በቀላሉ ይሸለሙ!
A Challenge! 💬💰 to reward YOU!
📣ሳምንቶን በ3 አጭር ቃላት ይግለጹ!
"Describe Your Week in 3 Words" Challenge! 💬💰
🎁 Win Online Training & free internet Package(GB), Who ever get the most emojis(👍...) WINS
🏆 1st: 4GB + Online Full Leadership Course
🥈 2nd: 2GB + Online NLP Goal Setting (11 Classes)
🥉 3rd: 1GB + Online Finding "X" in Marketing (7 Classes)
How to Participate:
✔️ Describe your week in 3 words, in the comment below! ኮሜንት ላይ ገብተው ይጻፉ! ይሸለሙ!
✔️ Make it interesting, Let others give your emojis(👏👍❤️👌😃😇...)
✔️ Invite friend to like(👍), love(❤️) on 🫵🏼 comment, the more you get the better your chances of winning! እንዲያሸንፉ ወዳጆቾን ይጋብዙ!
https://t.me/MekhilETC ላይ ሳምንቶን በ3 ቃል ኮሜንት በማድረግ ብዙ Emoji(👍❤️😄👌🥰🫣😳...) በማግኘት ተሸላሚ ይሁኑ!
📅 ይፍጠኑ እስከ ማክሰኞ ማታ ብቻ ነው ያሎት! Emoji በemoji ይሁኑና ያሸንፉ፣ ያኔ challenge ያበቃል!
🏆 The more Emojis(❤️👍👌🙏👏💪👩🦲🐱...),The Bigger the Prize!
ሰውን በማብቃት አገርን ማብቃት!
መክህል የእድገት እና የስልጠና ማዕከል
A Challenge! 💬💰 to reward YOU!
📣ሳምንቶን በ3 አጭር ቃላት ይግለጹ!
"Describe Your Week in 3 Words" Challenge! 💬💰
🎁 Win Online Training & free internet Package(GB), Who ever get the most emojis(👍...) WINS
🏆 1st: 4GB + Online Full Leadership Course
🥈 2nd: 2GB + Online NLP Goal Setting (11 Classes)
🥉 3rd: 1GB + Online Finding "X" in Marketing (7 Classes)
How to Participate:
✔️ Describe your week in 3 words, in the comment below! ኮሜንት ላይ ገብተው ይጻፉ! ይሸለሙ!
✔️ Make it interesting, Let others give your emojis(👏👍❤️👌😃😇...)
✔️ Invite friend to like(👍), love(❤️) on 🫵🏼 comment, the more you get the better your chances of winning! እንዲያሸንፉ ወዳጆቾን ይጋብዙ!
https://t.me/MekhilETC ላይ ሳምንቶን በ3 ቃል ኮሜንት በማድረግ ብዙ Emoji(👍❤️😄👌🥰🫣😳...) በማግኘት ተሸላሚ ይሁኑ!
📅 ይፍጠኑ እስከ ማክሰኞ ማታ ብቻ ነው ያሎት! Emoji በemoji ይሁኑና ያሸንፉ፣ ያኔ challenge ያበቃል!
🏆 The more Emojis(❤️👍👌🙏👏💪👩🦲🐱...),The Bigger the Prize!
ሰውን በማብቃት አገርን ማብቃት!
መክህል የእድገት እና የስልጠና ማዕከል