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Gatii Salphaan nu biratti argattu tesson keenya sabbata bankii daldalaa fuldura gadaa bankii irra 0930824849/0910466297

Ballema nu bira kotta

BeeksisaQacarri Dhabbatonni East African Bottiling COCA-Cola Jedhamu iddowan duwwa armaan gadii irratti dorgomtoota ulaaga guutan dorgomsisee qacaruu barbaada
1. Graduate in Training
 Gosa Barnootaa: - Bachelor’s degree in management, accounting and finance, banking and finance, economics, Management, marketing, business administration
and related fields.
 Muxannoo: 0
 Ebbifamtoota Bara 2015 fi 2016
 CGPA 3.00
 Iddoo Hojii Addis Ababa
2. Team Leader-Distribution
 Gosa Barnootaa Bachelor’s Degree in Logistics and Supplies Chain Management, Accounting, Business Administration or related field of studies
 Muxannoo: 3
 Iddoo Hojii Senkelle near ambo
Iddoon galmee Mana interneeti Borifan
 Tesson Sabbataa dhaaba taksi gamoo awash bankii irra lakk balb 102
 Lakk bilb 0910466297/0930824849 bilbiltani gafachu ni dandessu

Deadline Feb 25,2025

Haaraa fi haaaromsuuf
bellama ni qabsiisna
Adress Sebeta Borifan Computer shop
Office no 1 awash bank building 1st flour 102
No 2 geda bank 1st flour

Power socket

HP Elitebook 840 g3
Gen 6th
Core i5
Storage 1TB
Battery 5hrs
Price 28999 ETB
Adress Sebeta Borifan Computer shop
Office no 1 awash bank building 1st flour 102
No 2 geda bank 1st flour

HP Elitebook 840 g6
Gen 8th
Core i5
Storage 512 SSD
Battery 5hrs
Price 43999 ETB
Adress Sebeta Borifan Computer shop
Office no 1 awash bank building 1st flour 102
No 2 geda bank 1st flour

Samsung Galaxy A33
Model A3360
Network 5G
Screen size 6.4"
Screen type AMOLED 48MP
Storage 8/128GB
Processor Exynos 1280
Battery 5000mAh
Price 22999ETB

Original dviders price

12 last posts shown.