 3.75 & above for male
🏦Open until 30-November-2024
🏦Work place: Head Office
🏦Apply only through postal address

Oromia Insurance S.C.
Human Resources Management Directorate
Ethio-China Avenue, Lidya Asnake Building 3rd floor
P.O Box 10090

ethiopiavacancy2 || ethiopiavacancy1


🌓የደንበኞች አገልግሎት መኮንን

🌓Tirit Microfinance Institution S.C

🌓በማኔጅመንትና ተዛማጅ የትምህርት መስክ ያለው/ያላት - ለዲግሪ 0 ዓመት ወይም ዲፕሎማ 2 ዓመት አግባብነት ያለው የስራ ልምድ
🌓እስከ 2-December-2024 ማመልከት

🌓ብዛት: 6

🌓የስራ ቦታ:  ቅርንጫፍ መ/ቤት

🌓ሲቪ፣ የትምህርት ማስረጃችሁንና የስራ ልምዳችሁን ዋናውንና ከማይመለስ  ፎቶ ኮፒ ጋር በመያዝ በአካል ሰሚት ፍርድ ቤት ፊት ለፊት 4E ህንፃ 2ኛ ፎቅ መመዝገብ

🌓ሴት አመልካቾች ይበረታታሉ፡፡

📲 0937648888
📲 0937948888

ethiopiavacancy2 || ethiopiavacancy1

🏦Junior Marketing Officer
🏦Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing or Management - 0 year
🏦GPA : 3.5 & above for female and 3.75 & above for male
🏦Open until 30-November-2024
🏦Work place: Head Office
🏦Apply only through postal address

Oromia Insurance S.C.
Human Resources Management Directorate
Ethio-China Avenue, Lidya Asnake Building 3rd floor
P.O Box 10090

ethiojobvacancy1 || ethiojobvacancy2

🏦Customer Service Officer

🏦Hijra Bank

🏦Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Management, Economics, or related fields - Two  (2) years of relevant experience. Knowledge of IFB will be advantageous

🏦Open until 4-December-2024

🏦Duty station: Addis Ababa, Gambela,  Dima, Bedele, Nekemte, Omo Naddaa, & Gatira

🏦Submit application letter, updated resume/CV, and Educational Certificates using below link:

🌕ጁኒየር አካውንታንት

🌕ዕለት ደራሽ የዕርዳታ ትራንስፖርት ድርጅት

🌕በአካውንቲንግ በፋይናንስ አስተዳደር /በአካውንቲንግና ፋይናንስ የመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ(0 ዓመት) ወይም 10+3 ወይም ደረጃ IV የኮሌጅ ዲፕሎማ 2 ዓመት አግባብ ያለው የስራ ልምድ

🌕ተጨማሪ ክህሎት/ባህሪ
-የኮምፒውተር ስልጠና (Basic computer operating skill)
-የፒችትሪ ወይም ተመሳሳይ አካውንቲንግ ሶፍትዌር አሰራር (Application) እውቀት


🌕የሥራ ቦታ:አዲስ አበባ

🌕እስከ 2-December-2024 ማመልከት

🌕የትምህርትና የሥራ ልምድ ማስረጃችሁን COCን ጨምሮ ኦርጅናል ከማይመለስ ፎቶኮፒ እና CV ጋር በመያዝ ቃሊቲ ሸገር ዳቦ መጋገሪያ ፊት ለፊት ንብ ኢንተርናሽናል ባንክ ካለበት ህንፃ ጀርባ 200 ሜትር ወደ ውስጥ የሚያስገባውን ፒስታ መንገድ ይዞ በሚገኘው መ/ቤታችን የሰው ሀብት ማሟላትና አስተዳደር ቡድን ቢሮ በመቅረብ መመዝገብ

☎️ 011-439-00-75

🏥Laboratory Technician

🏥Teklehaimanot General Hospital

🏥Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technician - 0 Years and above

🏥Open until 5-December-2024

🏥Submit CV & copies of other pertinent documents to HR Department, office No 502/5th Floor

🏥Duty station : Addis Ababa

🏥Address: Sumale Tera


📲 0996979838

Показано 20 последних публикаций.