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Hey there 👋, @borodutch from Voicy here. Exciting news—I've just rolled out a new project called lunchbreak.com!

Lunchbreak turns your inbox into a money-maker. Imagine charging folks to drop you a message—that’s our big idea.

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And get this: sign up and you'll snag a referral link. Share it with your friends, and you'll earn 2% on all the money moving in and out of your referrals. Pretty sweet way to earn some extra cash, right?

Come check it out and see how you can start making your inbox pay off at lunchbreak.com! I've launched it today and already made $100 in my table seat sale fees 🚀 My portfolio is already over $1700 and I didn't do much. Be early until it's too late.

P.S., if you have any issues, questions, or partnership opportunities, feel free to join our chat: t.me/+g9pbNN-QDFliMDlh 🚀🚀🚀

20 or 21. #RF_433MHz_Transmitter_Receiver

If you need data sent from one microcontroller to another, the 433MHz link modules are a cheap way to do that (all data is sent via Radio Frequency). Here’s the complete guide on how to use the 433MHz transmitter and receiver with the Arduino.


19. #DHT11_Temperature_and_Humidity Sensor

It’s a great little sensor to measure temperature and humidity in your room or outside. It integrates seamlessly with the Arduino. You can learn here how to use this module in your project.


18. #Accelerometer_Module

This module measures the acceleration. It’s commonly used in portable devices and video game controllers to detect movement and actions from the player.

17. #HC_SR501_Pyroelectric_Infrared_Sensor Module

A PIR sensor is a little module that allows you to detect movement from humans or pets. It’s easy to integrate with your microcontroller. You can learn here how to use this module with an Arduino.


16. #Breadboard_Power_Supply_Module 3.3V 5V

A simple module to power your breadboard. It supplies both 3.3V and 5V. This is specially useful to power up your breadboard circuits from an external power supply.


15. #5V_2_Channel_Relay Module

This is a 2 Channel 5V Relay Module. It allows you to control various appliances that operate at high voltages, with low voltages like 5V. It can be controlled directly by any microcontroller. Here’s the complete guide on how to use the relay module with the Arduino.


14. #IR_Infrared_Flame_Detection Sensor Module

Flame detection sensor module is sensitive to the flame, but also can detect ordinary light. This is usually used as a flame alarm. Detects a flame or a light source of a wavelength in the range of 760nm to 1100 nm. Detection point of about 60 degrees, particularly sensitive to the flame spectrum.


13. #Speed_Sensor Module

Tachometer is a simple module that allow you to test the speed of the motor. Widely used for motor speed detection, pulse count, position limit, and so on. 


12. #Passive_Buzzer Module

A simple sound making module. You set high or low to drive this module. By changing the frequency you’ll hear a different sound.


11. #Humidity_and_Rain_Detection_Sensor Module

This is a rain sensor. It’s used for all kinds of weather monitoring. Here’s the complete guide on how to use the rain sensor module with the Arduino.


10. #SW_420_Motion_Sensor Module Vibration Switch Alarm

This module can be used to trigger the effect of various vibration, theft alarm, intelligent car, earthquake alarm, motorcycle alarm, etc.


9. #MQ_2Gas_Sensor Module Smoke Methane Butane Detection

This sensor module utilizes an MQ-2 as the sensitive component and has a protection resistor and an adjustable resistor on board. The MQ-2 gas sensor is sensitive to LPG, i-butane, propane, methane, alcohol, Hydrogen and smoke. It could be used in gas leakage detecting equipments in family and industry. The resistance of the sensitive component changes as the concentration of the target gas changes. Here’s the complete guide on how to use the MQ-2 smoke sensor with the Arduino.

8. #Rotary_Encoder Module Brick Sensor Development Board

When you rotate the rotary encoder it counts in the positive direction and the reverse direction. Rotation counts are not limited. With the buttons on the rotary encoder, you can reset to its initial state and start counting from 0. 


7. #Digital_Thermal Sensor Module Temperature Sensor Module

The thermal sensor module is very sensitive to the ambient temperature, generally used to detect the ambient temperature. Through the adjustment of the potentiometer, you can change the temperature detection threshold. 

6. #Photoresistor_Sensor Module Light Detection Light

You can use this module for light detection with an Arduino. For example, you can build a Night Security Light project. 


5. #Digital_Barometric Pressure Sensor Board

You can use this module to measure the absolute pressure of the environment. By converting the pressure measures into altitude, you have a reliable sensor for determining the height of your robot or projectile, for example. This sensor also measures temperature and humidity. Here’s the complete guide on how to use this sensor.


3. #Soil_Hygrometer Detection Module Soil Moisture Sensor

This is a simple water sensor that can be used to detect soil moisture. It outputs a high signal when the moisture is above a certain threshold. You can also read an analog signal whose value is proportional to the moisture level. Use this sensor to create an automatic self-watering plant. Here’s the complete guide on how to use the hygrometer module with your Arduino.


2. #IR_Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor Module

This module is very easy to use and is often used in robots to detect objects near the sensor. These sensors have a digital output pin that outputs a signal when it detects an object. When the module detects an obstacle, the green indicator light on the board lights up. The module detects the distance 2 ~ 30cm, detection angle 35 °.


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